package com.borqs.browser; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentSettings; import org.chromium.content.browser.ContentView; import org.chromium.ui.WindowAndroid; import com.borqs.browser.IntentHandler.UrlData; import com.borqs.browser.UI.ComboViews; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ActionMode; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuInflater; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; /** * Controller for browser */ public class Controller implements ContentViewController, UiController, ActivityController { private static final String LOGTAG = "Controller"; // public message ids public final static int LOAD_URL = 1001; public final static int STOP_LOAD = 1002; // Message Ids private static final int FOCUS_NODE_HREF = 102; private static final int RELEASE_WAKELOCK = 107; static final int UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL = 108; private static final int OPEN_BOOKMARKS = 201; private static final int EMPTY_MENU = -1; // activity requestCode final static int COMBO_VIEW = 1; public final static int PREFERENCES_PAGE = 3; final static int FILE_SELECTED = 4; final static int AUTOFILL_SETUP = 5; final static int VOICE_RESULT = 6; private final static int WAKELOCK_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 * 1000; // 5 minutes private Activity mActivity; private UI mUi; private TabControl mTabControl; private BrowserSettings mSettings; private ContentViewFactory mFactory; private UrlHandler mUrlHandler; // private UploadHandler mUploadHandler; private IntentHandler mIntentHandler; private boolean mActivityPaused = true; private boolean mLoadStopped; private Handler mHandler; private boolean mMenuIsDown; // FIXME, temp address onPrepareMenu performance problem. // When we move everything out of view, we should rewrite this. private int mCurrentMenuState = 0; private int mMenuState =; private int mOldMenuState = EMPTY_MENU; private Menu mCachedMenu; // For select and find, we keep track of the ActionMode so that // finish() can be called as desired. private ActionMode mActionMode; private boolean mBlockEvents; private boolean mShouldShowErrorConsole; public Controller(Activity browser, WindowAndroid windowAndroid) { mActivity = browser; mSettings = BrowserSettings.getInstance(); mTabControl = new TabControl(this, windowAndroid); // mSettings.setController(this); mUrlHandler = new UrlHandler(this); mIntentHandler = new IntentHandler(mActivity, this); mFactory = new MyContentViewFactory(browser); //mFactory = new BrowserWebViewFactory(browser); startHandler(); } void setUi(UI ui) { mUi = ui; } int getMaxTabs() { //return mActivity.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.max_tabs); return 4; } boolean isInLoad() { final Tab tab = getCurrentTab(); return (tab != null) && tab.inPageLoad(); } private void startHandler() { mHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { // ww } } }; } protected void closeEmptyTab() { Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); if (current != null /* ww && current.getWebView().copyBackForwardList().getSize() == 0 */) { closeCurrentTab(); } } protected void reuseTab(Tab appTab, UrlData urlData) { // Dismiss the subwindow if applicable. dismissSubWindow(appTab); // Since we might kill the WebView, remove it from the // content view first. mUi.detachTab(appTab); // Recreate the main WebView after destroying the old one. mTabControl.recreateWebView(appTab); // TODO: analyze why the remove and add are necessary mUi.attachTab(appTab); if (mTabControl.getCurrentTab() != appTab) { switchToTab(appTab); loadUrlDataIn(appTab, urlData); } else { // If the tab was the current tab, we have to attach // it to the view system again. setActiveTab(appTab); loadUrlDataIn(appTab, urlData); } } // it is assumed that tabcontrol already knows about the tab protected void addTab(Tab tab) { mUi.addTab(tab); } protected void removeTab(Tab tab) { mUi.removeTab(tab); mTabControl.removeTab(tab); // mCrashRecoveryHandler.backupState(); } /* * Update the favorites icon if the private browsing isn't enabled and the * icon is valid. */ private void maybeUpdateFavicon(Tab tab, final String originalUrl, final String url, Bitmap favicon) { if (favicon == null) { return; } if (!tab.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled()) { // ww Bookmarks.updateFavicon(mActivity // .getContentResolver(), originalUrl, url, favicon); } } /** * Pause all WebView timers using the WebView of the given tab * @param tab * @return true if the timers are paused or tab is null */ private boolean pauseWebViewTimers(Tab tab) { if (tab == null) { return true; } else if (!tab.inPageLoad()) { // CookieSyncManager.getInstance().stopSync(); // WebViewTimersControl.getInstance().onBrowserActivityPause(getCurrentWebView()); return true; } return false; } private void releaseWakeLock() { /* ww if (mWakeLock != null && mWakeLock.isHeld()) { mHandler.removeMessages(RELEASE_WAKELOCK); mWakeLock.release(); }*/ } private Tab showPreloadedTab(final UrlData urlData) { if (!urlData.isPreloaded()) { return null; } final PreloadedTabControl tabControl = urlData.getPreloadedTab(); final String sbQuery = urlData.getSearchBoxQueryToSubmit(); if (sbQuery != null) { if (!tabControl.searchBoxSubmit(sbQuery, urlData.mUrl, urlData.mHeaders)) { // Could not submit query. Fallback to regular tab creation tabControl.destroy(); return null; } } // check tab count and make room for new tab if (!mTabControl.canCreateNewTab()) { Tab leastUsed = mTabControl.getLeastUsedTab(getCurrentTab()); if (leastUsed != null) { closeTab(leastUsed); } } Tab t = tabControl.getTab(); t.refreshIdAfterPreload(); mTabControl.addPreloadedTab(t); addTab(t); setActiveTab(t); return t; } protected boolean isActivityPaused() { return mActivityPaused; } public boolean isMenuDown() { return mMenuIsDown; } // key handling protected void onBackKey() { if (!mUi.onBackKey()) { ContentView subwindow = mTabControl.getCurrentSubWindow(); if (subwindow != null) { if (subwindow.canGoBack()) { subwindow.goBack(); } else { dismissSubWindow(mTabControl.getCurrentTab()); } } else { goBackOnePageOrQuit(); } } } protected boolean onMenuKey() { return mUi.onMenuKey(); } void goBackOnePageOrQuit() { Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); if (current == null) { /* * Instead of finishing the activity, simply push this to the back * of the stack and let ActivityManager to choose the foreground * activity. As BrowserActivity is singleTask, it will be always the * root of the task. So we can use either true or false for * moveTaskToBack(). */ mActivity.moveTaskToBack(true); return; } if (current.canGoBack()) { current.goBack(); } else { // Check to see if we are closing a window that was created by // another window. If so, we switch back to that window. Tab parent = current.getParent(); if (parent != null) { switchToTab(parent); // Now we close the other tab closeTab(current); } else { if ((current.getAppId() != null) || current.closeOnBack()) { closeCurrentTab(true); } /* * Instead of finishing the activity, simply push this to the back * of the stack and let ActivityManager to choose the foreground * activity. As BrowserActivity is singleTask, it will be always the * root of the task. So we can use either true or false for * moveTaskToBack(). */ mActivity.moveTaskToBack(true); } } } boolean didUserStopLoading() { return mLoadStopped; } @Override public UI getUi() { return mUi; } @Override public ContentView getCurrentWebView() { return mTabControl.getCurrentContentView(); } @Override public ContentView getCurrentTopContentView() { return mTabControl.getCurrentTopContentView(); } @Override public Tab getCurrentTab() { return mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); } @Override public TabControl getTabControl() { return mTabControl; } @Override public BrowserSettings getSettings() { return mSettings; } @Override public void start(Intent intent) { // WebViewClassic.setShouldMonitorWebCoreThread(); // mCrashRecoverHandler has any previously saved state. // mCrashRecoveryHandler.startRecovery(intent); this.doStart(intent); } private void doStart(Intent intent) { Bundle icicle = null; // Find out if we will restore any state and remember the tab. final long currentTabId = mTabControl.canRestoreState(icicle, false); boolean restoreIncognitoTabs = false; if (currentTabId == -1) { // BackgroundHandler.execute(new PruneThumbnails(mActivity, null)); if (intent == null) { // This won't happen under common scenarios. The icicle is // not null, but there aren't any tabs to restore. openTabToHomePage(); } else { final Bundle extra = intent.getExtras(); // Create an initial tab. // If the intent is ACTION_VIEW and data is not null, the Browser is // invoked to view the content by another application. In this case, // the tab will be close when exit. UrlData urlData = IntentHandler.getUrlDataFromIntent(intent); Tab t = null; if (urlData.isEmpty()) { t = openTabToHomePage(); } else { t = openTab(urlData); } if (t != null) { t.setAppId(intent.getStringExtra(android.provider.Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID)); } ContentView webView = t.getWebView(); if (extra != null) { int scale = extra.getInt(android.provider.Browser.INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL, 0); if (scale > 0 && scale <= 1000) { //ww webView.setInitialScale(scale); } } } mUi.updateTabs(mTabControl.getTabs()); } else { mTabControl.restoreState(icicle, currentTabId, restoreIncognitoTabs, mUi.needsRestoreAllTabs()); List<Tab> tabs = mTabControl.getTabs(); ArrayList<Long> restoredTabs = new ArrayList<Long>(tabs.size()); for (Tab t : tabs) { restoredTabs.add(t.getId()); } // BackgroundHandler.execute(new PruneThumbnails(mActivity, restoredTabs)); if (tabs.size() == 0) { openTabToHomePage(); } mUi.updateTabs(tabs); // TabControl.restoreState() will create a new tab even if // restoring the state fails. setActiveTab(mTabControl.getCurrentTab()); // Intent is non-null when framework thinks the browser should be // launching with a new intent (icicle is null). if (intent != null) { mIntentHandler.onNewIntent(intent); } } // Read JavaScript flags if it exists. /* ww String jsFlags = getSettings().getJsEngineFlags(); if (jsFlags.trim().length() != 0) { WebViewClassic.fromWebView(getCurrentWebView()).setJsFlags(jsFlags); }*/ if (intent != null && BrowserActivity.ACTION_SHOW_BOOKMARKS.equals(intent.getAction())) { bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Bookmarks); } } boolean isMenuOrCtrlKey(int keyCode) { return (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU == keyCode) || (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_LEFT == keyCode) || (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_CTRL_RIGHT == keyCode); } /** * helper method for key handler * returns the current tab if it can't advance */ private Tab getNextTab() { int pos = mTabControl.getCurrentPosition() + 1; if (pos >= mTabControl.getTabCount()) { pos = 0; } return mTabControl.getTab(pos); } /** * helper method for key handler * returns the current tab if it can't advance */ private Tab getPrevTab() { int pos = mTabControl.getCurrentPosition() - 1; if ( pos < 0) { pos = mTabControl.getTabCount() - 1; } return mTabControl.getTab(pos); } protected void pageUp() { // getCurrentTopWebView().pageUp(false); } protected void pageDown() { // getCurrentTopWebView().pageDown(false); } /** * As the menu can be open when loading state changes * we must manually update the state of the stop/reload menu * item */ private void updateInLoadMenuItems(Menu menu, Tab tab) { if (menu == null) { return; } MenuItem dest = menu.findItem(; MenuItem src = ((tab != null) && tab.inPageLoad()) ? menu.findItem( menu.findItem(; if (src != null) { dest.setIcon(src.getIcon()); dest.setTitle(src.getTitle()); } } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void handleNewIntent(Intent intent) { if (!mUi.isWebShowing()) { mUi.showWeb(false); } mIntentHandler.onNewIntent(intent); } @Override public void onResume() { if (!mActivityPaused) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "BrowserActivity is already resumed."); return; } mSettings.setLastRunPaused(false); mActivityPaused = false; Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); if (current != null) { current.resume(); // resumeWebViewTimers(current); } releaseWakeLock(); mUi.onResume(); /* mNetworkHandler.onResume(); WebView.enablePlatformNotifications(); NfcHandler.register(mActivity, this); if (mVoiceResult != null) { mUi.onVoiceResult(mVoiceResult); mVoiceResult = null; } */ } @Override public boolean onMenuOpened(int featureId, Menu menu) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } @Override public void onOptionsMenuClosed(Menu menu) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onContextMenuClosed(Menu menu) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onPause() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if (mActivityPaused) { Log.e(LOGTAG, "BrowserActivity is already paused."); return; } mActivityPaused = true; Tab tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); if (tab != null) { tab.pause(); } mUi.onPause(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void shareCurrentPage() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public Context getContext() { return mActivity; } @Override public Activity getActivity() { return mActivity; } @Override public void onSetContentView(Tab tab, ContentView view) { mUi.onSetWebView(tab, view); } @Override public void endActionMode() { if (mActionMode != null) { mActionMode.finish(); } } @Override public ContentViewFactory getContentViewFactory() { return mFactory; } @Override public void hideCustomView() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void attachSubWindow(Tab tab) { if (tab.getSubContentView() != null) { mUi.attachSubWindow(tab.getSubContentView()); getCurrentTopContentView().requestFocus(); } } @Override public void removeSubWindow(Tab t) { if (t.getSubWebView() != null) { mUi.removeSubWindow(t.getSubViewContainer()); } } /* * True if a custom ActionMode (i.e. find or select) is in use. */ @Override public boolean isInCustomActionMode() { return mActionMode != null; } @Override public void stopLoading() { mLoadStopped = true; Tab tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); ContentView w = getCurrentTopContentView(); if (w != null) { w.stopLoading(); mUi.onPageStopped(tab); } } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { if (null == getCurrentTopContentView()) { return false; } if (mMenuIsDown) { // The shortcut action consumes the MENU. Even if it is still down, // it won't trigger the next shortcut action. In the case of the // shortcut action triggering a new activity, like Bookmarks, we // won't get onKeyUp for MENU. So it is important to reset it here. mMenuIsDown = false; } if (mUi.onOptionsItemSelected(item)) { // ui callback handled it return true; } switch (item.getItemId()) { case bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Bookmarks); break; case bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.History); break; case bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.Snapshots); break; case bookmarkCurrentPage(); break; case Log.i("Controller", ""); openPreferences(); break; default: return false; } return true; } @Override public void openPreferences() { Intent intent = new Intent(mActivity, BrowserPreferencesPage.class); intent.putExtra(BrowserPreferencesPage.CURRENT_PAGE, getCurrentTopWebView().getUrl()); mActivity.startActivityForResult(intent, PREFERENCES_PAGE); } @Override public void bookmarkCurrentPage() { Intent bookmarkIntent = createBookmarkCurrentPageIntent(false); if (bookmarkIntent != null) { mActivity.startActivity(bookmarkIntent); } } public Intent createBookmarkCurrentPageIntent(boolean editExisting) { ContentView w = getCurrentTopContentView(); if (w == null) { return null; } Intent i = new Intent(mActivity, AddBookmarkPage.class); i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.URL, w.getUrl()); i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.TITLE, w.getTitle()); String touchIconUrl = w.getTouchIconUrl(); if (touchIconUrl != null) { i.putExtra(AddBookmarkPage.TOUCH_ICON_URL, touchIconUrl); } i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.THUMBNAIL, createScreenshot(w, getDesiredThumbnailWidth(mActivity), getDesiredThumbnailHeight(mActivity))); i.putExtra(BrowserContract.Bookmarks.FAVICON, w.getFavicon()); if (editExisting) { i.putExtra(AddBookmarkPage.CHECK_FOR_DUPE, true); } // Put the dialog at the upper right of the screen, covering the // star on the title bar. i.putExtra("gravity", Gravity.RIGHT | Gravity.TOP); return i; } static int getDesiredThumbnailWidth(Context context) { return context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset( R.dimen.bookmarkThumbnailWidth); } static int getDesiredThumbnailHeight(Context context) { return context.getResources().getDimensionPixelOffset( R.dimen.bookmarkThumbnailHeight); } private static Bitmap sThumbnailBitmap; static Bitmap createScreenshot(ContentView view, int width, int height) { if (view == null || view.getContentHeight() == 0 || view.getContentWidth() == 0) { return null; } // We render to a bitmap 2x the desired size so that we can then // re-scale it with filtering since canvas.scale doesn't filter // This helps reduce aliasing at the cost of being slightly blurry final int filter_scale = 2; int scaledWidth = width * filter_scale; int scaledHeight = height * filter_scale; if (sThumbnailBitmap == null || sThumbnailBitmap.getWidth() != scaledWidth || sThumbnailBitmap.getHeight() != scaledHeight) { if (sThumbnailBitmap != null) { sThumbnailBitmap.recycle(); sThumbnailBitmap = null; } sThumbnailBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(scaledWidth, scaledHeight, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565); } Canvas canvas = new Canvas(sThumbnailBitmap); int contentWidth = view.getContentWidth(); float overviewScale = scaledWidth / (view.getScale() * contentWidth); /* if (view instanceof BrowserContentView) { int dy = -((BrowserContentView)view).getTitleHeight(); canvas.translate(0, dy * overviewScale); } */ canvas.scale(overviewScale, overviewScale); view.draw(canvas); Bitmap ret = Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(sThumbnailBitmap, width, height, true); canvas.setBitmap(null); return ret; } @Override public void setBlockEvents(boolean block) { mBlockEvents = block; } // open a non inconito tab with the given url data // and set as active tab public Tab openTab(UrlData urlData) { Tab tab = showPreloadedTab(urlData); if (tab == null) { tab = createNewTab(false, true, true); if ((tab != null) && !urlData.isEmpty()) { loadUrlDataIn(tab, urlData); } } return tab; } @Override public Tab openTab(String url, boolean incognito, boolean setActive, boolean useCurrent) { return openTab(url, incognito, setActive, useCurrent, null); } public Tab openTab(String url, boolean incognito, boolean setActive, boolean useCurrent, Tab parent) { Tab tab = createNewTab(incognito, setActive, useCurrent); if (tab != null) { if (parent != null && parent != tab) { parent.addChildTab(tab); } if (url != null) { loadUrl(tab, url); } } return tab; } // this method will attempt to create a new tab // incognito: private browsing tab // setActive: ste tab as current tab // useCurrent: if no new tab can be created, return current tab private Tab createNewTab(boolean incognito, boolean setActive, boolean useCurrent) { Tab tab = null; if (mTabControl.canCreateNewTab()) { tab = mTabControl.createNewTab(incognito); addTab(tab); if (setActive) { setActiveTab(tab); } } else { if (useCurrent) { tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); reuseTab(tab, null); } else { mUi.showMaxTabsWarning(); } } return tab; } @Override public void setActiveTab(Tab tab) { // monkey protection against delayed start if (tab != null) { mTabControl.setCurrentTab(tab); // the tab is guaranteed to have a webview after setCurrentTab mUi.setActiveTab(tab); } } /** * @param tab the tab to switch to * @return boolean True if we successfully switched to a different tab. If * the indexth tab is null, or if that tab is the same as * the current one, return false. */ @Override public boolean switchToTab(Tab tab) { Tab currentTab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); if (tab == null || tab == currentTab) { return false; } setActiveTab(tab); return true; } @Override public void closeCurrentTab() { closeCurrentTab(false); } protected void closeCurrentTab(boolean andQuit) { if (mTabControl.getTabCount() == 1) { // mCrashRecoveryHandler.clearState(); mTabControl.removeTab(getCurrentTab()); mActivity.finish(); return; } final Tab current = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); final int pos = mTabControl.getCurrentPosition(); Tab newTab = current.getParent(); if (newTab == null) { newTab = mTabControl.getTab(pos + 1); if (newTab == null) { newTab = mTabControl.getTab(pos - 1); } } if (andQuit) { mTabControl.setCurrentTab(newTab); closeTab(current); } else if (switchToTab(newTab)) { // Close window closeTab(current); } } /** * Close the tab, remove its associated title bar, and adjust mTabControl's * current tab to a valid value. */ @Override public void closeTab(Tab tab) { if (tab == mTabControl.getCurrentTab()) { closeCurrentTab(); } else { removeTab(tab); } } /** * Load the URL into the given WebView and update the title bar * to reflect the new load. Call this instead of WebView.loadUrl * directly. * @param view The WebView used to load url. * @param url The URL to load. */ @Override public void loadUrl(Tab tab, String url) { loadUrl(tab, url, null); } protected void loadUrl(Tab tab, String url, Map<String, String> headers) { if (tab != null) { dismissSubWindow(tab); tab.loadUrl(url, headers); mUi.onProgressChanged(tab); } } /** * Load UrlData into a Tab and update the title bar to reflect the new * load. Call this instead of UrlData.loadIn directly. * @param t The Tab used to load. * @param data The UrlData being loaded. */ protected void loadUrlDataIn(Tab t, UrlData data) { if (data != null) { if (data.isPreloaded()) { // this isn't called for preloaded tabs } else { loadUrl(t, data.mUrl, data.mHeaders); } } } // Called when loading from context menu or LOAD_URL message protected void loadUrlFromContext(String url) { Tab tab = getCurrentTab(); ContentView view = tab != null ? tab.getWebView() : null; // In case the user enters nothing. if (url != null && url.length() != 0 && tab != null && view != null) { url = UrlUtils.smartUrlFilter(url); // ww TODO: shouldOverrideUrlLoading if (true) { loadUrl(tab, url); } } } @Override public void updateMenuState(Tab tab, Menu menu) { boolean canGoBack = false; boolean canGoForward = false; boolean isHome = false; boolean isDesktopUa = false; boolean isLive = false; if (tab != null) { canGoBack = tab.canGoBack(); canGoForward = tab.canGoForward(); isHome = mSettings.getHomePage().equals(tab.getUrl()); isDesktopUa = mSettings.hasDesktopUseragent(tab.getWebView()); isLive = !tab.isSnapshot(); } final MenuItem back = menu.findItem(; back.setEnabled(canGoBack); final MenuItem home = menu.findItem(; home.setEnabled(!isHome); final MenuItem forward = menu.findItem(; forward.setEnabled(canGoForward); final MenuItem source = menu.findItem(isInLoad() ? :; final MenuItem dest = menu.findItem(; if (source != null && dest != null) { dest.setTitle(source.getTitle()); dest.setIcon(source.getIcon()); } menu.setGroupVisible(, isLive); // decide whether to show the share link option PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager(); Intent send = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); send.setType("text/plain"); ResolveInfo ri = pm.resolveActivity(send, PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY); menu.findItem( != null); boolean isNavDump = mSettings.enableNavDump(); final MenuItem nav = menu.findItem(; nav.setVisible(isNavDump); nav.setEnabled(isNavDump); boolean showDebugSettings = mSettings.isDebugEnabled(); final MenuItem uaSwitcher = menu.findItem(; uaSwitcher.setChecked(isDesktopUa); menu.setGroupVisible(, isLive); menu.setGroupVisible(, !isLive); menu.setGroupVisible(, false); mUi.updateMenuState(tab, menu); } @Override public void showPageInfo() { //mPageDialogsHandler.showPageInfo(mTabControl.getCurrentTab(), false, null); } @Override public void dismissSubWindow(Tab tab) { removeSubWindow(tab); // dismiss the subwindow. This will destroy the WebView. tab.dismissSubWindow(); ContentView wv = getCurrentTopContentView(); if (wv != null) { wv.requestFocus(); } } @Override public void onPageStarted(Tab tab, ContentView view, Bitmap favicon) { // We've started to load a new page. If there was a pending message // to save a screenshot then we will now take the new page and save // an incorrect screenshot. Therefore, remove any pending thumbnail // messages from the queue. mHandler.removeMessages(Controller.UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL, tab); // reset sync timer to avoid sync starts during loading a page // CookieSyncManager.getInstance().resetSync(); /* ww if (!mNetworkHandler.isNetworkUp()) { view.setNetworkAvailable(false); } */ // when BrowserActivity just starts, onPageStarted may be called before // onResume as it is triggered from onCreate. Call resumeWebViewTimers // to start the timer. As we won't switch tabs while an activity is in // pause state, we can ensure calling resume and pause in pair. if (mActivityPaused) { //ww resumeWebViewTimers(tab); } mLoadStopped = false; endActionMode(); mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab); String url = tab.getUrl(); // update the bookmark database for favicon maybeUpdateFavicon(tab, null, url, favicon); //Performance.tracePageStart(url); // Performance probe if (false) { //Performance.onPageStarted(); } } @Override public void onPageFinished(Tab tab) { // mCrashRecoveryHandler.backupState(); mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab); // pause the WebView timer and release the wake lock if it is finished // while BrowserActivity is in pause state. if (mActivityPaused && pauseWebViewTimers(tab)) { releaseWakeLock(); } // Performance probe if (false) { ;//Performance.onPageFinished(tab.getUrl()); } //Performance.tracePageFinished(); } @Override public void onProgressChanged(Tab tab) { int newProgress = tab.getLoadProgress(); if (newProgress == 100) { // CookieSyncManager.getInstance().sync(); // onProgressChanged() may continue to be called after the main // frame has finished loading, as any remaining sub frames continue // to load. We'll only get called once though with newProgress as // 100 when everything is loaded. (onPageFinished is called once // when the main frame completes loading regardless of the state of // any sub frames so calls to onProgressChanges may continue after // onPageFinished has executed) if (tab.inPageLoad()) { updateInLoadMenuItems(mCachedMenu, tab); } else if (mActivityPaused && pauseWebViewTimers(tab)) { // pause the WebView timer and release the wake lock if it is // finished while BrowserActivity is in pause state. releaseWakeLock(); } if (!tab.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled() && !TextUtils.isEmpty(tab.getUrl()) && !tab.isSnapshot()) { // Only update the bookmark screenshot if the user did not // cancel the load early and there is not already // a pending update for the tab. if (tab.shouldUpdateThumbnail() && (tab.inForeground() && !didUserStopLoading() || !tab.inForeground())) { if (!mHandler.hasMessages(UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL, tab)) { mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage( UPDATE_BOOKMARK_THUMBNAIL, 0, 0, tab), 500); } } } } else { if (!tab.inPageLoad()) { // onPageFinished may have already been called but a subframe is // still loading // updating the progress and // update the menu items. updateInLoadMenuItems(mCachedMenu, tab); } } mUi.onProgressChanged(tab); } @Override public void onReceivedTitle(Tab tab, String title) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews startView) { if (mTabControl.getCurrentContentView() == null) { return; } // clear action mode if (isInCustomActionMode()) { endActionMode(); } Bundle extras = new Bundle(); // Disable opening in a new window if we have maxed out the windows extras.putBoolean(BrowserBookmarksPage.EXTRA_DISABLE_WINDOW, !mTabControl.canCreateNewTab()); mUi.showComboView(startView, extras); } @Override public Tab openTabToHomePage() { return openTab(mSettings.getHomePage(), false, true, false); } @Override public void onUpdatedSecurityState(Tab tab) { mUi.onTabDataChanged(tab); } /** * handle key events in browser * * @param keyCode * @param event * @return true if handled, false to pass to super */ @Override public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { boolean noModifiers = event.hasNoModifiers(); // Even if MENU is already held down, we need to call to super to open // the IME on long press. if (!noModifiers && isMenuOrCtrlKey(keyCode)) { mMenuIsDown = true; return false; } ContentView webView = getCurrentTopContentView(); Tab tab = getCurrentTab(); if (webView == null || tab == null) return false; boolean ctrl = event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_CTRL_ON); boolean shift = event.hasModifiers(KeyEvent.META_SHIFT_ON); switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_TAB: if (event.isCtrlPressed()) { if (event.isShiftPressed()) { // prev tab switchToTab(getPrevTab()); } else { // next tab switchToTab(getNextTab()); } return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SPACE: // WebView/WebTextView handle the keys in the KeyDown. As // the Activity's shortcut keys are only handled when WebView // doesn't, have to do it in onKeyDown instead of onKeyUp. if (shift) { pageUp(); } else if (noModifiers) { pageDown(); } return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (!noModifiers) break; event.startTracking(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_FORWARD: if (!noModifiers) break; tab.goForward(); return true; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT: if (ctrl) { tab.goBack(); return true; } break; case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT: if (ctrl) { tab.goForward(); return true; } break; } // it is a regular key and webview is not null return mUi.dispatchKey(keyCode, event); } @Override public boolean onKeyLongPress(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (mUi.isWebShowing()) { bookmarksOrHistoryPicker(ComboViews.History); return true; } break; } return false; } @Override public boolean onKeyUp(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) { if (isMenuOrCtrlKey(keyCode)) { mMenuIsDown = false; if (KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU == keyCode && event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) { return onMenuKey(); } } if (!event.hasNoModifiers()) return false; switch(keyCode) { case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK: if (event.isTracking() && !event.isCanceled()) { onBackKey(); return true; } break; } return false; } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { if (mMenuState == EMPTY_MENU) { return false; } MenuInflater inflater = mActivity.getMenuInflater(); inflater.inflate(, menu); return true; } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { updateInLoadMenuItems(menu, getCurrentTab()); // hold on to the menu reference here; it is used by the page callbacks // to update the menu based on loading state mCachedMenu = menu; // Note: setVisible will decide whether an item is visible; while // setEnabled() will decide whether an item is enabled, which also means // whether the matching shortcut key will function. switch (mMenuState) { case EMPTY_MENU: if (mCurrentMenuState != mMenuState) { menu.setGroupVisible(, false); menu.setGroupEnabled(, false); menu.setGroupEnabled(, false); } break; default: if (mCurrentMenuState != mMenuState) { menu.setGroupVisible(, true); menu.setGroupEnabled(, true); menu.setGroupEnabled(, true); } updateMenuState(getCurrentTab(), menu); break; } mCurrentMenuState = mMenuState; return mUi.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); } @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public boolean createTabWitNativeContents(String url, Tab parent, boolean setActive, boolean useCurrent, int nativeContentsPtr) { return ((openTabWithNativeContentsPtr(url, (parent != null) && parent.isPrivateBrowsingEnabled(), setActive, false, parent, nativeContentsPtr)) != null); } public Tab openTabWithNativeContentsPtr(String url, boolean incognito, boolean setActive, boolean useCurrent, Tab parent, int nativeContentsPtr) { Tab tab = createNewTabWithNativeContents(incognito, setActive, useCurrent, nativeContentsPtr); if (tab != null) { if (parent != null && parent != tab && !parent.isSnapshot()) { parent.addChildTab(tab); } // do not loadUrl here, because url will be loaded in native, WebContentsImpl /* if (url != null) { loadUrl(tab, url); } */ } return tab; } private Tab createNewTabWithNativeContents(boolean incognito, boolean setActive, boolean useCurrent, int nativeContentsPtr) { Tab tab = null; if (mTabControl.canCreateNewTab()) { tab = mTabControl.createTabWithNativeContents(nativeContentsPtr, incognito); addTab(tab); if (setActive) { setActiveTab(tab); } } else { /* if (useCurrent) { tab = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); reuseTab(tab, null); } else { mUi.showMaxTabsWarning(); }*/ mUi.showMaxTabsWarning(); } return tab; } @Override public void bookmarkedStatusHasChanged(Tab tab) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub mUi.bookmarkedStatusHasChanged(tab); } // Helper method for getting the top window. @Override public ContentView getCurrentTopWebView() { return mTabControl.getCurrentTopWebView(); } protected void setShouldShowErrorConsole(boolean show) { if (show == mShouldShowErrorConsole) { // Nothing to do. return; } mShouldShowErrorConsole = show; Tab t = mTabControl.getCurrentTab(); if (t == null) { // There is no current tab so we cannot toggle the error console return; } mUi.setShouldShowErrorConsole(t, show); } @Override public void createSubWindow(Tab tab) { endActionMode(); ContentView mainView = tab.getWebView(); ContentView subView = mFactory.createContentView(true); mUi.createSubWindow(tab, subView); } }