package org.phoenicis.javafx.views.mainwindow.settings; import javafx.scene.control.Hyperlink; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane; import javafx.scene.layout.VBox; import javafx.scene.text.Text; import org.phoenicis.javafx.views.common.TextWithStyle; import; import; import; import static org.phoenicis.configuration.localisation.Localisation.translate; /** * This class represents the "About" settings category * * @author marc * @since 23.04.17 */ public class AboutPanel extends VBox { private ApplicationBuildInformation buildInformation; private Opener opener; private Text title; private GridPane aboutGrid; private Text nameDescription; private Label nameLabel; private Text versionDescription; private Label versionLabel; private Text gitRevisionDescription; private Hyperlink gitRevisionHyperlink; private Text buildTimestampDescription; private Label buildTimestampLabel; /** * Constructor * * @param buildInformation The information of the used build of POL 5 * @param opener The opener util object to be used to open websites */ public AboutPanel(ApplicationBuildInformation buildInformation, Opener opener) { super(); this.buildInformation = buildInformation; this.opener = opener; this.getStyleClass().add("containerConfigurationPane"); this.populate(); this.getChildren().setAll(title, aboutGrid); } private void populate() { this.title = new TextWithStyle(translate("About"), "title"); this.aboutGrid = new GridPane(); this.aboutGrid.getStyleClass().add("grid"); this.aboutGrid.setHgap(20); this.aboutGrid.setVgap(10); this.nameDescription = new TextWithStyle(translate("Name:"), "captionTitle"); this.nameLabel = new Label(buildInformation.getApplicationName()); this.versionDescription = new TextWithStyle(translate("Version:"), "captionTitle"); this.versionLabel = new Label(buildInformation.getApplicationVersion()); this.gitRevisionDescription = new TextWithStyle(translate("Git Revision:"), "captionTitle"); this.gitRevisionHyperlink = new Hyperlink(buildInformation.getApplicationGitRevision()); this.gitRevisionHyperlink.setOnAction(event -> { try { URI uri = new URI("" + buildInformation.getApplicationGitRevision());; } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); this.buildTimestampDescription = new TextWithStyle(translate("Build Timestamp:"), "captionTitle"); this.buildTimestampLabel = new Label(buildInformation.getApplicationBuildTimestamp()); this.aboutGrid.add(nameDescription, 0, 0); this.aboutGrid.add(nameLabel, 1, 0); this.aboutGrid.add(versionDescription, 0, 1); this.aboutGrid.add(versionLabel, 1, 1); this.aboutGrid.add(gitRevisionDescription, 0, 2); this.aboutGrid.add(gitRevisionHyperlink, 1, 2); this.aboutGrid.add(buildTimestampDescription, 0, 3); this.aboutGrid.add(buildTimestampLabel, 1, 3); } /** * This class contains information about the POL 5 build */ public static class ApplicationBuildInformation { // the name of the application private String applicationName; // the version of the application (taken from the maven pom file) private String applicationVersion; // the git revision/commit used to build POL 5 private String applicationGitRevision; // the timestamp when POL 5 was built private String applicationBuildTimestamp; /** * Constructor * * @param applicationName the name of the application * @param applicationVersion the version of the application * @param applicationGitRevision the git revision/commit used to build POL 5 * @param applicationBuildTimestamp the timestamp when POL 5 was built */ public ApplicationBuildInformation(String applicationName, String applicationVersion, String applicationGitRevision, String applicationBuildTimestamp) { this.applicationName = applicationName; this.applicationVersion = applicationVersion; this.applicationGitRevision = applicationGitRevision; this.applicationBuildTimestamp = applicationBuildTimestamp; } public String getApplicationName() { return applicationName; } public String getApplicationVersion() { return applicationVersion; } public String getApplicationGitRevision() { return applicationGitRevision; } public String getApplicationBuildTimestamp() { return applicationBuildTimestamp; } } }