package com.openvehicles.OVMS.ui; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.Html; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.CheckBox; import android.widget.SeekBar; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuInflater; import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem; import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.BarLineChartBase; import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.CandleStickChart; import com.github.mikephil.charting.charts.LineChart; import com.github.mikephil.charting.components.LimitLine; import com.github.mikephil.charting.components.XAxis; import com.github.mikephil.charting.components.YAxis; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.github.mikephil.charting.listener.OnChartValueSelectedListener; import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ViewPortHandler; import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Highlight; import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.ValueFormatter; import com.luttu.AppPrefes; import com.openvehicles.OVMS.R; import com.openvehicles.OVMS.entities.BatteryData; import com.openvehicles.OVMS.entities.CarData; import com.openvehicles.OVMS.entities.CmdSeries; import com.openvehicles.OVMS.ui.utils.ProgressOverlay; import com.openvehicles.OVMS.utils.CarsStorage; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Battery pack and cell status history charts. * * Currently only usable for Renault Twizy, but can be extended to support * other battery layouts easily as soon as other vehicles deliver this info. * * Data model: BatteryData * * Created by balzer on 27.03.15. * */ public class BatteryFragment extends BaseFragment implements CmdSeries.Listener, ProgressOverlay.OnCancelListener { private static final String TAG = "BatteryFragment"; // data set colors: private static final int COLOR_SOC_LINE = Color.parseColor("#A04455FF"); private static final int COLOR_SOC_TEXT = Color.parseColor("#AAAAFF"); private static final int COLOR_SOC_GRID = Color.parseColor("#7777AA"); private static final int COLOR_VOLT = Color.parseColor("#CCFF33"); private static final int COLOR_VOLT_MIN = Color.parseColor("#77AA00"); private static final int COLOR_VOLT_GRID = Color.parseColor("#77AA77"); private static final int COLOR_TEMP = Color.parseColor("#FFEE33"); private static final int COLOR_TEMP_GRID = Color.parseColor("#AAAA77"); // data storage: private BatteryData batteryData; // user interface: private Menu optionsMenu; private LineChart packChart; private LineData packData; private LineDataSet packVoltSet, packVoltMinSet, packTempSet; private CandleStickChart cellChart; private SeekBar seekPack; private int highlightSetNr = -1; private String highlightSetLabel = ""; private boolean mShowVolt = true; private boolean mShowTemp = false; // system services: private final static Handler mHandler = new Handler(); private CarData mCarData; private CmdSeries cmdSeries; private AppPrefes appPrefes; @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Init data storage: batteryData = new BatteryData(); // Load prefs: appPrefes = new AppPrefes(getActivity(), "ovms"); mShowVolt = appPrefes.getData("battery_show_volt").equals("on"); mShowTemp = appPrefes.getData("battery_show_temp").equals("on"); if (!mShowVolt && !mShowTemp) mShowVolt = true; // Setup UI: ProgressOverlay progressOverlay = createProgressOverlay(inflater, container, false); progressOverlay.setOnCancelListener(this); View rootView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_battery, null); // // Setup Cell status chart: // XAxis xAxis; YAxis yAxis; cellChart = (CandleStickChart) rootView.findViewById(; cellChart.setDescription(getString(R.string.battery_cell_description)); cellChart.getPaint(LineChart.PAINT_DESCRIPTION).setColor(Color.LTGRAY); cellChart.setDrawGridBackground(false); cellChart.setDrawBorders(true); xAxis = cellChart.getXAxis(); xAxis.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); yAxis = cellChart.getAxisLeft(); yAxis.setTextColor(COLOR_VOLT); yAxis.setGridColor(COLOR_VOLT_GRID); yAxis.setStartAtZero(false); yAxis.setValueFormatter(new ValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float v) { return String.format("%.2f", v); } }); yAxis = cellChart.getAxisRight(); yAxis.setTextColor(COLOR_TEMP); yAxis.setGridColor(COLOR_TEMP_GRID); yAxis.setStartAtZero(false); yAxis.setValueFormatter(new ValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float v) { return String.format("%.0f", v); } }); // // Setup Pack history chart: // packChart = (LineChart) rootView.findViewById(; packChart.setDescription(getString(R.string.battery_pack_description)); packChart.getPaint(LineChart.PAINT_DESCRIPTION).setColor(Color.LTGRAY); packChart.setDrawGridBackground(false); packChart.setDrawBorders(true); packChart.setOnChartValueSelectedListener(new OnChartValueSelectedListener() { @Override public void onValueSelected(Entry entry, int dataSet, Highlight highlight) { // remember user data set selection: highlightSetNr = dataSet; highlightSetLabel = packChart.getData().getDataSetByIndex(dataSet).getLabel(); // update seek bar: seekPack.setProgress(entry.getXIndex()); // fires listener event (fromUser=false) // update cell chart: showCellStatus(entry.getXIndex()); } @Override public void onNothingSelected() { // nop } }); xAxis = packChart.getXAxis(); xAxis.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); yAxis = packChart.getAxisLeft(); yAxis.setStartAtZero(false); yAxis.setSpaceTop(5f); yAxis.setSpaceBottom(5f); yAxis.setTextColor(COLOR_SOC_TEXT); yAxis.setGridColor(COLOR_SOC_GRID); yAxis.setValueFormatter(new ValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float v) { return String.format("%.0f%%", v); } }); yAxis = packChart.getAxisRight(); yAxis.setStartAtZero(false); yAxis.setSpaceTop(15f); yAxis.setSpaceBottom(15f); yAxis.setTextColor(COLOR_VOLT); yAxis.setGridColor(COLOR_VOLT_GRID); yAxis.setValueFormatter(new ValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float v) { return String.format("%.0f", v); } }); // // Setup Pack history seek bar: // seekPack = (SeekBar) rootView.findViewById(; seekPack.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() { @Override public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int val, boolean fromUser) { if (fromUser) { // highlight entry: highlightPackEntry(val); // update cell chart: showCellStatus(val); } } @Override public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) { // nop } @Override public void onStopTrackingTouch(SeekBar seekBar) { // nop } }); // default data set to highlight: highlightSetLabel = getString(R.string.battery_data_soc); // attach menu: setHasOptionsMenu(true); return rootView; } @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { inflater.inflate(, menu); optionsMenu = menu; optionsMenu.findItem(; optionsMenu.findItem(; } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); getSherlockActivity().setTitle(R.string.battery_title); getSherlockActivity().getSupportActionBar().setIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_chart); // get data of current car: mCarData = CarsStorage.get().getSelectedCarData(); // schedule data loader: showProgressOverlay(getString(R.string.battery_msg_loading_data)); mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // load and display saved vehicle data: BatteryData saved = BatteryData.loadFile(mCarData.sel_vehicleid); if (saved != null) { Log.v(TAG, "BatteryData loaded for " + mCarData.sel_vehicleid); batteryData = saved; dataSetChanged(); } hideProgressOverlay(); } }, 200); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int menuId = item.getItemId(); boolean newState = !item.isChecked(); switch(menuId) { case cmdSeries = new CmdSeries(getService(), BatteryFragment.this) .add(R.string.battery_msg_get_status, "206") // ensure non-empty history .add(R.string.battery_msg_get_battpack, "32,RT-BAT-P") .add(R.string.battery_msg_get_battcell, "32,RT-BAT-C") .start(); return true; case packChart.fitScreen(); cellChart.fitScreen(); return true; case new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()) .setTitle(R.string.battery_btn_help) .setMessage(Html.fromHtml(getString(R.string.battery_help))) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null) .show(); return true; case mShowVolt = newState; if (!mShowVolt && !mShowTemp) { mShowTemp = true; optionsMenu.findItem(; } item.setChecked(newState); dataFilterChanged(); return true; case mShowTemp = newState; if (!mShowVolt && !mShowTemp) { mShowVolt = true; optionsMenu.findItem(; } item.setChecked(newState); dataFilterChanged(); return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } @Override public void onStop() { if (cmdSeries != null) cmdSeries.cancel(); super.onStop(); } @Override public void onCmdSeriesProgress(String message, int pos, int posCnt, int step, int stepCnt) { stepProgressOverlay(message, pos, posCnt, step, stepCnt); } @Override public void onProgressCancel() { if (cmdSeries != null) cmdSeries.cancel(); hideProgressOverlay(); } @Override public void onCmdSeriesFinish(CmdSeries cmdSeries, int returnCode) { String errorMsg = ""; String errorDetail = ""; hideProgressOverlay(); switch (returnCode) { case -1: // abort return; case 0: // ok: process & display results: showProgressOverlay(getString(R.string.msg_processing_data)); batteryData.processCmdResults(cmdSeries); batteryData.saveFile(mCarData.sel_vehicleid); dataSetChanged(); hideProgressOverlay(); return; case 1: // failed errorDetail = cmdSeries.getErrorDetail(); if (errorDetail.contains("B ")) errorDetail += getString(R.string.hint_sevcon_offline); errorMsg = getString(R.string.err_failed, errorDetail); break; case 2: // unsupported errorMsg = getString(R.string.err_unsupported_operation); break; case 3: // unimplemented errorMsg = getString(R.string.err_unimplemented_operation); break; } // getting here means error: new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()) .setTitle(R.string.Error) .setMessage(cmdSeries.getMessage() + " => " + errorMsg) .setPositiveButton(android.R.string.ok, null) .show(); } /** * Check data model validity */ private boolean isPackValid() { return (batteryData != null && batteryData.packHistory != null && batteryData.packHistory.size() > 0); } /** * Check data model and pack index validity */ private boolean isPackIndexValid(int index) { return (isPackValid() && index < batteryData.packHistory.size()); } /** * Call when underlying batteryData object ready/changed */ public void dataSetChanged() { if (!isPackValid()) return; // update pack chart: showPackHistory(); int lastEntry = batteryData.packHistory.size() - 1; // update seek bar: seekPack.setMax(lastEntry); seekPack.setProgress(lastEntry); // highlight latest entry: highlightPackEntry(lastEntry); // show latest cell status: showCellStatus(lastEntry); } /** * Call when user changed data filter (i.e. show Volt / Temp sets) */ private void dataFilterChanged() { // save prefs: appPrefes.SaveData("battery_show_volt", mShowVolt ? "on" : "off"); appPrefes.SaveData("battery_show_temp", mShowTemp ? "on" : "off"); // check data status: if (!isPackValid()) return; // update pack chart: showPackHistory(); int seekEntry = seekPack.getProgress(); // highlight last selected entry: highlightSetNr = -1; // ... highlightPackEntry(seekEntry); // show last selected entry cell status: showCellStatus(seekEntry); } /** * Update the pack chart */ public void showPackHistory() { if (!isPackValid()) return; ArrayList<BatteryData.PackStatus> packHistory = batteryData.packHistory; BatteryData.PackStatus packStatus, lastStatus; SimpleDateFormat timeFmt = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm"); // // Pack chart: // // create value arrays: ArrayList<String> xValues = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<LimitLine> xSections = new ArrayList<LimitLine>(); ArrayList<Entry> socValues = new ArrayList<Entry>(); ArrayList<Entry> voltValues = new ArrayList<Entry>(); ArrayList<Entry> voltMinValues = new ArrayList<Entry>(); ArrayList<Entry> tempValues = new ArrayList<Entry>(); lastStatus = null; for (int i = 0; i < packHistory.size(); i++) { packStatus = packHistory.get(i); xValues.add(timeFmt.format(packStatus.timeStamp)); socValues.add(new Entry(packStatus.soc, i)); voltValues.add(new Entry(packStatus.volt, i)); voltMinValues.add(new Entry(packStatus.voltMin, i)); tempValues.add(new Entry(packStatus.temp, i)); // add section markers: if (packStatus.isNewSection(lastStatus)) { LimitLine l = new LimitLine(i); l.setLabel(timeFmt.format(packStatus.timeStamp)); l.setLabelPosition(LimitLine.LimitLabelPosition.POS_RIGHT); l.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); l.setTextStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); l.enableDashedLine(3f, 2f, 0f); xSections.add(l); } lastStatus = packStatus; } // create data sets: ArrayList<LineDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<LineDataSet>(); LineDataSet dataSet; packTempSet = null; packVoltSet = null; if (mShowTemp) { packTempSet = dataSet = new LineDataSet(tempValues, getString(R.string.battery_data_temp)); dataSet.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.RIGHT); dataSet.setColor(COLOR_TEMP); dataSet.setLineWidth(3f); dataSet.setDrawCircles(false); dataSet.setDrawValues(false); dataSets.add(dataSet); } if (mShowVolt) { packVoltMinSet = dataSet = new LineDataSet(voltMinValues, getString(R.string.battery_data_volt_min)); dataSet.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.RIGHT); dataSet.setColor(COLOR_VOLT_MIN); dataSet.setLineWidth(2f); dataSet.setDrawCircles(false); dataSet.setDrawValues(false); dataSets.add(dataSet); packVoltSet = dataSet = new LineDataSet(voltValues, getString(R.string.battery_data_volt)); dataSet.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.RIGHT); dataSet.setColor(COLOR_VOLT); dataSet.setLineWidth(3f); dataSet.setDrawCircles(false); dataSet.setDrawValues(false); dataSets.add(dataSet); } dataSet = new LineDataSet(socValues, getString(R.string.battery_data_soc)); dataSet.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT); dataSet.setColor(COLOR_SOC_LINE); dataSet.setLineWidth(4f); dataSet.setDrawCircles(false); dataSet.setDrawValues(false); dataSets.add(dataSet); // display data sets: LineData data; packData = data = new LineData(xValues, dataSets); data.setValueTextColor(Color.WHITE); data.setValueTextSize(9f); packChart.setData(data); XAxis xAxis = packChart.getXAxis(); xAxis.removeAllLimitLines(); for (int i=0; i < xSections.size(); i++) { xAxis.addLimitLine(xSections.get(i)); } packChart.getLegend().setTextColor(Color.WHITE); packChart.invalidate(); } /** * Set pack chart highlight to a specific pack history index. * * This will try to keep the last selected data set. If highlightSetNr == -1 * it will try to determine the data set by the last selected label. * * @param index - pack history index to highlight */ private void highlightPackEntry(int index) { if (!isPackIndexValid(index)) return; // check model status: if (batteryData == null || batteryData.packHistory == null || index >= batteryData.packHistory.size()) { Log.e(TAG, "highlighPackEntry: #" + index + " out of bounds"); return; } // determine data set to highlight: if (highlightSetNr == -1) { // get user selection by set label: LineDataSet dataSet = packData.getDataSetByLabel(highlightSetLabel, false); highlightSetNr = packData.getIndexOfDataSet(dataSet); } if (highlightSetNr == -1) { // fallback to foreground set: highlightSetNr = packData.getDataSetCount() - 