package io.scal.secureshareui.controller; import timber.log.Timber; import timber.log.Timber; import io.scal.secureshareui.lib.ArchiveMetadataActivity; import io.scal.secureshareui.lib.Util; import io.scal.secureshareui.login.ArchiveLoginActivity; import io.scal.secureshareui.model.Account; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Handler; import android.util.Log; import com.squareup.okhttp.MediaType; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; public class ArchiveSiteController extends SiteController { public static final String SITE_NAME = "Internet Archive"; public static final String SITE_KEY = "archive"; private static final String TAG = "ArchiveSiteController"; static { METADATA_REQUEST_CODE = 1022783271; } private static final String ARCHIVE_API_ENDPOINT = ""; public static final MediaType MEDIA_TYPE = MediaType.parse(""); public ArchiveSiteController(Context context, Handler handler, String jobId) { super(context, handler, jobId); } @Override public void startAuthentication(Account account) { Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, ArchiveLoginActivity.class); intent.putExtra(SiteController.EXTRAS_KEY_CREDENTIALS, account.getCredentials()); ((Activity) mContext).startActivityForResult(intent, SiteController.CONTROLLER_REQUEST_CODE); // FIXME not a safe cast, context might be a service } @Override public void upload(Account account, HashMap<String, String> valueMap) { Timber.d("Upload file: Entering upload"); String mediaPath = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_MEDIA_PATH); boolean useTor = (valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_USE_TOR).equals("true")) ? true : false; String fileName = mediaPath.substring(mediaPath.lastIndexOf("/")+1, mediaPath.length()); String licenseUrl = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_LICENSE_URL); // TODO this should make sure we arn't accidentally using one of's metadata fields by accident String title = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_TITLE); boolean shareTitle = (valueMap.get(ArchiveMetadataActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_SHARE_TITLE).equals("true")) ? true : false; String slug = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_SLUG); String tags = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_TAGS); //always want to include these two tags tags += "presssecure,storymaker"; boolean shareTags = (valueMap.get(ArchiveMetadataActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_SHARE_TAGS).equals("true")) ? true : false; String author = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_AUTHOR); boolean shareAuthor = (valueMap.get(ArchiveMetadataActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_SHARE_AUTHOR).equals("true")) ? true : false; String profileUrl = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_PROFILE_URL); String locationName = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_LOCATION_NAME); boolean shareLocation = (valueMap.get(ArchiveMetadataActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_SHARE_LOCATION).equals("true")) ? true : false; String body = valueMap.get(VALUE_KEY_BODY); boolean shareDescription = (valueMap.get(ArchiveMetadataActivity.INTENT_EXTRA_SHARE_DESCRIPTION).equals("true")) ? true : false; File file = new File(mediaPath); if (!file.exists()) { jobFailed(null, 4000473, "Internet Archive upload failed: invalid file"); return; } String mediaType = Util.getMediaType(mediaPath); OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); if (super.torCheck(useTor, super.mContext)) { Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(ORBOT_HOST, ORBOT_HTTP_PORT)); client.setProxy(proxy); } // FIXME we are putting a random 4 char string in the bucket name for collision avoidance, we might want to do this differently? String urlPath = null; String url = null; if (shareTitle) { String randomString = new Util.RandomString(4).nextString(); urlPath = slug + "-" + randomString; url = ARCHIVE_API_ENDPOINT + "/" + urlPath + "/" + fileName; } else { urlPath = new Util.RandomString(16).nextString(); // FIXME need to use real GUIDs url = ARCHIVE_API_ENDPOINT + "/" + urlPath + "/" + fileName; } Timber.d("uploading to url: " + url); Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder() .url(url) .put(RequestBody.create(MEDIA_TYPE, file)) .addHeader("Accept", "*/*") .addHeader("x-amz-auto-make-bucket", "1") // .addHeader("x-archive-meta-collection", "storymaker") // .addHeader("x-archive-meta-sponsor", "Sponsor 998") .addHeader("x-archive-meta-language", "eng") // FIXME pull meta language from story .addHeader("authorization", "LOW " + account.getUserName() + ":" + account.getCredentials()); if(shareAuthor && author != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-author", author); if (profileUrl != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-authorurl", profileUrl); } } if (mediaType != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-mediatype", mediaType); if(mediaType.contains("audio")) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-collection", "opensource_audio"); } else { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-collection", "opensource_movies"); } } else { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-collection", "opensource_movies"); } if (shareLocation && locationName != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-location", locationName); } if (shareTags && tags != null) { String keywords = tags.replace(',', ';').replaceAll(" ", ""); builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-subject", keywords); } if (shareDescription && body != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-description", body); } if (shareTitle && title != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-title", title); } if (licenseUrl != null) { builder.addHeader("x-archive-meta-licenseurl", licenseUrl); } Request request =; UploadFileTask uploadFileTask = new UploadFileTask(client, request); uploadFileTask.execute(); } class UploadFileTask extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> { private OkHttpClient client; private Request request; private Response response; public UploadFileTask(OkHttpClient client, Request request) { this.client = client; this.request = request; } @Override protected String doInBackground(String... params) { Timber.d("Begin Upload"); try { response = client.newCall(request).execute(); Timber.d("response: " + response + ", body: " + response.body().string()); if (!response.isSuccessful()) { jobFailed(null, 4000001, "Archive upload failed: Unexpected Response Code: " + "response: " + response + ", body: " + response.body().string()); } else { jobSucceeded(response.request().urlString()); } } catch (IOException e) { jobFailed(null, 4000002, "Archive upload failed: IOException"); try { Timber.d(response.body().string()); } catch (IOException e1) { Timber.d("exception: " + e1.getLocalizedMessage() + ", stacktrace: " + e1.getStackTrace()); } } return "-1"; } } @Override public void startMetadataActivity(Intent intent) { // get the intent extras and launch the new intent with them } }