// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. package org.chromium.net; import android.content.Context; import org.chromium.base.CalledByNative; import org.chromium.base.JNINamespace; import org.chromium.base.NativeClassQualifiedName; import org.chromium.base.ObserverList; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Triggers updates to the underlying network state in Chrome. * * By default, connectivity is assumed and changes must pushed from the embedder via the * forceConnectivityState function. * Embedders may choose to have this class auto-detect changes in network connectivity by invoking * the setAutoDetectConnectivityState function. * * WARNING: This class is not thread-safe. */ @JNINamespace("net") public class NetworkChangeNotifier { /** * Alerted when the connection type of the network changes. * The alert is fired on the UI thread. */ public interface ConnectionTypeObserver { public void onConnectionTypeChanged(int connectionType); } // These constants must always match the ones in network_change_notifier.h. public static final int CONNECTION_UNKNOWN = 0; public static final int CONNECTION_ETHERNET = 1; public static final int CONNECTION_WIFI = 2; public static final int CONNECTION_2G = 3; public static final int CONNECTION_3G = 4; public static final int CONNECTION_4G = 5; public static final int CONNECTION_NONE = 6; private final Context mContext; private final ArrayList<Integer> mNativeChangeNotifiers; private final ObserverList<ConnectionTypeObserver> mConnectionTypeObservers; private NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect mAutoDetector; private int mCurrentConnectionType = CONNECTION_UNKNOWN; private static NetworkChangeNotifier sInstance; private NetworkChangeNotifier(Context context) { mContext = context; mNativeChangeNotifiers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); mConnectionTypeObservers = new ObserverList<ConnectionTypeObserver>(); } /** * Initializes the singleton once. */ @CalledByNative public static NetworkChangeNotifier init(Context context) { if (sInstance == null) { sInstance = new NetworkChangeNotifier(context); } return sInstance; } public static boolean isInitialized() { return sInstance != null; } static void resetInstanceForTests(Context context) { sInstance = new NetworkChangeNotifier(context); } @CalledByNative public int getCurrentConnectionType() { return mCurrentConnectionType; } /** * Adds a native-side observer. */ @CalledByNative public void addNativeObserver(int nativeChangeNotifier) { mNativeChangeNotifiers.add(nativeChangeNotifier); } /** * Removes a native-side observer. */ @CalledByNative public void removeNativeObserver(int nativeChangeNotifier) { // Please keep the cast performing the boxing below. It ensures that the right method // overload is used. ArrayList<T> has both remove(int index) and remove(T element). mNativeChangeNotifiers.remove((Integer) nativeChangeNotifier); } /** * Returns the singleton instance. */ public static NetworkChangeNotifier getInstance() { assert sInstance != null; return sInstance; } /** * Enables auto detection of the current network state based on notifications from the system. * Note that passing true here requires the embedding app have the platform ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE * permission. * * @param shouldAutoDetect true if the NetworkChangeNotifier should listen for system changes in * network connectivity. */ public static void setAutoDetectConnectivityState(boolean shouldAutoDetect) { getInstance().setAutoDetectConnectivityStateInternal(shouldAutoDetect); } private void destroyAutoDetector() { if (mAutoDetector != null) { mAutoDetector.destroy(); mAutoDetector = null; } } private void setAutoDetectConnectivityStateInternal(boolean shouldAutoDetect) { if (shouldAutoDetect) { if (mAutoDetector == null) { mAutoDetector = new NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect( new NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect.Observer() { @Override public void onConnectionTypeChanged(int newConnectionType) { updateCurrentConnectionType(newConnectionType); } }, mContext); mCurrentConnectionType = mAutoDetector.getCurrentConnectionType(); } } else { destroyAutoDetector(); } } /** * Updates the perceived network state when not auto-detecting changes to connectivity. * * @param networkAvailable True if the NetworkChangeNotifier should perceive a "connected" * state, false implies "disconnected". */ @CalledByNative public static void forceConnectivityState(boolean networkAvailable) { setAutoDetectConnectivityState(false); getInstance().forceConnectivityStateInternal(networkAvailable); } private void forceConnectivityStateInternal(boolean forceOnline) { boolean connectionCurrentlyExists = mCurrentConnectionType != CONNECTION_NONE; if (connectionCurrentlyExists != forceOnline) { updateCurrentConnectionType(forceOnline ? CONNECTION_UNKNOWN : CONNECTION_NONE); } } private void updateCurrentConnectionType(int newConnectionType) { mCurrentConnectionType = newConnectionType; notifyObserversOfConnectionTypeChange(newConnectionType); } /** * Alerts all observers of a connection change. */ void notifyObserversOfConnectionTypeChange(int newConnectionType) { for (Integer nativeChangeNotifier : mNativeChangeNotifiers) { nativeNotifyConnectionTypeChanged(nativeChangeNotifier, newConnectionType); } for (ConnectionTypeObserver observer : mConnectionTypeObservers) { observer.onConnectionTypeChanged(newConnectionType); } } /** * Adds an observer for any connection type changes. */ public static void addConnectionTypeObserver(ConnectionTypeObserver observer) { getInstance().addConnectionTypeObserverInternal(observer); } private void addConnectionTypeObserverInternal(ConnectionTypeObserver observer) { if (!mConnectionTypeObservers.hasObserver(observer)) { mConnectionTypeObservers.addObserver(observer); } } /** * Removes an observer for any connection type changes. */ public static void removeConnectionTypeObserver(ConnectionTypeObserver observer) { getInstance().removeConnectionTypeObserverInternal(observer); } private void removeConnectionTypeObserverInternal(ConnectionTypeObserver observer) { mConnectionTypeObservers.removeObserver(observer); } @NativeClassQualifiedName("NetworkChangeNotifierDelegateAndroid") private native void nativeNotifyConnectionTypeChanged(int nativePtr, int newConnectionType); @NativeClassQualifiedName("NetworkChangeNotifierDelegateAndroid") private native int nativeGetConnectionType(int nativePtr); // For testing only. public static NetworkChangeNotifierAutoDetect getAutoDetectorForTest() { return getInstance().mAutoDetector; } /** * Checks if there currently is connectivity. */ public static boolean isOnline() { int connectionType = getInstance().getCurrentConnectionType(); return connectionType != CONNECTION_UNKNOWN && connectionType != CONNECTION_NONE; } }