/* * Copyright (c) 2013 Technische Universitat Wien (TUW), Distributed Systems Group. http://dsg.tuwien.ac.at * * This work was partially supported by the European Commission in terms of the CELAR FP7 project (FP7-ICT-2011-8 #317790), http://www.celarcloud.eu/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package at.ac.tuwien.dsg.cloud.salsa.engine.utils; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.util.Properties; import at.ac.tuwien.dsg.cloud.salsa.messaging.messageInterface.MessageClientFactory; import java.io.IOException; import org.slf4j.Logger; public class SalsaConfiguration { static final Logger logger = EngineLogger.logger; static final String CURRENT_DIR = System.getProperty("user.dir"); static { // try to create working folder try { (new File(getPioneerWorkingDir())).mkdirs(); (new File(getServiceStorageDir())).mkdirs(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error occured when configuring salsa engine: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } } public static String getBroker() { // tcp://iot.eclipse.org:1883 // amqp:// return getGenericParameter("BROKER", "tcp://iot.eclipse.org:1883"); } public static String getBrokerType() { return getGenericParameter("BROKER_TYPE", "mqtt"); //mqtt, amqp } public static String getBrokerExport() { return getGenericParameter("EXPORT_BROKER", getBroker()); } public static String getBrokerTypeExport() { return getGenericParameter("EXPORT_BROKER_TYPE", getBrokerType()); } private static String getSALSA_CENTER_IP() { return getGenericParameter("SALSA_CENTER_IP", SystemFunctions.getEth0IPAddress()); } private static String getSALSA_CENTER_PORT() { return getGenericParameter("SALSA_CENTER_PORT", SystemFunctions.getPort()); } public static String getRepoPrefix() { return getGenericParameter("SALSA_REPO", "http://localhost:8080/salsa/upload/files"); } public static String getUserName() { return getGenericParameter("USERNAME", "salsa-default"); } public static String getPioneerFiles() { return "salsa-pioneer.jar"; } public static String getPioneerRun() { return "salsa-pioneer.jar"; } public static String getSSHKeyForCenter() { return SalsaConfiguration.class.getResource("id_rsa").getFile(); } public static String getPioneerArtifact() { return getSalsaCenterEndpoint() + "/rest/manager/artifacts/pioneer"; } public static String getConductorWeb() { return getSalsaCenterEndpoint() + "/rest/manager/artifacts/conductor"; } public static String getPioneerBootstrapScript() { return getSalsaCenterEndpoint() + "/rest/manager/artifacts/"; } public static String getPioneerLocalFile() { return CURRENT_DIR + "/" + getPioneerRun(); } public static String getConductorLocalFile() { return CURRENT_DIR + "/conductor.jar"; } public static String getPioneerBootstrapScriptLocalFile() { return SalsaConfiguration.class.getResource("/scripts/java1.8_update.sh").getFile(); } // working dir of the pioneer public static String getPioneerWorkingDir() { return getGenericParameter("SALSA_PIONEER_WORKING_DIR", "/tmp/pioneer-workspace"); } // variable file should sit beside the pioneer artifact public static String getSalsaVariableFile() { return "salsa.variables"; } public static String getSalsaCenterEndpoint() { return "http://" + getSALSA_CENTER_IP() + ":" + getSALSA_CENTER_PORT() + "/salsa-engine"; } public static String getSalsaCenterEndpointLocalhost() { return "http://localhost:" + getSALSA_CENTER_PORT() + "/salsa-engine"; } public static String getServiceStorageDir() { return createFolderIfNotExisted(CURRENT_DIR + "/services"); } public static String getArtifactStorage() { return createFolderIfNotExisted(CURRENT_DIR + "/artifacts"); } public static String getToscaTemplateStorage() { return createFolderIfNotExisted(CURRENT_DIR + "/tosca_templates"); } public static String getCloudProviderDescriptionDir() { return createFolderIfNotExisted(CURRENT_DIR + "/cloudDescriptions"); } public static String getSalsaVersion() { String[] versionFile = {SalsaConfiguration.class.getResource("/version.txt").getFile()}; return getGenericParameterFromFile(versionFile, "version", "unknown"); } public static String getBuildTime() { String[] versionFile = {SalsaConfiguration.class.getResource("/version.txt").getFile()}; return getGenericParameterFromFile(versionFile, "build.date", "unknown") + " UTC"; } // for placement ADHOC implementation public static boolean getDynamicPlacementOn(){ String placementOn = getGenericParameter("DYNAMIC_PLACEMENT", "off"); if (placementOn.equals("on")){ return true; } return false; } public static String getPlacementThreadholdMetric(){ return getGenericParameter("METRIC", "mem"); } public static float getPlacementThreadhold(){ return Float.parseFloat(getGenericParameter("THREADHOLD", "0.8")); } public static File getCloudUserParametersFile() { String fileNames[] = {CURRENT_DIR + "/cloudUserParameters.ini", "/etc/cloudUserParameters.ini"}; String f = null; for (String fn : fileNames) { File file = new File(fn); if (file.exists()) { logger.debug("Load cloud configuration at: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); return file; } } try { (new File(fileNames[0])).createNewFile(); return new File(fileNames[0]); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); return null; } } // return folderName private static String createFolderIfNotExisted(String folder) { File f = new File(folder); f.mkdirs(); if (f.exists()) { return folder; } return "/tmp"; } public static MessageClientFactory getMessageClientFactory() { return MessageClientFactory.getFactory(getBroker(), getBrokerType()); } public static String getGenericParameter(String key, String theDefault) { String fileNames[] = {CURRENT_DIR + "/salsa.engine.properties", "/etc/salsa.engine.properties"}; return getGenericParameterFromFile(fileNames, key, theDefault); } public static String getConfigurationFile() { return CURRENT_DIR + "/salsa.engine.properties"; } public static String getEventLogFile(){ return "./logs/salsa.messages.log"; } public static String getGenericParameterFromFile(String[] fileNames, String key, String theDefault) { Properties prop = new Properties(); for (String file : fileNames) { File f = new File(file); try { if (!f.exists()) { f.createNewFile(); } prop.load(new FileReader(f)); String param = prop.getProperty(key); if (param != null) { logger.debug("Read a property in {} and use {}={}", file, key, param); return param; } } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } logger.debug("Read a property and use the default {}={}", key, theDefault); return theDefault; } }