package org.phoenicis.javafx.views.mainwindow.library; import javafx.beans.binding.Bindings; import javafx.collections.ObservableList; import javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton; import javafx.stage.FileChooser; import org.phoenicis.javafx.views.mainwindow.ui.*; import org.phoenicis.library.dto.ShortcutCategoryDTO; import org.phoenicis.library.dto.ShortcutDTO; import; import java.util.function.Consumer; import static org.phoenicis.configuration.localisation.Localisation.translate; /** * An instance of this class represents the left sidebar of the library tab view. * This sidebar contains three items: * <ul> * <li> * A searchbar, which enables the user to search for an application inside his application library. * </li> * <li> * A button group containing a run, stop and uninstall button for a selected application in the library. * This group is only shown, if an application is currently selected. * </li> * <li> * A button group containing a "Run a script" and "PlayOnLinux console" button. * This group is always shown. * </li> * </ul> * * @author marc * @since 15.04.17 */ public class LibrarySideBar extends LeftSideBar { // the name of this application private final String applicationName; // the search bar used for filtering private SearchBox searchBar; // the toggleable categories private LeftToggleGroup<ShortcutCategoryDTO> categoryView; // consumer called after a text has been entered in the search box private Consumer<String> onSearch; // the shortcut group, containing the run, stop and uninstall buttons private LeftGroup shortcutGroup; private LeftButton runButton; private LeftButton stopButton; private LeftButton uninstallButton; // the advanced tools group, containing the run script and run console buttons private LeftGroup advancedToolsGroup; private LeftButton runScript; private LeftButton runConsole; // the current selected shortcut private ShortcutDTO shortcut; // consumers called after a category selection has been made private Runnable onAllCategorySelection; private Consumer<ShortcutCategoryDTO> onCategorySelection; // consumers called when a shortcut should be run, stopped or uninstalled private Consumer<ShortcutDTO> onShortcutRun; private Consumer<ShortcutDTO> onShortcutStop; private Consumer<ShortcutDTO> onShortcutUninstall; // consumers called when a script should be run or a console be opened private Consumer<File> onScriptRun; private Runnable onOpenConsole; /** * Constructor * * @param applicationName The name of this application (normally "PlayOnLinux") */ public LibrarySideBar(String applicationName) { super(); this.applicationName = applicationName; this.populateSearchBar(); this.populateShortcut(); this.populateCategories(); this.populateAdvancedTools(); this.hideShortcut(); } /** * This method selects the "All" application category */ public void selectAllCategories() { this.categoryView.selectAll(); } /** * This method sets the to be shown shortcut (including its name). * Afterwards it updates the sidebar view to show the searchbar, the shortcut related buttons (run, stop and uninstall) and * the advanced tool buttons (run a script and open a console). * If a shortcut is already shown the shortcut information will be updated to reflect the new shortcut. * * @param shortcut The new shortcut to be shown to the user */ public void showShortcut(ShortcutDTO shortcut) { this.shortcut = shortcut; this.shortcutGroup.setTitle(shortcut.getName()); this.getChildren().setAll(this.searchBar, new LeftSpacer(), this.categoryView, this.shortcutGroup, new LeftSpacer(), this.advancedToolsGroup); } /** * This method hides the currently shown shortcut. * If no shortcut is currently shown, this method does nothing. */ public void hideShortcut() { this.shortcut = null; this.getChildren().setAll(this.searchBar, new LeftSpacer(), this.categoryView, this.advancedToolsGroup); } /** * This method binds the given category list <code>categories</code> to the categories toggle group. * * @param categories The to be bound category list */ public void bindCategories(ObservableList<ShortcutCategoryDTO> categories) { Bindings.bindContent(categoryView.getElements(), categories); } /** * This method populates the searchbar */ private void populateSearchBar() { this.searchBar = new SearchBox(onSearch, () -> { }); } private void populateCategories() { this.categoryView = LeftToggleGroup.create(translate("Categories"), this::createAllCategoriesToggleButton, this::createCategoryToggleButton); } /** * This method is responsible for creating the "All" categories toggle button. * * @return The newly created "All" categories toggle button */ private ToggleButton createAllCategoriesToggleButton() { final LeftToggleButton allCategoryButton = new LeftToggleButton("All"); allCategoryButton.setSelected(true); allCategoryButton.setId("allButton"); allCategoryButton.setOnMouseClicked(event ->; return allCategoryButton; } /** * This method is responsible for creating a toggle button for a given category. * * @param category The category for which a toggle button should be created * @return The newly created toggle button */ private ToggleButton createCategoryToggleButton(ShortcutCategoryDTO category) { final LeftToggleButton categoryButton = new LeftToggleButton(category.getName()); categoryButton.setId(String.format("%sButton", category.getName().toLowerCase())); categoryButton.setOnMouseClicked(event -> onCategorySelection.accept(category)); return categoryButton; } /** * This method populates the shortcut button group. */ private void populateShortcut() { this.runButton = new LeftButton(translate("Run")); this.runButton.getStyleClass().add("runButton"); this.stopButton = new LeftButton(translate("Close")); this.stopButton.getStyleClass().add("stopButton"); this.uninstallButton = new LeftButton(translate("Uninstall")); this.uninstallButton.getStyleClass().add("uninstallButton"); this.runButton.setOnMouseClicked(event -> onShortcutRun.accept(shortcut)); this.stopButton.setOnMouseClicked(event -> onShortcutStop.accept(shortcut)); this.uninstallButton.setOnMouseClicked(event -> { onShortcutUninstall.accept(shortcut); hideShortcut(); }); this.shortcutGroup = new LeftGroup("Unknown application", runButton, stopButton, uninstallButton); } /** * This method populates the advanced tools button group. */ private void populateAdvancedTools() { this.runScript = new LeftButton(translate("Run a script")); this.runScript.getStyleClass().add("scriptButton"); this.runConsole = new LeftButton(translate(String.format("%s console", applicationName))); this.runConsole.getStyleClass().add("consoleButton"); this.runScript.setOnMouseClicked(event -> { final FileChooser fileChooser = new FileChooser(); fileChooser.setTitle("Open a script"); // TODO: use correct owner window final File scriptToRun = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(null); if (scriptToRun != null) { onScriptRun.accept(scriptToRun); } }); this.runConsole.setOnMouseClicked(event ->; this.advancedToolsGroup = new LeftGroup("Advanced tools", runScript, runConsole); } /** * This method updates the consumer, that is called when a search term has been entered. * * @param onSearch The new consumer to be called */ public void setOnSearch(Consumer<String> onSearch) { this.onSearch = onSearch; } /** * This method sets the consumer, that is called after a category has been selected * * @param onAllCategorySelection The new consumer to be used */ public void setOnAllCategorySelection(Runnable onAllCategorySelection) { this.onAllCategorySelection = onAllCategorySelection; } /** * This method sets the consumer, that is called after the "All" categories toggle button has been selected * * @param onCategorySelection The new consumer to be used */ public void setOnCategorySelection(Consumer<ShortcutCategoryDTO> onCategorySelection) { this.onCategorySelection = onCategorySelection; } /** * This method updates the consumer, that is called when the "Run" button for the currently selected shortcut has been clicked. * * @param onShortcutRun The new consumer to be called */ public void setOnShortcutRun(Consumer<ShortcutDTO> onShortcutRun) { this.onShortcutRun = onShortcutRun; } /** * This method updates the consumer, that is called when the "Stop" button for the currently selected shortcut has been clicked. * * @param onShortcutStop The new consumer to be called */ public void setOnShortcutStop(Consumer<ShortcutDTO> onShortcutStop) { this.onShortcutStop = onShortcutStop; } /** * This method updates the consumer, that is called when the "Uninstall" button for the currently selected shortcut has been clicked. * * @param onShortcutUninstall The new consumer to be called */ public void setOnShortcutUninstall(Consumer<ShortcutDTO> onShortcutUninstall) { this.onShortcutUninstall = onShortcutUninstall; } /** * This method updates the consumer, that is called when the "Run a script" button in the advanced tools section has been clicked. * * @param onScriptRun The new consumer to be called */ public void setOnScriptRun(Consumer<File> onScriptRun) { this.onScriptRun = onScriptRun; } /** * This methdo updates the consumer that is called when the "PlayOnLinux console" button ins the advanced tools section has been clicked. * * @param onOpenConsole The new consumer to be called */ public void setOnOpenConsole(Runnable onOpenConsole) { this.onOpenConsole = onOpenConsole; } }