package me.gnat008.perworldinventory; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; /** * Collects available classes by walking through a source directory. * <p> * This is a naive, zero dependency collector that walks through a file directory * and loads classes from the class loader based on the .java files it encounters. * This is a very slow approach and should be avoided for production code. * <p> * For more performant approaches, see e.g. <a href="">org.reflections</a>. * * @author ljacqu */ public class ClassCollector { private final String root; private final String nonCodePath; /** * Constructor. The arguments make up the path from which the collector will start scanning. * * @param nonCodePath beginning of the starting path that are not Java packages, e.g. {@code src/main/java/} * @param packagePath folders following {@code nonCodePath} that are packages, e.g. {@code com/project/app} */ public ClassCollector(String nonCodePath, String packagePath) { if (!nonCodePath.endsWith("/") && !nonCodePath.endsWith("\\")) { nonCodePath = nonCodePath.concat(File.separator); } this.root = nonCodePath + packagePath; this.nonCodePath = nonCodePath; } /** * Collects all classes from the parent folder and below. * * @return all classes */ public List<Class<?>> collectClasses() { return collectClasses(x -> true); } /** * Collects all classes from the parent folder and below which are of type {@link T}. * * @param parent the parent which classes need to extend (or be equal to) in order to be collected * @param <T> the parent type * @return list of matching classes */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public <T> List<Class<? extends T>> collectClasses(Class<T> parent) { List<Class<?>> classes = collectClasses(parent::isAssignableFrom); return new ArrayList<>((List) classes); } /** * Collects all classes from the parent folder and below which match the given predicate. * * @param filter the predicate classes need to satisfy in order to be collected * @return list of matching classes */ public List<Class<?>> collectClasses(Predicate<Class<?>> filter) { File rootFolder = new File(root); List<Class<?>> collection = new ArrayList<>(); collectClasses(rootFolder, filter, collection); return collection; } /** * Constructs an instance of all classes which are of the provided type {@code clazz}. * This method assumes that every class has an accessible no-args constructor for creation. * * @param parent the parent which classes need to extend (or be equal to) in order to be instantiated * @param <T> the parent type * @return collection of created objects */ public <T> List<T> getInstancesOfType(Class<T> parent) { return getInstancesOfType(parent, (clz) -> { try { return canInstantiate(clz) ? clz.newInstance() : null; } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } }); } /** * Constructs an instance of all classes which are of the provided type {@code clazz} * with the provided {@code instantiator}. * * @param parent the parent which classes need to extend (or be equal to) in order to be instantiated * @param instantiator function which returns an object of the given class, or null to skip the class * @param <T> the parent type * @return collection of created objects */ public <T> List<T> getInstancesOfType(Class<T> parent, Function<Class<? extends T>, T> instantiator) { return collectClasses(parent) .stream() .map(instantiator) .filter(o -> o != null) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Returns whether the given class can be instantiated, i.e. if it is not abstract, an interface, etc. * * @param clazz the class to process * @return true if the class can be instantiated, false otherwise */ public static boolean canInstantiate(Class<?> clazz) { return clazz != null && !clazz.isEnum() && !clazz.isInterface() && !clazz.isArray() && !Modifier.isAbstract(clazz.getModifiers()); } /** * Recursively collects the classes based on the files in the directory and in its child directories. * * @param folder the folder to scan * @param filter the class predicate * @param collection collection to add classes to */ private void collectClasses(File folder, Predicate<Class<?>> filter, List<Class<?>> collection) { File[] files = folder.listFiles(); if (files == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not read files from '" + folder + "'"); } for (File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { collectClasses(file, filter, collection); } else if (file.isFile()) { Class<?> clazz = loadTaskClassFromFile(file); if (clazz != null && filter.test(clazz)) { collection.add(clazz); } } } } /** * Loads a class from the class loader based on the given file. * * @param file the file whose corresponding Java class should be retrieved * @return the corresponding class, or null if not applicable */ private Class<?> loadTaskClassFromFile(File file) { if (!file.getName().endsWith(".java")) { return null; } String filePath = file.getPath(); String className = filePath .substring(nonCodePath.length(), filePath.length() - 5) .replace(File.separator, "."); try { return Class.forName(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } }