package wicket.contrib.gmap3.api; import org.apache.wicket.Component; import org.apache.wicket.ajax.AjaxRequestTarget; import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.WebMarkupContainer; import org.apache.wicket.markup.repeater.RepeatingView; import org.apache.wicket.request.Request; import org.apache.wicket.request.cycle.RequestCycle; import wicket.contrib.gmap3.GMap; import wicket.contrib.gmap3.ReviewPending; import wicket.contrib.gmap3.overlay.GMarker; /** * Represents an Google Maps API's <a href= "" * >GInfoWindow</a>. */ @ReviewPending // Remove if class is tested. public class GInfoWindow extends WebMarkupContainer { /** * Default serialVersionUID. */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private GInfoWindowContent _infoWindowContent; private GLatLng _latLng; private GMarker _marker; private final RepeatingView _content = new RepeatingView("content"); public GInfoWindow() { super("infoWindow"); setOutputMarkupId(true); add(_content); } /** * Update state from a request to an AJAX target. */ public void update() { final Request request = RequestCycle.get().getRequest(); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(request.getRequestParameters().getParameterValue("infoWindow.hidden").toString())) { // Attention: don't use close() as this might result in an // endless AJAX request loop _marker = null; _latLng = null; } } public final String getJSinit() { return _infoWindowContent.getJSconstructor(); } /** * Open an info window. * * @param content content to open in info window * @return This */ public GInfoWindow open(final GLatLng latLng, final Component content, final AjaxRequestTarget target) { return open(latLng, new GInfoWindowContent(content), target); } /** * Open an info window. * * @param map * * @param content content to open in info window * @return This */ public GInfoWindow open(final GMarker marker, final Component content, final AjaxRequestTarget target) { return open(marker, new GInfoWindowContent(content), target); } public GInfoWindow open(final GLatLng latLng, final GInfoWindowContent tab, final AjaxRequestTarget target) { _latLng = latLng; _marker = null; _content.add(tab.getContent()); target.appendJavaScript(getJSopen(latLng, tab)); target.add(this); return this; } public GInfoWindow open(final GMarker marker, final GInfoWindowContent tab, final AjaxRequestTarget target) { _latLng = null; _marker = marker; target.appendJavaScript(getJSopen(marker, tab)); target.add(this); return this; } public boolean isOpen() { return (_latLng != null || _marker != null); } public void close(final AjaxRequestTarget target) { _marker = null; _latLng = null; target.appendJavaScript(getJSclose()); target.add(this); } private String getJSopen(final GLatLng latLng, final GInfoWindowContent tab) { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(" var info = " + tab.getJSconstructor(latLng) + " ;\n"); buffer.append(""); buffer.append(getGMap2().getJsReference() + ".map"); buffer.append(");"); return buffer.toString(); } public static String getJSopenFunction(final GMap map, final String content, final GMarker overlay) { final StringBuffer openFunction = new StringBuffer(); openFunction.append("function() {"); openFunction.append(map.getJsReference() + ".openSingleInfoWindowOn(overlay" + overlay.getId() + ", \"" + content.toString() + "\");}"); return openFunction.toString(); } private String getJSopen(final GMarker marker, final GInfoWindowContent tab) { final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append(" var infoWin = " + tab.getJSconstructor() + " ;\n"); buffer.append(""); buffer.append(getGMap2().getJsReference() + ".map,"); buffer.append(marker.getId()); buffer.append(");"); return buffer.toString(); } private String getJSclose() { return getGMap2().getJSinvoke("closeInfoWindow()"); } private GMap getGMap2() { return findParent(GMap.class); } }