package io.scal.secureshareui.controller; import timber.log.Timber; import io.scal.secureshareui.login.SoundCloudLoginActivity; import io.scal.secureshareui.model.Account; import io.scal.secureshareui.soundcloud.ApiWrapper; import io.scal.secureshareui.soundcloud.Endpoints; import io.scal.secureshareui.soundcloud.Params; import io.scal.secureshareui.soundcloud.Request; import io.scal.secureshareui.soundcloud.Token; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; public class SoundCloudSiteController extends SiteController { private static final String TAG = "SoundCloudSiteController"; public static final String SITE_NAME = "SoundCloud"; public static final String SITE_KEY = "soundcloud"; // TODO move soundcloud SM credentials into xml public static final String APP_CLIENT_ID = "e2d4d40b81830314350f0154bc88977a"; // FIXME move these into xml files that are .gitignored public static final String APP_CLIENT_SECRET = "00aea4c562e3561614f1d177f1e672a7"; public SoundCloudSiteController(Context context, Handler handler, String jobId) { super(context, handler, jobId); } @Override public void startAuthentication(Account account) { Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, SoundCloudLoginActivity.class); intent.putExtra(SiteController.EXTRAS_KEY_CREDENTIALS, account.getCredentials()); ((Activity) mContext).startActivityForResult(intent, SiteController.CONTROLLER_REQUEST_CODE); // FIXME not a safe cast, context might be a service } @Override public void upload(Account account, HashMap<String, String> valueMap) { Timber.d("Upload file: Entering upload"); String title = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_TITLE); String body = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_BODY); String mediaPath = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_MEDIA_PATH); boolean useTor = (valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_USE_TOR).equals("true")) ? true : false; new UploadAsync().execute(title, body, mediaPath, account.getCredentials(), Boolean.valueOf(useTor).toString()); } private class UploadAsync extends AsyncTask<String, Void, String> { @Override protected String doInBackground(String... params) { uploadFile(params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3], params[4]); return "success"; } } private void uploadFile(String title, String body, String mediaPath, String credentials, String useTor) { final ApiWrapper wrapper = new ApiWrapper(APP_CLIENT_ID, // client_id APP_CLIENT_SECRET, // client_secret null, // redirect URI new Token(credentials, "0")); // token // FIXME should we be using refresh? if (torCheck(Boolean.parseBoolean(useTor), mContext)) { URI uri = null; try { uri = new URI("http", null, ORBOT_HOST, ORBOT_HTTP_PORT, null, null, null); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { Log.v(TAG, "URISyntaxException: " + e.toString()); } wrapper.setProxy(uri); } File audioFile = new File(mediaPath); if (audioFile.exists()) { try { HttpResponse response = .add(Params.Track.TITLE, title) .add(Params.Track.TAG_LIST, "storymaker upload") .withFile(Params.Track.ASSET_DATA, audioFile)); int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if ((code >= 200) && (code < 300)) { HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); String responseString = EntityUtils.toString(entity, "UTF-8"); jobSucceeded(responseString); } else { Timber.d("upload failed: " + response.getStatusLine().toString()); jobFailed(null, response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(), response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.v(TAG, "IOException: " + e.toString()); jobFailed(e, 98239723, e.toString()); // FIXME error code } } } @Override public void startMetadataActivity(Intent intent) { return; // nop } }