/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package at.ac.tuwien.dsg.cloud.salsa.client; import java.io.File; import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option; /** * * @author Duc-Hung LE */ public class OptionsCommands { @Option(name = "meta", usage = "Get the metadata of the salsa-engine") boolean meta; @Option(name = "service list", usage = "list current service") boolean serviceList; @Option(name = "service submit", metaVar="<toscafile>", usage = "Get the metadata of the salsa-engine") File service_submit; @Option(name = "service status", metaVar="<serviceID>", usage = "Get the metadata of the salsa-engine") String service_status; { // System.out.println("Commands:"); // System.out.println(" meta : Get the metadata of the salsa-engine"); // System.out.println(" service list : list current service"); // System.out.println(" service submit <toscafile> : submit a tosca for deployment"); // System.out.println(" service status <serviceID> : the configuration status of the service"); // System.out.println(" service delete <serviceID> : delete the whole service"); // System.out.println(" units deploy <serviceID>/<unitID> : deploy a new instance of a unit"); // System.out.println(" instance status <serviceID>/<unitID>/<instanceID> : the configuration status of the instance"); // System.out.println(" instance delete <serviceID>/<unitID>/<instanceID> : delete the instance"); // System.out.println(" instance list [category] : list the running instances"); // System.out.println(" instance category : list the available instance types"); // System.out.println(" instance info <serviceID>/<unitID>/<instanceID> : query detail information of one instance"); // System.out.println(" instance query <category> <rule> : query a list of instances"); } }