package hudson.plugins.accurev.delegates; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.plugins.accurev.*; import hudson.plugins.accurev.cmd.*; import hudson.scm.PollingResult; import hudson.scm.SCMRevisionState; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; /** * Performs actual SCM operations */ public abstract class AbstractModeDelegate { protected static final String ACCUREV_WORKSPACE = "ACCUREV_WORKSPACE"; protected static final String ACCUREV_REFTREE = "ACCUREV_REFTREE"; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AbstractModeDelegate.class.getName()); private static final String ACCUREV_DEPOT = "ACCUREV_DEPOT"; private static final String ACCUREV_STREAM = "ACCUREV_STREAM"; private static final String ACCUREV_SERVER = "ACCUREV_SERVER"; private static final String ACCUREV_SERVER_HOSTNAME = "ACCUREV_SERVER_HOSTNAME"; private static final String ACCUREV_SERVER_PORT = "ACCUREV_SERVER_PORT"; private static final String ACCUREV_SUBPATH = "ACCUREV_SUBPATH"; private static final String ACCUREV_LATEST_TRANSACTION_ID = "ACCUREV_LATEST_TRANSACTION_ID"; private static final String ACCUREV_LATEST_TRANSACTION_DATE = "ACCUREV_LATEST_TRANSACTION_DATE"; private static final String ACCUREV_HOME = "ACCUREV_HOME"; private static final String ACCUREVLASTTRANSFILENAME = "AccurevLastTrans.txt"; private static final String POPULATE_FILES = "PopulateFiles.txt"; public final AccurevSCM scm; protected Launcher launcher; protected AccurevSCM.AccurevServer server; protected EnvVars accurevEnv; protected FilePath jenkinsWorkspace; protected TaskListener listener; protected FilePath accurevWorkingSpace; protected String localStream; protected Date startDateOfPopulate; protected String accurevTool; public AbstractModeDelegate(AccurevSCM scm) { this.scm = scm; } public void setup(Launcher launcher, FilePath jenkinsWorkspace, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException, InterruptedException { this.launcher = launcher; this.jenkinsWorkspace = jenkinsWorkspace; this.listener = listener; server = scm.getServer(); accurevEnv = new EnvVars(); if (jenkinsWorkspace != null) { accurevWorkingSpace = new FilePath(jenkinsWorkspace, scm.getDirectoryOffset() == null ? "" : scm.getDirectoryOffset()); if (!accurevWorkingSpace.exists()) { accurevWorkingSpace.mkdirs(); } if (!Login.ensureLoggedInToAccurev(scm, server, accurevEnv, jenkinsWorkspace, listener, launcher)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Authentication failure"); } if (scm.isSynctime()) { listener.getLogger().println("Synchronizing clock with the server..."); if (!Synctime.synctime(scm, server, accurevEnv, jenkinsWorkspace, listener, launcher)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Synchronizing clock failure"); } } } } public PollingResult compareRemoteRevisionWith(Job<?, ?> project, Launcher launcher, FilePath jenkinsWorkspace, TaskListener listener, SCMRevisionState state) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (project.isInQueue()) { listener.getLogger().println("Project build is currently in queue."); return PollingResult.NO_CHANGES; } if (jenkinsWorkspace == null) { listener.getLogger().println("No workspace required."); // If we're claiming not to need a workspace in order to poll, then // workspace will be null. In that case, we need to run directly // from the project folder on the master. final File projectDir = project.getRootDir(); jenkinsWorkspace = new FilePath(projectDir); launcher = Jenkins.getInstance().createLauncher(listener); } listener.getLogger().println("Running commands from folder \"" + jenkinsWorkspace + '"'); setup(launcher, jenkinsWorkspace, listener); return checkForChanges(project); } protected abstract PollingResult checkForChanges(Job<?, ?> project) throws IOException, InterruptedException; public boolean checkout(Run<?, ?> build, Launcher launcher, FilePath jenkinsWorkspace, TaskListener listener, File changelogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException { setup(launcher, jenkinsWorkspace, listener); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(scm.getDepot())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must specify a depot"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(scm.getStream())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Must specify a stream"); } final EnvVars environment = build.getEnvironment(listener); accurevEnv.putAll(environment); localStream = environment.expand(scm.getStream()); listener.getLogger().println("Getting a list of streams..."); final Map<String, AccurevStream> streams = ShowStreams.getStreams(scm, localStream, server, accurevEnv, jenkinsWorkspace, listener, launcher); if (streams == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Stream(s) not found"); } if (!streams.containsKey(localStream)) { listener.fatalError("The specified stream, '" + localStream + "' does not appear to exist!"); throw new IllegalStateException("Specified stream not found"); } if (server.isUseColor()) { setStreamColor(); } return checkout(build, changelogFile) && populate(build) && captureChangeLog(build, changelogFile, streams); } private boolean captureChangeLog(Run<?, ?> build, File changelogFile, Map<String, AccurevStream> streams) throws IOException { try { AccurevTransaction latestTransaction = getLatestTransactionFromStreams(streams); if (latestTransaction == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The 'hist' command did not return a transaction. Does this stream have any history yet?"); } String latestTransactionID = latestTransaction.getId(); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); String latestTransactionDate = formatter.format(latestTransaction.getDate()); listener.getLogger().println("Latest Transaction ID: " + latestTransactionID); listener.getLogger().println("Latest transaction Date: " + latestTransactionDate); EnvVars envVars = new EnvVars(); envVars.put(ACCUREV_LATEST_TRANSACTION_ID, latestTransactionID); envVars.put(ACCUREV_LATEST_TRANSACTION_DATE, latestTransactionDate); AccurevPromoteTrigger.setLastTransaction(build.getParent(), latestTransactionID); build.addAction(new AccuRevHiddenParametersAction(envVars)); } catch (Exception e) { listener.error("There was a problem getting the latest transaction info from the stream."); e.printStackTrace(listener.getLogger()); } listener.getLogger().println( "Calculating changelog" + (scm.isIgnoreStreamParent() ? ", ignoring changes in parent" : "") + "..."); final Calendar startTime; Run<?, ?> previousBuild = null; if (build != null) previousBuild = build.getPreviousBuild(); if (previousBuild != null) startTime = previousBuild.getTimestamp(); else { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -7); startTime = c; } Map<String, GetConfigWebURL> webURL = ChangeLogCmd.retrieveWebURL(server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, logger, scm); AccurevStream stream = streams == null ? null : streams.get(localStream); if (stream == null) { // if there was a problem, fall back to simple stream check return ChangeLogCmd.captureChangelog(server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, startDateOfPopulate, startTime.getTime(), localStream, changelogFile, logger, scm, webURL); } // Too confusing reading it // This check is for whether to catch changes for one or multiple streams // ALso if it should ignore changes on Parent // Doing too much in too few lines to make it apparant // High potential for simple rewrite! if (!getChangesFromStreams(startTime, stream, changelogFile, webURL)) { return ChangeLogCmd.captureChangelog(server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, startDateOfPopulate, startTime.getTime(), localStream, changelogFile, logger, scm, webURL); } return true; } protected String getChangeLogStream() { return localStream; } private boolean getChangesFromStreams(final Calendar startTime, AccurevStream stream, File changelogFile, Map<String, GetConfigWebURL> webURL) throws IOException { List<String> changedStreams = new ArrayList<>(); // Capture changes in all streams and parents boolean capturedChangelog; do { File streamChangeLog = XmlConsolidateStreamChangeLog.getStreamChangeLogFile(changelogFile, stream); capturedChangelog = ChangeLogCmd.captureChangelog(server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, startDateOfPopulate, startTime == null ? null : startTime.getTime(), stream.getName(), streamChangeLog, logger, scm, webURL); if (capturedChangelog) { changedStreams.add(streamChangeLog.getName()); } stream = stream.getParent(); } while (stream != null && stream.isReceivingChangesFromParent() && capturedChangelog && startTime != null && !scm.isIgnoreStreamParent()); XmlConsolidateStreamChangeLog.createChangeLog(changedStreams, changelogFile, getUpdateFileName()); return capturedChangelog; } private AccurevTransaction getLatestTransactionFromStreams(Map<String, AccurevStream> streams) throws Exception { AccurevTransaction transaction = null; AccurevStream stream = streams.get(getChangeLogStream()); do { AccurevTransaction other = History.getLatestTransaction(scm, server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, stream.getName(), null); if (null == transaction && null != other) transaction = other; else if ((null != transaction && null != other) && Integer.parseInt(other.getId()) > Integer.parseInt(transaction.getId())) { transaction = other; } stream = stream.getParent(); } while (stream != null && stream.isReceivingChangesFromParent() && !scm.isIgnoreStreamParent()); return transaction; } public EnvVars getAccurevEnv() { return accurevEnv; } protected String getUpdateFileName() { return null; } protected abstract boolean checkout(Run<?, ?> build, File changeLogFile) throws IOException, InterruptedException; protected abstract String getPopulateFromMessage(); protected abstract String getPopulateStream(); protected boolean isPopulateRequired() { return !scm.isDontPopContent(); } protected boolean isSteamColorEnabled() { return false; } protected String getStreamColor() { return ""; } protected String getStreamColorStream() { return null; } private void setStreamColor() throws IOException { if (isSteamColorEnabled()) { SetProperty.setproperty(scm, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, accurevEnv, server, getStreamColorStream(), getStreamColor(), getStreamTypeParameter()); } } protected boolean populate(Run<?, ?> build, boolean populateRequired) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (populateRequired) { String stream = getPopulateStream(); int lastTransaction = NumberUtils.toInt(getLastBuildTransaction(build), 0); PopulateCmd pop = new PopulateCmd(); if (lastTransaction == 0 || accurevWorkingSpace.list("*", ".accurev").length == 0) { if (pop.populate(scm, launcher, listener, server, stream, true, getPopulateFromMessage(), accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv, null)) startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate(); else return false; } else { String filePath = getFileRevisionsTobePopulated(build, lastTransaction, getChangeLogStream());"populate file path " + filePath); if (filePath != null) { if (pop.populate(scm, launcher, listener, server, stream, true, getPopulateFromMessage(), accurevWorkingSpace, accurevEnv, filePath)) { startDateOfPopulate = pop.get_startDateOfPopulate(); deletePopulateFile(filePath); } else { deletePopulateFile(filePath); return false; } } startDateOfPopulate = new Date(); } } else { startDateOfPopulate = new Date(); } return true; } protected boolean populate(Run<?, ?> build) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return populate(build, isPopulateRequired()); } public void buildEnvVars(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Map<String, String> env) { try { setup(null, null, TaskListener.NULL); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException ex) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "buildEnvVars", ex); } if (scm.getDepot() != null) { env.put(ACCUREV_DEPOT, scm.getDepot()); } else { env.put(ACCUREV_DEPOT, ""); } if (scm.getStream() != null) { env.put(ACCUREV_STREAM, scm.getStream()); } else { env.put(ACCUREV_STREAM, ""); } if (server != null && server.getName() != null) { env.put(ACCUREV_SERVER, server.getName()); } else { env.put(ACCUREV_SERVER, ""); } if (server != null && server.getHost() != null) { env.put(ACCUREV_SERVER_HOSTNAME, server.getHost()); } else { env.put(ACCUREV_SERVER_HOSTNAME, ""); } if (server != null && server.getPort() > 0) { env.put(ACCUREV_SERVER_PORT, Integer.toString(server.getPort())); } else { env.put(ACCUREV_SERVER_PORT, ""); } env.put(ACCUREV_WORKSPACE, ""); env.put(ACCUREV_REFTREE, ""); if (scm.getSubPath() != null) { env.put(ACCUREV_SUBPATH, scm.getSubPath()); } else { env.put(ACCUREV_SUBPATH, ""); } // ACCUREV_HOME is added to the build env variables if (System.getenv(ACCUREV_HOME) != null) { env.put(ACCUREV_HOME, System.getenv(ACCUREV_HOME)); } buildEnvVarsCustom(build, env); } protected void buildEnvVarsCustom(AbstractBuild<?, ?> build, Map<String, String> env) { // override to put implementation specific values } /** * get color type parameter from the AccuRev Version If version less than 6 or equal to 6.0.x the color parameter will be style if * version greater than 6 like 6.1.x or 7 then color parameter will streamStyle * * @return String */ private String getStreamTypeParameter() { String fullVersion = GetAccuRevVersion.getAccuRevVersion().trim(); String partialversion = fullVersion.substring(fullVersion.indexOf(" ") + 1); String version = partialversion.substring(0, partialversion.indexOf(" ")); String[] versionSplits = version.split("\\."); String type = ((Integer.parseInt(versionSplits[0]) < 6) || (Integer.parseInt(versionSplits[0]) == 6 && Integer .parseInt(versionSplits[1]) < 1)) ? "style" : "streamStyle";"Current AccuRev version " + fullVersion + " color type parameter " + type); return type; } /** * Get last transaction build from the jenkins for the currently running project * * @return String * @throws IOException Failing to read file */ private String getLastBuildTransaction(Run<?, ?> build) throws IOException { File f = new File(build.getParent().getRootDir(), ACCUREVLASTTRANSFILENAME); if (!f.exists()) { return null; } try (BufferedReader br = Files.newBufferedReader(f.toPath(), UTF_8)) { return br.readLine(); } } /** * Get list of new files to be added into the jenkins build from a given a transaction. * * @param lastTransaction the last transaction stored * @param stream stream populate from * @return String * @throws IOException failed to open file */ private String getFileRevisionsTobePopulated(Run<?, ?> build, int lastTransaction, String stream) throws IOException { List<AccurevTransaction> transactions = History.getTransactionsAfterLastTransaction(scm, server, accurevEnv, accurevWorkingSpace, listener, launcher, stream, lastTransaction); // collect all the files from the list of transactions and remove duplicates from the list of files. List<String> fileRevisions = transactions .stream() .filter(t -> t != null && !(t.getAction().equals("defunct"))) .map(AccurevTransaction::getAffectedPaths) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .collect(Collectors.toList()) .parallelStream() .distinct() .collect(Collectors.toList()); return (!fileRevisions.isEmpty()) ? getPopulateFilePath(build, fileRevisions) : null; } /** * Create a text file to keep the list of files to be populated. * * @param fileRevisions current file revisions * @return String */ private String getPopulateFilePath(Run<?, ?> build, List<String> fileRevisions) { BufferedWriter bw = null; File populateFile; String filepath = null; try { populateFile = new File(build.getParent().getRootDir(), POPULATE_FILES); filepath = populateFile.getAbsolutePath();"populate file path is " + populateFile.getAbsolutePath()); bw = Files.newBufferedWriter(populateFile.toPath(), UTF_8); for (String filePath : fileRevisions) { bw.write(filePath); bw.newLine(); } } catch (IOException exe) {"Exception happend to write in a file." + exe); } finally { try { if (bw != null) bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) {"Exception happend to close the buffered writer." + ex); } } return filepath; } private void deletePopulateFile(String filePath) { File populateFile = new File(filePath); boolean deleted = populateFile.delete();"temporary file deleted " + deleted); } }