package; /* * #%L * phynixx-common * %% * Copyright (C) 2014 csc * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; /** * create DataLogger using Files to store data. A logger is qualified by its * name and a subsequent integer qualifier. It is possible to have more than one * log file for a given logger. The log files differ in the qualifier. * * <pre> * A log file is named according to the follwing pattern * 'loggerSystemName'_'loggerName'_'qualifier'.log * * The different parts of the name make i possible to deduce the following information from the logfile name * 1.) loggerSystem * 2.) loggername * 3.) qualifier pof the logfile for the logger * </pre> * A logical logger name has to unique for all logfile of the current * loggerfactory. Diese Factory erzeugt FileChannelDataLogger . Es wird ein * logischer Name mitgegeben und es wird im Verzeichnis eine datei mit diesem * namen angelegt und auf dieser Datei eine TAEnabledRandomAccessFile * instanziert. * The logic Name is unique concerning the loggerssytem */ public class FileChannelDataLoggerFactory implements IDataLoggerFactory { private static final String LOGGER_SYSTEM_FORMAT_PATTERN = "({0})_([a-z,A-Z,0-9]*[^_])_([0-9]*[^\\.])\\.[\\w]*"; private static final String LOGGER_FORMAT_PATTERN = "({0})_([0-9]*[^\\.])\\.[\\w]*"; private static final IPhynixxLogger LOGGER = PhynixxLogManager.getLogger(FileChannelDataLoggerFactory.class); private File directory = null; private String loggerSystemName = null; /** * @param loggerSystemName * @param directoryName logfile are created in this directory */ public FileChannelDataLoggerFactory(String loggerSystemName, String directoryName) { super(); this.loggerSystemName = loggerSystemName; = new File(directoryName); if ( && ! { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory " + directory.getAbsolutePath() + " doesn't exist or is not a directory"); } if (! && ! { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory " + directory.getAbsolutePath() + " could not be written"); } } /** * @param loggerSystemName * @param directory logfile are created in this directory */ public FileChannelDataLoggerFactory(String loggerSystemName, File directory) { super(); this.loggerSystemName = loggerSystemName; = directory; if (directory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Log directory must be specified"); } if (!directory.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Log directory must exists"); } if ( && ! { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument 'directory' has to be an existing directory"); } } /** * @return Name of the loggerSystem */ @Override public String getLoggerSystemName() { return loggerSystemName; } /** * @return directory containing the logfiles */ public File getLoggingDirectory() { return directory; } private String createQualifiedLoggerName(String loggerName, int qualifier) { return new StringBuilder(this.loggerSystemName).append("_").append(loggerName).append("_").append(qualifier).toString(); } /** * @param loggerName unique Identifier of the logger (concering to the logger system) * @return dataLogger encapsulating the logfile * @throws IOException */ @Override public synchronized IDataLogger instanciateLogger(String loggerName) throws IOException { return this.instanciateLogger(loggerName, AccessMode.APPEND); } /** * @param loggerName unique Identifier of the logger (concering to the logger system) * @return dataLogger encapsulating the logfile * @throws IOException */ @Override public synchronized IDataLogger instanciateLogger(String loggerName, AccessMode accessMode) throws IOException { File logFile = this.provideFile(createQualifiedLoggerName(loggerName, 1),; return new FileChannelDataLogger(logFile, accessMode); } /** * destroys a logfiles */ @Override public synchronized void cleanup() { String pattern = MessageFormat.format(LOGGER_SYSTEM_FORMAT_PATTERN, this.loggerSystemName); LogFilenameMatcher matcher = new LogFilenameMatcher(pattern); LogFileTraverser.ICollectorCallback cb = new LogFileTraverser.ICollectorCallback() { @Override public void match(File file, LogFilenameMatcher.LogFilenameParts parts) { boolean success = file.delete(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Deleting " + file + " success=" + success); } } }; new LogFileTraverser(matcher, FileChannelDataLoggerFactory.this.getLoggingDirectory(), cb); } @Override /** * destroyes all logfile of the logger */ public synchronized void destroyLogger(String loggerName) { String pattern = MessageFormat.format(LOGGER_FORMAT_PATTERN, loggerName); LogFilenameMatcher matcher = new LogFilenameMatcher(pattern); LogFileTraverser.ICollectorCallback cb = new LogFileTraverser.ICollectorCallback() { @Override public void match(File file, LogFilenameMatcher.LogFilenameParts parts) { boolean success = file.delete(); if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Deleting " + file + " success=" + success); } } }; new LogFileTraverser(matcher, FileChannelDataLoggerFactory.this.getLoggingDirectory(), cb); } @Override /** * @return logger having at least one logfile accociated */ public synchronized Set<String> findLoggerNames() throws IOException { String pattern = MessageFormat.format(LOGGER_SYSTEM_FORMAT_PATTERN, this.loggerSystemName); LogFilenameMatcher matcher = new LogFilenameMatcher(pattern); final Set<String> loggerNames = new HashSet<String>(); LogFileTraverser.ICollectorCallback cb = new LogFileTraverser.ICollectorCallback() { @Override public void match(File file, LogFilenameMatcher.LogFilenameParts parts) { loggerNames.add(parts.getLoggerName()); } }; new LogFileTraverser(matcher, this.getLoggingDirectory(), cb); return loggerNames; } private File provideFile(String fileName, File directory) throws IOException { File file = new File(directory, fileName + ".log"); // Falls existent, so ist nichts zu tun. if (file.exists()) { return file; } if (!directory.exists()) { final boolean mkdirs = directory.mkdirs(); if(!mkdirs) { throw new IOException("Failed to create directory " + directory + " or one of its children"); } } if(!file.createNewFile()) { throw new IOException("Failed to create file "+file); } return file; } }