package de.flower.common.logging; import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext; import ch.qos.logback.classic.joran.JoranConfigurator; import ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.JoranException; import ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import; /** * No real test. Just helps debugging into the appender code. * * Degraded to manual test cause it slowed down the jenkins build massively and messed the log-output of the other tests. * * @author flowerrrr */ public class SMTPEvaluatorManualTest { private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SMTPEvaluatorManualTest.class); /** * Initialization code from */ @BeforeMethod public void setUp() { InputStream logfile = SMTPEvaluatorManualTest.class.getResourceAsStream("logback.xml"); // assume SLF4J is bound to logback in the current environment LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory(); try { JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator(); configurator.setContext(lc); // the context was probably already configured by default configuration // rules lc.reset(); configurator.doConfigure(logfile); } catch (JoranException je) { je.printStackTrace(); } StatusPrinter.printInCaseOfErrorsOrWarnings(lc); } @AfterMethod public void tearDown() throws InterruptedException{ // give asynchronous mail sending thread time to sent mail. Thread.sleep(1000); } @Test public void testIdleTime() { log.error("Trigger mail"); log.error("Don't trigger"); log.error("Don't trigger"); } @Test public void testExcludeFilter() { log.error("Illegal argument on static metamodel field injection : de.flower.rmt.model.event.AbstractSoccerEvent_#surfaceList; expected type : org.hibernate.ejb.metamodel.SingularAttributeImpl; encountered type : javax.persistence.metamodel.ListAttribute"); log.error("Send email"); } /** * Tests logback.xml logger configuration. * Ideally you should see the messag in the log-file but no mail is send. */ @Test public void testExcludeLogger() { ExcludeMeClass.log.error("Do not send mail"); } public static class ExcludeMeClass { public final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExcludeMeClass.class); } }