package hudson.plugins.accurev; import hudson.AbortException; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.Launcher.ProcStarter; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Node; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.plugins.accurev.parsers.output.ParseIgnoreOutput; import hudson.plugins.accurev.parsers.output.ParseLastFewLines; import hudson.plugins.accurev.parsers.output.ParseOutputToStream; import hudson.util.ArgumentListBuilder; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import jenkins.plugins.accurev.AccurevTool; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory; import javax.annotation.CheckForNull; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Utility class that knows how to run AccuRev commands and (optionally) have * something parse their output. */ public final class AccurevLauncher { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(AccurevLauncher.class.getName()); /** * Runs a command and returns <code>true</code> if it passed, * <code>false</code> if it failed, and logs the errors. * * @param humanReadableCommandName Human-readable text saying what this command is. This appears * in the logs if there is a failure. * @param accurevTool Which tool to find * @param launcher Means of executing the command. * @param machineReadableCommand The command to be executed. * @param synchronizationLockObjectOrNull The {@link Lock} object to be used to prevent concurrent * execution on the same machine, or <code>null</code> if no * synchronization is required. * @param environmentVariables The environment variables to be passed to the command. * @param directoryToRunCommandFrom The direction that the command should be run in. * @param listenerToLogFailuresTo One possible place to log failures, or <code>null</code>. * @param loggerToLogFailuresTo Another place to log failures, or <code>null</code>. * @param optionalFlagToCopyAllOutputToTaskListener Optional: If present and <code>true</code>, all command output * will also be copied to the listener if the command is * successful. * @return <code>true</code> if the command succeeded. * @throws IOException handle it above */ public static boolean runCommand(// @Nonnull final String humanReadableCommandName, // String accurevTool, @Nonnull final Launcher launcher, // @Nonnull final ArgumentListBuilder machineReadableCommand, // @Nullable final Lock synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, // @Nonnull final EnvVars environmentVariables, // @Nonnull final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // @Nonnull final TaskListener listenerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nullable final boolean... optionalFlagToCopyAllOutputToTaskListener) throws IOException { final Boolean result; final boolean shouldLogEverything = optionalFlagToCopyAllOutputToTaskListener != null && optionalFlagToCopyAllOutputToTaskListener.length > 0 && optionalFlagToCopyAllOutputToTaskListener[0]; if (shouldLogEverything) { result = runCommand(humanReadableCommandName, accurevTool, launcher, machineReadableCommand, synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, environmentVariables, directoryToRunCommandFrom, listenerToLogFailuresTo, loggerToLogFailuresTo, new ParseOutputToStream(), listenerToLogFailuresTo.getLogger()); } else { result = runCommand(humanReadableCommandName, accurevTool, launcher, machineReadableCommand, synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, environmentVariables, directoryToRunCommandFrom, listenerToLogFailuresTo, loggerToLogFailuresTo, new ParseIgnoreOutput(), null); } if (result == null) return false; return result; } /** * As * {@link #runCommand(String, String, Launcher, ArgumentListBuilder, Lock, EnvVars, FilePath, TaskListener, Logger, ICmdOutputParser, Object)} * but uses an {@link ICmdOutputXmlParser} instead. * * @param <TResult> The type of the result returned by the parser. * @param <TContext> The type of data to be passed to the parser. Can be * @param humanReadableCommandName Human readable command * @param accurevTool Which tool to find * @param launcher launcher * @param machineReadableCommand Machine readable command * @param synchronizationLockObjectOrNull Synchronization lock * @param environmentVariables Environment Variables * @param directoryToRunCommandFrom Where to run commands from * @param listenerToLogFailuresTo logging failures to listener * @param loggerToLogFailuresTo logging failures to logger * @param xmlParserFactory The {@link XmlPullParserFactory} to be used to create the * parser. If this is <code>null</code> then no command will be * executed and the function will return <code>null</code> * immediately. * @param commandOutputParser Command output parser * @param commandOutputParserContext Context of Command output parser * @return See above. * @throws IOException handle it above */ public static <TResult, TContext> TResult runCommand(// @Nonnull final String humanReadableCommandName, // String accurevTool, @Nonnull final Launcher launcher, // @Nonnull final ArgumentListBuilder machineReadableCommand, // @Nullable final Lock synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, // @Nonnull final EnvVars environmentVariables, // @Nonnull final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // @Nonnull final TaskListener listenerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final XmlPullParserFactory xmlParserFactory, // @Nonnull final ICmdOutputXmlParser<TResult, TContext> commandOutputParser, // @Nullable final TContext commandOutputParserContext) throws IOException { return runCommand(humanReadableCommandName, accurevTool, launcher, machineReadableCommand, synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, environmentVariables, directoryToRunCommandFrom, listenerToLogFailuresTo, loggerToLogFailuresTo, (cmdOutput, context) -> { XmlPullParser parser = null; try { parser = xmlParserFactory.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(cmdOutput, null); final TResult result = commandOutputParser.parse(parser, context); parser.setInput(null); parser = null; return result; } catch (XmlPullParserException ex) { logCommandException(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); return null; } finally { if (parser != null) { try { parser.setInput(null); } catch (XmlPullParserException ex) { logCommandException(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); } cmdOutput.close(); } } }, commandOutputParserContext); } /** * As * {@link #runCommand(String, String, Launcher, ArgumentListBuilder, Lock, EnvVars, FilePath, TaskListener, Logger, ICmdOutputParser, Object)} * but uses an {@link ICmdOutputXmlParser} instead. * * @param <TResult> The type of the result returned by the parser. * @param <TContext> The type of data to be passed to the parser. Can be * @param humanReadableCommandName Human readable command * @param accurevTool Which tool to find * @param launcher launcher * @param machineReadableCommand Machine readable command * @param synchronizationLockObjectOrNull Synchronization lock * @param environmentVariables Environment Variables * @param directoryToRunCommandFrom Where to run commands from * @param listenerToLogFailuresTo logging failures to listener * @param loggerToLogFailuresTo logging failures to logger * @param xmlParserFactory The {@link XmlPullParserFactory} to be used to create the * parser. If this is <code>null</code> then no command will be * executed and the function will return <code>null</code> * immediately. * @param commandOutputParser Command output parser * @param commandOutputParserContext Context of Command output parser * @return See above. * @throws IOException handle it above */ public static <TResult, TContext> TResult runHistCommandForAll(// @Nonnull final String humanReadableCommandName, // String accurevTool, @Nonnull final Launcher launcher, // @Nonnull final ArgumentListBuilder machineReadableCommand, // @Nullable final Lock synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, // @Nonnull final EnvVars environmentVariables, // @Nonnull final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // @Nonnull final TaskListener listenerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final XmlPullParserFactory xmlParserFactory, // @Nonnull final ICmdOutputXmlParser<TResult, TContext> commandOutputParser, // @Nullable final TContext commandOutputParserContext) throws IOException { return runCommand(humanReadableCommandName, accurevTool, launcher, machineReadableCommand, synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, environmentVariables, directoryToRunCommandFrom, listenerToLogFailuresTo, loggerToLogFailuresTo, (cmdOutput, context) -> { XmlPullParser parser = null; try { parser = xmlParserFactory.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(cmdOutput, null); final TResult result = commandOutputParser.parseAll(parser, context); parser.setInput(null); parser = null; return result; } catch (XmlPullParserException ex) { logCommandException(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); return null; } finally { if (parser != null) { try { parser.setInput(null); } catch (XmlPullParserException ex) { logCommandException(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); } cmdOutput.close(); } } }, commandOutputParserContext); } /** * Runs a command a parses the output, returning the result of parsing that * output. Returns <code>null</code> if the command failed or if parsing * failed. Failures are logged. * * @param <TResult> The type of the result returned by the parser. * @param <TContext> The type of data to be passed to the parser. Can be * {@link Void} if no result is needed. * @param humanReadableCommandName Human-readable text saying what this command is. This appears * in the logs if there is a failure. * @param accurevTool Which tool to find * @param launcher Means of executing the command. * @param machineReadableCommand The command to be executed. * @param synchronizationLockObjectOrNull The {@link Lock} object to be used to prevent concurrent * execution on the same machine, or <code>null</code> if no * synchronization is required. * @param environmentVariables The environment variables to be passed to the command. * @param directoryToRunCommandFrom The direction that the command should be run in. * @param listenerToLogFailuresTo One possible place to log failures, or <code>null</code>. * @param loggerToLogFailuresTo Another place to log failures, or <code>null</code>. * @param commandOutputParser The code that will parse the command's output (if the command * succeeds). * @param commandOutputParserContext Data to be passed to the parser. * @return The data returned by the {@link ICmdOutputParser}, or * <code>null</code> if an error occurred. * @throws IOException handle it above */ public static <TResult, TContext> TResult runCommand(// @Nonnull final String humanReadableCommandName, // String accurevTool, @Nonnull final Launcher launcher, // @Nonnull final ArgumentListBuilder machineReadableCommand, // @Nullable final Lock synchronizationLockObjectOrNull, // @Nonnull final EnvVars environmentVariables, // @Nonnull final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // @Nonnull final TaskListener listenerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // @Nonnull final ICmdOutputParser<TResult, TContext> commandOutputParser, // @Nullable final TContext commandOutputParserContext) throws IOException { try (final ByteArrayStream stdout = new ByteArrayStream(); final ByteArrayStream stderr = new ByteArrayStream()) { final OutputStream stdoutStream = stdout.getOutput(); final OutputStream stderrStream = stderr.getOutput(); final ProcStarter starter = createProcess(launcher, machineReadableCommand, environmentVariables, directoryToRunCommandFrom, listenerToLogFailuresTo, stdoutStream, stderrStream, accurevTool); logCommandExecution(humanReadableCommandName, machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); try { final int commandExitCode = runCommandToCompletion(starter, synchronizationLockObjectOrNull); final InputStream outputFromCommand = stdout.getInput(); final InputStream errorFromCommand = stderr.getInput(); if (commandExitCode != 0) { logCommandFailure(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, commandExitCode, outputFromCommand, errorFromCommand, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); return null; } return commandOutputParser.parse(outputFromCommand, commandOutputParserContext); } catch (Exception ex) { logCommandException(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); return null; } } catch (InterruptedException | IOException ex) { logCommandException(machineReadableCommand, directoryToRunCommandFrom, humanReadableCommandName, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, listenerToLogFailuresTo); return null; } } public static AccurevTool resolveAccurevTool(String accurevTool, TaskListener listener) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(accurevTool)) return AccurevTool.getDefaultInstallation(); AccurevTool accurev = Jenkins.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(AccurevTool.DescriptorImpl.class).getInstallation(accurevTool); if (accurev == null) { listener.getLogger().println("Selected Accurev installation does not exist. Using Default"); accurev = AccurevTool.getDefaultInstallation(); } return accurev; } /** * @param accurevTool Which tool to find * @param builtOn node where build was performed * @param env environment variables used in the build * @param listener build log * @return accurev exe for builtOn node, often "Default" */ public static String getAccurevExe(String accurevTool, Node builtOn, EnvVars env, TaskListener listener) { AccurevTool tool = resolveAccurevTool(accurevTool, listener); if (builtOn != null) { try { tool = tool.forNode(builtOn, listener); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { listener.getLogger().println("Failed to get accurev executable"); } } if (env != null) { tool = tool.forEnvironment(env); } return tool.getHome(); } private static Integer runCommandToCompletion(// final ProcStarter starter, // final Lock synchronizationLockObjectOrNull) throws IOException, InterruptedException { try { if (synchronizationLockObjectOrNull != null) { synchronizationLockObjectOrNull.lock(); } return starter.join(); // Exit Code from Command } finally { if (synchronizationLockObjectOrNull != null) { synchronizationLockObjectOrNull.unlock(); } } } private static ProcStarter createProcess( @Nonnull final Launcher launcher, @Nonnull final ArgumentListBuilder machineReadableCommand, @Nonnull final EnvVars environmentVariables, @Nonnull final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, @Nonnull TaskListener listener, @Nonnull final OutputStream stdoutStream, @Nonnull final OutputStream stderrStream, String accurevTool) throws IllegalStateException, IOException, InterruptedException { String accurevPath = getAccurevExe(accurevTool, workspaceToNode(directoryToRunCommandFrom), environmentVariables, listener); if (StringUtils.isBlank(accurevPath)) accurevPath = "accurev"; if (!accurevPath.equals(machineReadableCommand.toCommandArray()[0])) machineReadableCommand.prepend(accurevPath); if (!justAccurev(launcher, accurevPath)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot find accurev executable. Please check installation/tool"); } ProcStarter starter = launcher.launch().cmds(machineReadableCommand); Node n = workspaceToNode(directoryToRunCommandFrom); environmentVariables.putAll(buildEnvironment(n, listener)); String path = null; FilePath filePath = null; if (null != n) filePath = n.getRootPath(); if (null != filePath) path = filePath.getRemote(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(path)) environmentVariables.putIfAbsent("ACCUREV_HOME", path); starter = starter.envs(environmentVariables); starter = starter.stdout(stdoutStream).stderr(stderrStream); starter = starter.pwd(directoryToRunCommandFrom); return starter; } private static void logCommandFailure(// final ArgumentListBuilder command, // final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // final String commandDescription, // final int commandExitCode, // final InputStream commandStdoutOrNull, // final InputStream commandStderrOrNull, // final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // final TaskListener taskListener) throws IOException { final String msg = commandDescription + " (" + command.toString() + ")" + " failed with exit code " + commandExitCode; String stderr = null; try { stderr = getCommandErrorOutput(commandStdoutOrNull, commandStderrOrNull); } catch (IOException ex) { logCommandException(command, directoryToRunCommandFrom, commandDescription, ex, loggerToLogFailuresTo, taskListener); } if (loggerToLogFailuresTo != null && (loggerToLogFailuresTo.isLoggable(Level.WARNING) || loggerToLogFailuresTo.isLoggable(Level.INFO))) { final String hostname = getRemoteHostname(directoryToRunCommandFrom); loggerToLogFailuresTo.warning(hostname + ": " + msg); if (stderr != null) { + ": " + stderr); } } if (taskListener != null) { if (stderr != null) { taskListener.fatalError(stderr); } taskListener.fatalError(msg); } } private static String getCommandErrorOutput(final InputStream commandStdoutOrNull, final InputStream commandStderrOrNull) throws IOException { final StringBuilder outputText = new StringBuilder(); if (commandStdoutOrNull != null) parseCommandOutput(commandStdoutOrNull, 10, outputText); if (commandStderrOrNull != null) parseCommandOutput(commandStderrOrNull, 5, outputText); if (outputText.length() > 0) { return outputText.toString(); } else { return null; } } private static void parseCommandOutput(final InputStream commandOutput, final Integer maxNumberOfLines, final StringBuilder outputText) throws IOException { final String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); final ParseLastFewLines tailParser = new ParseLastFewLines(); final List<String> outputLines = tailParser.parse(commandOutput, maxNumberOfLines); for (final String line : outputLines) { if (outputText.length() > 0) { outputText.append(newLine); } outputText.append(line); } } private static void logCommandException(// final ArgumentListBuilder command, // final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // final String commandDescription, // final Throwable exception, // final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // final TaskListener taskListener) throws IOException { final String hostname = getRemoteHostname(directoryToRunCommandFrom); final String msg = hostname + ": " + commandDescription + " (" + command.toString() + ")" + " failed with " + exception.toString(); logException(msg, exception, loggerToLogFailuresTo, taskListener); } static void logException(// final String summary, // final Throwable exception, // final Logger logger, // final TaskListener taskListener) throws IOException { if (logger != null) { logger.log(Level.SEVERE, summary, exception); } if (taskListener != null) { taskListener.fatalError(summary); exception.printStackTrace(taskListener.getLogger()); throw new AbortException(exception.getMessage()); } } private static void logCommandExecution(// final String commandDescription, final ArgumentListBuilder command, // final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom, // final Logger loggerToLogFailuresTo, // final TaskListener taskListener) { if (loggerToLogFailuresTo != null && loggerToLogFailuresTo.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) { final String hostname = getRemoteHostname(directoryToRunCommandFrom); final String msg = hostname + ": " + command.toString(); loggerToLogFailuresTo.log(Level.FINE, msg); } } private static String getRemoteHostname(final FilePath directoryToRunCommandFrom) { try { final RemoteWorkspaceDetails act = directoryToRunCommandFrom.act(new DetermineRemoteHostname(".")); return act.getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { return "Unable to determine actual hostname, ensure proper FQDN.\n" + e.toString(); } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) { return e.toString(); } } public static EnvVars buildEnvironment(Node node, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { EnvVars env; if (null != node) { final Computer computer = node.toComputer(); env = (computer != null) ? computer.buildEnvironment(listener) : new EnvVars(); } else { env = new EnvVars(); } // servlet container may have set CLASSPATH in its launch script, // so don't let that inherit to the new child process. env.put("CLASSPATH", ""); return env; } private static boolean justAccurev(Launcher launcher, String exe) { try { return launcher.launch().quiet(true).cmdAsSingleString(exe).join() == 0; } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e1) { return false; } } @CheckForNull public static Node workspaceToNode(FilePath workspace) { Computer computer = workspace.toComputer(); Node node = null; if (null != computer) node = computer.getNode(); return null != node ? node : Jenkins.getInstance(); } /** * Interface implemented by code that interprets the output of AccuRev * commands. * <p> * Intended to separate out the running of commands from the actual parsing * of their results in an attempt to reduce code duplication. * * @param <TResult> The output of the parsing process. * @param <TContext> Context object that will be passed to the parser each time it * is called. */ public interface ICmdOutputParser<TResult, TContext> { /** * Parses the command's output. * * @param cmdOutput The stream that contains the output of the command. * @param context Context passed in when the command was run. * @return The result of the parsing. * @throws UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput if the command output was invalid. * @throws IOException on failing IO */ TResult parse(InputStream cmdOutput, TContext context) throws UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput, IOException; } /** * Interface implemented by code that interprets the output of AccuRev * commands. * <p> * Intended to separate out the running of commands from the actual parsing * of their results in an attempt to reduce code duplication. * * @param <TResult> The output of the parsing process. * @param <TContext> Context object that will be passed to the parser each time it * is called. */ public interface ICmdOutputXmlParser<TResult, TContext> { /** * Parses the command's output. * * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser} that contains the output of the * command. * @param context Context passed in when the command was run. * @return The result of the parsing. * @throws UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput if the command output was invalid. * @throws IOException on failing IO * @throws XmlPullParserException if failed to Parse */ TResult parse(XmlPullParser parser, TContext context) throws UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput, IOException, XmlPullParserException; /** * Parses all the transactions from the command's output. * * @param parser The {@link XmlPullParser} that contains the output of the * command. * @param context Context passed in when the command was run. * @return The result of the parsing. * @throws IOException on failing IO * @throws XmlPullParserException if failed to Parse */ default TResult parseAll(XmlPullParser parser, TContext context) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { return null; } } /** * Exception that can be throw if the AccuRev command's output cannot be * parsed or is otherwise invalid. */ public static final class UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput extends Exception { public UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput(String message) { super(message); } public UnhandledAccurevCommandOutput(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } }