package; /* * #%L * phynixx-watchdog * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 csc * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * @author * @version $Revision: 1.6 $ * @see ThreadGroup */ public class WatchdogRegistry { private static final IDGenerator<Long> ID_GENERATOR = IDGenerators.createLongGenerator(1, true); private static final String WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL_PROP = ""; public static final String OK = "ok"; private static long WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL = 1100; private static WatchdogRegistry theRegistry = null; public interface IWatchdogVisitor { void visit(IWatchdog th); } private Watchdog watchTheWatchdogs = null; private Watchdog watchTheWatchdogWatcher = null; public static long getWatchdogManagementInterval() { return WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL; } public static void setWatchdogManagementInterval(long watchdogManagementInterval) { WatchdogRegistry.WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL = watchdogManagementInterval; // lock all restart conditions and assign a new check interval ... Set conditions = WatchdogRegistry.theRegistry.watchTheWatchdogs.getAliveConditions(); conditions.addAll(WatchdogRegistry.theRegistry.watchTheWatchdogWatcher.getAliveConditions()); for (Iterator iterator = conditions.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { IWatchedCondition cond = (IWatchedCondition); if (cond instanceof TimeoutCondition) { TimeoutCondition toCond = (TimeoutCondition) cond; synchronized (toCond) { toCond.resetCondition(WatchdogRegistry.WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL); } } } } public static long getWatchTheWatchdogInterval() { return WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL; } static { WatchdogRegistry.WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL = Long.getLong(WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL_PROP, 5000).longValue(); WatchdogRegistry.theRegistry = new WatchdogRegistry(); } private WatchdogRegistry() { // System.out.println("Start the WatchdogRegistry"); this.watchTheWatchdogs = new Watchdog(ID_GENERATOR.generate(), WatchdogRegistry.getWatchdogManagementInterval() / 2, "Watches The Watchdogs"); this.watchTheWatchdogWatcher = new Watchdog(ID_GENERATOR.generate(), WatchdogRegistry.getWatchdogManagementInterval() / 2, "Watches The WatchdogWatcher"); IWatchedCondition watchesTheWatcherCond = new RestartCondition(WatchdogRegistry.getWatchdogManagementInterval(), watchTheWatchdogs) { public String toString() { return new StringBuffer("watches the watchdog watcher "). append("isActive=").append(this.isActive()). append(" Watched WD.isAlive=").append(watchTheWatchdogs.isAlive()). append(" Watched WD.isKilled=").append(watchTheWatchdogs.isKilled()). toString(); } }; watchesTheWatcherCond.setActive(true); this.watchTheWatchdogWatcher.registerCondition(watchesTheWatcherCond, false); /** * checks if the */ IWatchedCondition managementActivity = new TimeoutCondition(WATCHDOG_MANAGEMENT_INTERVAL) { public void conditionViolated() { this.resetCondition(); WatchdogRegistry.getTheRegistry().clearOut(); } }; managementActivity.setActive(true); this.watchTheWatchdogWatcher.registerCondition(managementActivity, false); this.restartManagementWatchdogs(); } /** * Logger */ protected IPhynixxLogger log = PhynixxLogManager.getLogger(this.getClass()); /** * @associates WorkerThread */ private Map registeredWachdogs = new HashMap(); private void checkManagementWatchdogs() { if (watchTheWatchdogs == null || !watchTheWatchdogs.isAlive()) { throw new IllegalStateException("WatchTheWatchdogs is not started -> call WatchdogRegistry.restart()"); } if (watchTheWatchdogWatcher == null || !watchTheWatchdogWatcher.isAlive()) { throw new IllegalStateException("WatchTheWatchdogWatcher is not started -> call WatchdogRegistry.restart()"); } } private void restartManagementWatchdogs() { if (watchTheWatchdogs != null && (!watchTheWatchdogs.isAlive())) { watchTheWatchdogs.restart(); watchTheWatchdogs.activate(); } if (watchTheWatchdogWatcher != null && (!watchTheWatchdogWatcher.isAlive())) { watchTheWatchdogWatcher.restart(); watchTheWatchdogWatcher.activate(); } } private void shutdownManagementWatchdogs() { if (watchTheWatchdogs != null && (watchTheWatchdogs.isAlive())) { watchTheWatchdogs.stop(); } if (watchTheWatchdogWatcher != null && (watchTheWatchdogWatcher.isAlive())) { watchTheWatchdogWatcher.stop(); } } public WatchdogInfo[] getManagementWatchdogsInfo() { WatchdogInfo[] wds = new WatchdogInfo[2]; wds[0] = new WatchdogInfo(watchTheWatchdogs); wds[1] = new WatchdogInfo(watchTheWatchdogWatcher); return wds; } public synchronized String getManagementWatchdogsState() { if (!watchTheWatchdogs.isAlive() || !watchTheWatchdogWatcher.isAlive()) { return "Management Watchdogs aren't alive -> restart it"; } return OK; } public synchronized IWatchdog createWatchdog(final long checkInterval) { checkManagementWatchdogs(); Watchdog wd = new Watchdog(ID_GENERATOR.generate(), checkInterval); // the watchdigWatcher registered the new Watchdog .... IWatchedCondition restartCondition = wd.getRestartCondition(); restartCondition.setActive(true); watchTheWatchdogs.registerCondition(restartCondition, true); WatchdogRegistry.getTheRegistry().registerWatchdog(wd); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Watchdog created \n" + wd); log.debug(watchTheWatchdogs.toString()); } checkManagementWatchdogs(); return wd; } public static WatchdogRegistry getTheRegistry() { return theRegistry; } /** * Fuegt einen Thread hinzu * * @param key String Schluessel unter dem der Thread gespeichert wird * @param wd Watchdog * @throws IllegalStateException falls Thread NICHT zur aktuellen ThreadGroup( ==this) geh�rt; */ private synchronized void registerWatchdog(Long key, Watchdog wd) { if (wd == null) { throw new NullPointerException("Thread"); } if (wd.getThread() == null) { wd.restart(); } registeredWachdogs.put(key, wd); } /** * Thread wird unter seinem Namen verwaltet (t.getName()) * * @param wd Watchdog * @throws IllegalStateException falls Thread NICHT zur aktuellen ThreadGroup( ==this) geh�rt; */ public void registerWatchdog(Watchdog wd) { registerWatchdog(wd.getId(), wd); } public synchronized void deregisterWatchdog(Long key) { if (registeredWachdogs.containsKey(key)) { registeredWachdogs.remove(key); } } synchronized Watchdog findWatchdog(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { return null; } return wd; } public synchronized IWatchdog resolveWatchdogId(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { return null; } return new WatchdogReference(wd); } public void deregisterWatchdog(IWatchdog wd) { deregisterWatchdog(wd.getId()); } public synchronized void clearOut() { // shutdown all watchdogs Set copy = new HashSet(registeredWachdogs.values()); Iterator iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog); if (wd.isUseless()) { wd.kill(); this.deregisterWatchdog(wd); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"WatchdogRegistry.restart() : Watchdog " + wd.getId() + " closed"); } } } } /** * restarts all Watchdogs */ public synchronized void restart() { restartManagementWatchdogs(); // shutdown all watchdogs Set copy = new HashSet(registeredWachdogs.values()); Iterator iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog); if (wd.isUseless()) { wd.kill(); this.deregisterWatchdog(wd); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"WatchdogRegistry.restart() : Watchdog " + wd.getId() + " closed"); } } else if (!wd.isAlive() && !wd.isKilled()) { wd.restart(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"WatchdogRegistry.restart() : Watchdog " + wd.getId() + " restarted"); } } } } /** * restarts all Watchdogs */ public synchronized void stop() { // stopps all watchdogs Iterator iter = registeredWachdogs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog); wd.stop(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"WatchdogRegistry.stop() : Watchdog " + wd.getId() + " is stopped"); } } } /** * activates all Watchdogs */ public synchronized void activate() { // activate all Watchdogs .... Iterator iter = registeredWachdogs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWatchdog th = (IWatchdog); th.activate(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {". . . Activating Watchdog " + th.getId()); } } } /** * restarts all Watchdogs */ public synchronized void deactivate() { Iterator iter = registeredWachdogs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWatchdog th = (IWatchdog); th.deactivate(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {". . . deactivating Watchdog " + th.getId()); } } } /** * killt alle Threads der Gruppe */ private void kill() { Set copy = new HashSet(registeredWachdogs.values()); Iterator iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Watchdog th = (Watchdog); if (th.isAlive()) { if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {". . . Killing Watchdog " + th.getId()); } th.kill(); } } this.joinAllThreads(); // remove all Watchdogs frim the registry .... iter = copy.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { this.deregisterWatchdog((IWatchdog); } } /** * killt alle Threads der Gruppe und wartet bis auch der letzte beendet ist. * Es wird der evtl. Exceptionhandler geschlossen. */ public synchronized void shutdown() { this.shutdownManagementWatchdogs(); // deactivate all Watchdogs .... Iterator iter = registeredWachdogs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWatchdog th = (IWatchdog); th.deactivate(); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {". . . Deactivating Watchdog " + th.getId()); } } this.kill(); } /** * wartet bis auch der letzte Thread beendet ist */ private void joinAllThreads() { Iterator iter = registeredWachdogs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Watchdog th = (Watchdog); boolean isJoining = true; if (!th.isAlive() && log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Thread " + th + " finished"); } while (th.isAlive() && isJoining) { try { th.getThread().join(); isJoining = false; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Thread " + th + " joined and finished"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } } } public synchronized int getCountWatchdogs() { return this.registeredWachdogs.size(); } public WatchdogInfo[] getWatchdogInfos() { final List watchdogs = new ArrayList(); WatchdogRegistry.IWatchdogVisitor visitor = new WatchdogRegistry.IWatchdogVisitor() { public void visit(IWatchdog wd) { watchdogs.add(new WatchdogInfo(wd)); } }; this.visitWatchdogRegistry(visitor); WatchdogInfo[] wds = new WatchdogInfo[watchdogs.size()]; int i = 0; for (Iterator iterator = watchdogs.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i++) { WatchdogInfo info = (WatchdogInfo); wds[i] = info; } return wds; } public String[][] showWatchdogInfos() { WatchdogInfo[] infos = this.getWatchdogInfos(); String[][] wds = new String[infos.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < infos.length; j++) { wds[j] = infos[j].getWatchdogInfos(); } return wds; } /** * **/ public synchronized void visitWatchdogRegistry(IWatchdogVisitor visitor) { Iterator iter = registeredWachdogs.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { IWatchdog th = (IWatchdog); visitor.visit(th); } } /** * stops the the Watchdog with the given id * The executing thread of the watchdog is stopped, but the watchdog is not * removed from the registry. * It can be restarted * * @throws IllegalStateException Watchdog does not exist, * check existence with {@link #findWatchdog(Long)} * @see #restart(Long) * @see #shutdown(Long) */ public void stop(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Watchdog " + id + " ist not registered"); } wd.stop(); } /** * stops the the Watchdog with the given id * The executing thread of the watchdog is stopped and the watchdog is removed from the registry. * It can nor be restarted * * @throws IllegalStateException Watchdog does not exist, * check existence with {@link #findWatchdog(Long)} * @see #restart(Long) * @see #stop(Long) */ public void shutdown(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Watchdog " + id + " ist not registered"); } wd.kill(); this.deregisterWatchdog(id); } /** * restart the Watchdog with the given id * * @throws IllegalStateException Watchdog does not exist, * check existence with {@link #findWatchdog(Long)} */ public void restart(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Watchdog " + id + " ist not registered"); } wd.restart(); } /** * deactivates all Conditions of the Watchdog with the given id * * @throws IllegalStateException Watchdog does not exist, * check existence with {@link #findWatchdog(Long)} */ public void deactivate(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Watchdog " + id + " ist not registered"); } wd.deactivate(); } /** * activates all Conditions of the Watchdog with the given id * * @throws IllegalStateException Watchdog does not exist, * check existence with {@link #findWatchdog(Long)} */ public void activate(Long id) { Watchdog wd = (Watchdog) this.registeredWachdogs.get(id); if (wd == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Watchdog " + id + " ist not registered"); } wd.activate(); } }