1; } // highlight entry: packChart.highlightValue(index, highlightSetNr); // does not fire listener event // center highlight in chart viewport: LineDataSet dataSet = packChart.getData().getDataSetByIndex(highlightSetNr); packChart.centerViewTo(index, dataSet.getYValForXIndex(index), dataSet.getAxisDependency()); } /** * Update the cell chart * * @param index - pack history index to display */ private void showCellStatus(int index) { if (!isPackIndexValid(index)) return; ArrayList<BatteryData.PackStatus> packHistory = batteryData.packHistory; BatteryData.PackStatus pack; ArrayList<BatteryData.CellStatus> cells; BatteryData.CellStatus cell; pack = packHistory.get(index); cells = pack.cells; if (cells == null) { Log.w(TAG, "showCellStatus x=" + index + ": cells=null"); return; } else if (cells.size() != 14) { Log.w(TAG, "showCellStatus x=" + index + ": cells.size=" + cells.size()); } // create value arrays: ArrayList<String> xValues = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<CandleEntry> voltValues = new ArrayList<CandleEntry>(); ArrayList<CandleEntry> tempValues = new ArrayList<CandleEntry>(); float low, high, open, close; for (int i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) { cell = cells.get(i); xValues.add("#" + (i+1)); // Volt: high=current, low=min high = cell.volt; low = cell.voltMin; if (cell.voltDevMax < 0) { // bad: cell voltage breaks more down than normal // => filled candle (close < open) open = high; close = high + cell.voltDevMax; if (close < low) low = close; } else { // ok: open = high - cell.voltDevMax; close = high; if (open < low) low = open; } voltValues.add(new CandleEntry(i, high, low, open, close)); // Temp: high=max, low=min open = cell.temp + (cell.tempDevMax / 2.1f); close = cell.temp - (cell.tempDevMax / 2.1f); high = Math.max(cell.tempMax, Math.max(open, close)); low = Math.min(cell.tempMin, Math.min(open, close)); tempValues.add(new CandleEntry(i, high, low, open, close)); } // create data sets: ArrayList<CandleDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<CandleDataSet>(); CandleDataSet dataSet; if (mShowTemp) { dataSet = new CandleDataSet(tempValues, getString(R.string.battery_data_temp)); dataSet.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.RIGHT); dataSet.setColor(COLOR_TEMP); dataSet.setDrawValues(true); dataSet.setShadowWidth(4f); dataSet.setValueFormatter(new ValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float value) { return String.format("%.0f", value); } }); dataSets.add(dataSet); } if (mShowVolt) { dataSet = new CandleDataSet(voltValues, getString(R.string.battery_data_volt)); dataSet.setAxisDependency(YAxis.AxisDependency.LEFT); dataSet.setColor(COLOR_VOLT); dataSet.setDrawValues(true); dataSet.setShadowWidth(4f); dataSet.setValueFormatter(new ValueFormatter() { @Override public String getFormattedValue(float value) { return String.format("%.3f", value); } }); dataSets.add(dataSet); } // configure y axes: YAxis yAxis = cellChart.getAxisLeft(); yAxis.setEnabled(mShowVolt); if (mShowVolt && (packVoltSet != null)) { float yMax = packVoltSet.getYMax() / 14f + 0.1f; float yMin = packVoltMinSet.getYMin() / 14f - 0.1f; yAxis.setAxisMaxValue(yMax); if (mShowTemp) yAxis.setAxisMinValue(yMin-(yMax-yMin)); // half height else yAxis.setAxisMinValue(yMin); // full height } yAxis = cellChart.getAxisRight(); yAxis.setEnabled(mShowTemp); if (mShowTemp && (packTempSet != null)) { float yMax = packTempSet.getYMax() + 3f; float yMin = packTempSet.getYMin() - 3f; if (mShowVolt) yAxis.setAxisMaxValue(yMax + (yMax - yMin)); // half height else yAxis.setAxisMaxValue(yMax); // full height yAxis.setAxisMinValue(yMin); } // display data sets: CandleData data = new CandleData(xValues, dataSets); data.setValueTextColor(Color.WHITE); data.setValueTextSize(9f); cellChart.setData(data); cellChart.getLegend().setTextColor(Color.WHITE); cellChart.invalidate(); } }