package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; public class ConfigDef { private static final Object NO_DEFAULT_VALUE = new String(""); private final Map<String, ConfigKey> configKeys = new HashMap<String, ConfigKey>(); public ConfigKey getConfigKey(String name){ return configKeys.get(name); } public List<ConfigKey> getAllConfigKey(){ return new ArrayList<ConfigKey>(configKeys.values()); } /** * Define a new configuration * @param name The name of the config parameter * @param type The type of the config * @param defaultValue The default value to use if this config isn't present * @param validator A validator to use in checking the correctness of the config * @param importance The importance of this config: is this something you will likely need to change. * @param documentation The documentation string for the config * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls */ public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation) { if (configKeys.containsKey(name)) throw new ConfigException("Configuration " + name + " is defined twice."); Object parsedDefault = defaultValue == NO_DEFAULT_VALUE ? NO_DEFAULT_VALUE : parseType(name, defaultValue, type); configKeys.put(name, new ConfigKey(name, type, parsedDefault, validator, importance, documentation)); return this; } /** * Define a new configuration with no special validation logic * @param name The name of the config parameter * @param type The type of the config * @param defaultValue The default value to use if this config isn't present * @param importance The importance of this config: is this something you will likely need to change. * @param documentation The documentation string for the config * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls */ public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Object defaultValue, Importance importance, String documentation) { return define(name, type, defaultValue, null, importance, documentation); } /** * Define a required parameter with no default value * @param name The name of the config parameter * @param type The type of the config * @param validator A validator to use in checking the correctness of the config * @param importance The importance of this config: is this something you will likely need to change. * @param documentation The documentation string for the config * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls */ public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Validator validator, Importance importance, String documentation) { return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, validator, importance, documentation); } /** * Define a required parameter with no default value and no special validation logic * @param name The name of the config parameter * @param type The type of the config * @param importance The importance of this config: is this something you will likely need to change. * @param documentation The documentation string for the config * @return This ConfigDef so you can chain calls */ public ConfigDef define(String name, Type type, Importance importance, String documentation) { return define(name, type, NO_DEFAULT_VALUE, null, importance, documentation); } /** * Parse and validate configs against this configuration definition. The input is a map of configs. It is expected * that the keys of the map are strings, but the values can either be strings or they may already be of the * appropriate type (int, string, etc). This will work equally well with either java.util.Properties instances or a * programmatically constructed map. * @param props The configs to parse and validate * @return Parsed and validated configs. The key will be the config name and the value will be the value parsed into * the appropriate type (int, string, etc) */ public Map<String, Object> parse(Map<?, ?> props) { /* parse all known keys */ Map<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (ConfigKey key : configKeys.values()) { Object value; if (props.containsKey( value = parseType(, props.get(, key.type); else if (key.defaultValue == NO_DEFAULT_VALUE) throw new ConfigException("Missing required configuration \"" + + "\" which has no default value."); else value = key.defaultValue; values.put(, value); } return values; } /** * Parse a value according to its expected type. * @param name The config name * @param value The config value * @param type The expected type * @return The parsed object */ private Object parseType(String name, Object value, Type type) { try { String trimmed = null; if (value instanceof String) trimmed = ((String) value).trim(); switch (type) { case BOOLEAN: if (value instanceof String) return Boolean.parseBoolean(trimmed); else if (value instanceof Boolean) return value; else throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be either true or false"); case STRING: if (value instanceof String) return trimmed; else throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be a string, but it was a " + value.getClass().getName()); case INT: if (value instanceof Integer) { return (Integer) value; } else if (value instanceof String) { return Integer.parseInt(trimmed); } else { throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be an number."); } case LONG: if (value instanceof Integer) return ((Integer) value).longValue(); if (value instanceof Long) return (Long) value; else if (value instanceof String) return Long.parseLong(trimmed); else throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be an number."); case DOUBLE: if (value instanceof Number) return ((Number) value).doubleValue(); else if (value instanceof String) return Double.parseDouble(trimmed); else throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected value to be an number."); case LIST: if (value instanceof List) return (List<?>) value; else if (value instanceof String) if (trimmed.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyList(); else return Arrays.asList(trimmed.split("\\s*,\\s*", -1)); else throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected a comma separated list."); case CLASS: if (value instanceof Class) return (Class<?>) value; else if (value instanceof String) return Class.forName(trimmed); else throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Expected a Class instance or class name."); default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown type."); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Not a number of type " + type); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigException(name, value, "Class " + value + " could not be found."); } } /** * The config types */ public enum Type { BOOLEAN(Boolean.class), STRING(String.class), INT(Integer.class), LONG(Long.class), DOUBLE(Double.class), LIST(List.class), CLASS(Object.class); private Class<?> clazz; Type(Class<?> clazz){ this.clazz = clazz; } public Class<?> ofClass(){ return this.clazz; } } public enum Importance { HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW } /** * Validation logic the user may provide */ public interface Validator { public void ensureValid(String name, Object o); } /** * Validation logic for numeric ranges */ public static class Range implements Validator { private final Number min; private final Number max; private Range(Number min, Number max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; } /** * A numeric range that checks only the lower bound * @param min The minimum acceptable value */ public static Range atLeast(Number min) { return new Range(min, null); } /** * A numeric range that checks both the upper and lower bound */ public static Range between(Number min, Number max) { return new Range(min, max); } public void ensureValid(String name, Object o) { Number n = (Number) o; if (min != null && n.doubleValue() < min.doubleValue()) throw new ConfigException(name, o, "Value must be at least " + min); if (max != null && n.doubleValue() > max.doubleValue()) throw new ConfigException(name, o, "Value must be no more than " + max); } public String toString() { if (min == null) return "[...," + max + "]"; else if (max == null) return "[" + min + ",...]"; else return "[" + min + ",...," + max + "]"; } } public static class ValidString implements Validator { List<String> validStrings; private ValidString(List<String> validStrings) { this.validStrings = validStrings; } public static ValidString in(List<String> validStrings) { return new ValidString(validStrings); } @Override public void ensureValid(String name, Object o) { String s = (String) o; if (!validStrings.contains(s)) { throw new ConfigException(name,o,"String must be one of:" +join(validStrings)); } } public String toString() { return "[" + join(validStrings) + "]"; } private String join(List<String> list) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (String item : list) { if (first) first = false; else sb.append(","); sb.append(item); } return sb.toString(); } } public String toHtmlTable() { // sort first required fields, then by importance, then name List<ConfigKey> configs = new ArrayList<ConfigKey>(this.configKeys.values()); Collections.sort(configs, new Comparator<ConfigKey>() { public int compare(ConfigKey k1, ConfigKey k2) { // first take anything with no default value if (!k1.hasDefault() && k2.hasDefault()) return -1; else if (!k2.hasDefault() && k1.hasDefault()) return 1; // then sort by importance int cmp = k1.importance.compareTo(k2.importance); if (cmp == 0) // then sort in alphabetical order return; else return cmp; } }); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("<table>\n"); b.append("<tr>\n"); b.append("<th>Name</th>\n"); b.append("<th>Type</th>\n"); b.append("<th>Default</th>\n"); b.append("<th>Importance</th>\n"); b.append("<th>Description</th>\n"); b.append("</tr>\n"); for (ConfigKey def : configs) { b.append("<tr>\n"); b.append("<td>"); b.append(; b.append("</td>"); b.append("<td>"); b.append(def.type.toString().toLowerCase()); b.append("</td>"); b.append("<td>"); b.append(def.defaultValue == null ? "" : def.defaultValue); b.append("</td>"); b.append("<td>"); b.append(def.importance.toString().toLowerCase()); b.append("</td>"); b.append("<td>"); b.append(def.documentation); b.append("</td>"); b.append("</tr>\n"); } b.append("</table>"); return b.toString(); } }