package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; public class WorkerConfig extends Config { private static final ConfigDef config; public static final String SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_ID = ""; private static final String SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_ID_DOC = "Id assigned in all worker nodes to the Dataset representing" + "the synthetic generator of data"; public static final String SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_TYPE = "syntheticdatagen.type"; private static final String SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_TYPE_DOC = "The type of data generator to use for generating synthetic data"; public static final String PROPERTIES_FILE = "properties.file"; public static final String PROPERTIES_RESOURCE_FILE = ""; private static final String PROPERTIES_FILE_DOC = "Optional argument to indicate a properties file"; public static final String DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_TYPE = "deployment_target.type"; private static final String DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_TYPE_DOC = "The target cluster to which the master will submit queries." + "Physical cluster(0), yarn container(1), lxc, docker, etc"; public static final String WORKER_IP = "worker.ip"; private static final String WORKER_IP_DOC = "The IP in which workers will bind their servers"; public static final String CONTROL_PORT = "worker.port"; private static final String CONTROL_PORT_DOC = "The port in which workers will receive commands from the master"; public static final String DATA_PORT = "data.port"; private static final String DATA_PORT_DOC = "The port used to receive data through the network"; public static final String MASTER_IP = "master.ip"; private static final String MASTER_IP_DOC = "The Ip where the master is listening"; public static final String MASTER_PORT = "master.port"; private static final String MASTER_PORT_DOC = "The port where the master is listening"; public static final String MASTER_CONNECTION_RETRIES = "master.connection.retries.number"; private static final String MASTER_CONNECTION_RETRIES_DOC = "Maximum number of attemps to connect to master"; public static final String MASTER_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS = ""; private static final String MASTER_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS_DOC = "Time between retries when reconnecting to master"; public static final String ENGINE_TYPE = "engine.type"; private static final String ENGINE_TYPE_DOC = "Defines the type of processing engine that will process data"; public static final String NUM_NETWORK_READER_THREADS = "network.reader.threads.num"; private static final String NUM_NETWORK_READER_THREADS_DOC = "Total number of threads responsible for reading from the network"; public static final String NUM_NETWORK_WRITER_THREADS = "network.writer.threads.num"; private static final String NUM_NETWORK_WRITER_THREADS_DOC = "Total number of threads responsible for writing to the network"; public static final String MAX_PENDING_NETWORK_CONNECTION_PER_THREAD = "max.pending.connection.thread"; private static final String MAX_PENDING_NETWORK_CONNECTION_PER_THREAD_DOC = "Max. number of pending connections per thread"; public static final String SIMPLE_INPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH = "simple.input.queue.length"; private static final String SIMPLE_INPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH_DOC = "The length of a simple input queue, in case this is configured"; public static final String BATCH_SIZE = "batch.size"; private static final String BATCH_SIZE_DOC = "Recommended maximum batch size in bytes. Note that this is not enforced, the system" + "will try to achieve this size on a best effort basis"; public static final String APP_BATCH_SIZE = "app.batch.size"; private static final String APP_BATCH_SIZE_DOC = "The total number of tuples batched at the application level"; public static final String MAX_WAIT_TIME_PER_INPUTADAPTER_MS = ""; private static final String MAX_WAIT_TIME_PER_INPUTADAPTER_MS_DOC = "Maximum time an engine will poll a given inputadapter" + "for data. It only applies to certain inputAdapters."; public static final String REPORT_METRICS_CONSOLE_PERIOD = ""; private static final String REPORT_METRICS_CONSOLE_PERIOD_DOC = "Positive number to indicate after how many seconds to report metrics" + "via the console, or -1|0 to not report via console"; public static final String REPORT_METRICS_JMX= ""; private static final String REPORT_METRICS_JMX_DOC = "Activate JMX reporting. Requires MBeans plugin in visualVM to visualize"; public static final String BUFFERPOOL_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE = "bufferpool.min.buffer.size"; private static final String BUFFERPOOL_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE_DOC = "Minimum size of newly allocated buffers"; public static final String BUFFERPOOL_MAX_MEM_AVAILABLE = "bufferpool.max.memory.available"; private static final String BUFFERPOOL_MAX_MEM_AVAILABLE_DOC = "Maximum memory available to the buffer pool"; public static final String SHUFFLE_NUM_PARTITIONS = "shuffle.partitions.num"; private static final String SHUFFLE_NUM_PARTITIONS_DOC = "Configures the default number of partitions per DataReference per partition"; static{ long availableMemoryBytes = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); config = new ConfigDef().define(DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_TYPE, Type.INT, 0, Importance.HIGH, DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_TYPE_DOC) .define(SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_ID, Type.INT, -666, Importance.LOW, SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_ID_DOC) .define(SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_TYPE, Type.INT, 0, Importance.LOW, SYNTHETIC_DATA_GENERATOR_TYPE_DOC) .define(WORKER_IP, Type.STRING, null, Importance.MEDIUM, WORKER_IP_DOC) .define(CONTROL_PORT, Type.INT, 3500, Importance.HIGH, CONTROL_PORT_DOC) .define(MASTER_PORT, Type.INT, 3500, Importance.HIGH, MASTER_PORT_DOC) .define(MASTER_IP, Type.STRING, Importance.HIGH, MASTER_IP_DOC) .define(MASTER_CONNECTION_RETRIES, Type.INT, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Importance.LOW, MASTER_CONNECTION_RETRIES_DOC) .define(MASTER_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS, Type.INT, 3000, Importance.LOW, MASTER_RETRY_BACKOFF_MS_DOC) .define(ENGINE_TYPE, Type.INT, 0, Importance.MEDIUM, ENGINE_TYPE_DOC) .define(DATA_PORT, Type.INT, 4500, Importance.MEDIUM, DATA_PORT_DOC) .define(NUM_NETWORK_READER_THREADS, Type.INT, 2, Importance.MEDIUM, NUM_NETWORK_READER_THREADS_DOC) .define(NUM_NETWORK_WRITER_THREADS, Type.INT, 2, Importance.MEDIUM, NUM_NETWORK_WRITER_THREADS_DOC) .define(MAX_PENDING_NETWORK_CONNECTION_PER_THREAD, Type.INT, 10, Importance.LOW, MAX_PENDING_NETWORK_CONNECTION_PER_THREAD_DOC) .define(SIMPLE_INPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH, Type.INT, 100, Importance.MEDIUM, SIMPLE_INPUT_QUEUE_LENGTH_DOC) .define(BATCH_SIZE, Type.INT, 100, Importance.HIGH, BATCH_SIZE_DOC) .define(APP_BATCH_SIZE, Type.INT, 100, Importance.HIGH, APP_BATCH_SIZE_DOC) .define(MAX_WAIT_TIME_PER_INPUTADAPTER_MS, Type.INT, 500, Importance.MEDIUM, MAX_WAIT_TIME_PER_INPUTADAPTER_MS_DOC) .define(REPORT_METRICS_CONSOLE_PERIOD, Type.INT, -1, Importance.LOW, REPORT_METRICS_CONSOLE_PERIOD_DOC) .define(REPORT_METRICS_JMX, Type.INT, 1, Importance.MEDIUM, REPORT_METRICS_JMX_DOC) .define(PROPERTIES_FILE, Type.STRING, Importance.LOW, PROPERTIES_FILE_DOC) // 1MB = 1024 * 1024 = 1048576 // 10MB = 10 * 1024 * 1024 = 10485760 .define(BUFFERPOOL_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE, Type.INT, 10485760, Importance.MEDIUM, BUFFERPOOL_MIN_BUFFER_SIZE_DOC) .define(BUFFERPOOL_MAX_MEM_AVAILABLE, Type.LONG, (int)(availableMemoryBytes/2), Importance.HIGH, BUFFERPOOL_MAX_MEM_AVAILABLE_DOC) .define(SHUFFLE_NUM_PARTITIONS, Type.INT, (int)8, Importance.MEDIUM, SHUFFLE_NUM_PARTITIONS_DOC); } public WorkerConfig(Map<? extends Object, ? extends Object> originals) { super(config, originals); } public static ConfigKey getConfigKey(String name){ return config.getConfigKey(name); } public static List<ConfigKey> getAllConfigKey(){ return config.getAllConfigKey(); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(config.toHtmlTable()); } }