package com.openvehicles.OVMS; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import; import; import; import android.content.DialogInterface; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.SeekBar; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class TabInfo extends Activity { public int CurrentScreenOrientation; private CarData data; private ProgressDialog downloadProgress; private ServerCommands.CarLayoutDownloader downloadTask; private Handler handler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(Message paramAnonymousMessage) { TabInfo.this.updateLastUpdatedView(); ((TextView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296324)).setText(; TextView localTextView1 = (TextView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296334); String str1 = TabInfo.this.getString(2131099652); Object[] arrayOfObject1 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject1[0] = Integer.valueOf(; localTextView1.setText(String.format(str1, arrayOfObject1)); TableRow localTableRow; int n; if (TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296326) != null) { localTableRow = (TableRow)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296326); if ( n = 0; } while (true) { localTableRow.setVisibility(n); label137: SeekBar localSeekBar = (SeekBar)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296330); TextView localTextView2 = (TextView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296329); label218: TextView localTextView3; ImageView localImageView1; label323: int j; label476: int k; label513: ImageView localImageView4; if ("charging")) { Object[] arrayOfObject11 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject11[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("Charging - %s", arrayOfObject11)); localTextView3 = (TextView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296328); localImageView1 = (ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296332); if (! break label1045; localSeekBar.setProgress(0); localImageView1.setVisibility(0); Object[] arrayOfObject6 = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject6[0] = Integer.valueOf(; arrayOfObject6[1] = Integer.valueOf(; localTextView3.setText(String.format("%sA|%sV", arrayOfObject6)); String str2 = " km"; if (( != null) && (!"K"))) str2 = " miles"; ((TextView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296336)).setText( + str2); ((TextView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296335)).setText( + str2); ImageView localImageView2 = (ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296321); if (!TabInfo.this.isLoggedIn) break label1097; j = 8; localImageView2.setVisibility(j); ImageView localImageView3 = (ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296322); if (! break label1103; k = 0; localImageView3.setVisibility(k); localImageView4 = (ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296285); } try { int m = Integer.parseInt(; label562: ImageView localImageView5; if (m < 1) { localImageView4.setImageResource(2130837608); ((ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296333)).getLayoutParams().width = (268 * / 100); localImageView5 = (ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296325); StringBuilder localStringBuilder1 = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(TabInfo.this.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath())); Object[] arrayOfObject4 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject4[0] =; Bitmap localBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(String.format("/%s.png", arrayOfObject4)); if (localBitmap == null) break label1190; localImageView5.setImageBitmap(localBitmap); } while (true) { localImageView5.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View paramAnonymous2View) { AlertDialog.Builder localBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(TabInfo.this); Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[10]; String str1; String str2; label98: String str3; label123: String str4; label148: String str5; if ( { str1 = "ON"; arrayOfObject[0] = str1; arrayOfObject[1] =; arrayOfObject[2] =; if (! break label307; str2 = "ENGAGED"; arrayOfObject[3] = str2; if (! break label314; str3 = "ON"; arrayOfObject[4] = str3; if (! break label321; str4 = "ON"; arrayOfObject[5] = str4; if (! break label328; str5 = "ON"; label173: arrayOfObject[6] = str5; if (! break label335; } label307: label314: label321: label328: label335: for (String str6 = "LOCKED"; ; str6 = "(searching...)") { arrayOfObject[7] = str6; arrayOfObject[8] =; arrayOfObject[9] =; localBuilder.setMessage(String.format("Power: %s\nVIN: %s\nGSM Signal: %s\nHandbrake: %s\nValet: %s\nLock: %s\nCooling Pump: %s\nGPS: %s\n\nCar Module: %s\nOVMS Server: %s", arrayOfObject)).setTitle("Vehicle Information").setCancelable(true).setPositiveButton("Close", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface paramAnonymous3DialogInterface, int paramAnonymous3Int) { paramAnonymous3DialogInterface.dismiss(); } }); TabInfo.this.softwareInformation = localBuilder.create();; return; str1 = "OFF"; break; str2 = "DISENGAGED"; break label98; str3 = "OFF"; break label123; str4 = "OFF"; break label148; str5 = "OFF"; break label173; } } }); return; n = 8; break; if (TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296337) == null) break label137; RelativeLayout localRelativeLayout = (RelativeLayout)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296337); if (; for (int i = 0; ; i = 8) { localRelativeLayout.setVisibility(i); break; } if ("prepare")) { Object[] arrayOfObject10 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject10[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("Preparing to Charge - %s", arrayOfObject10)); break label218; } if ("heating")) { Object[] arrayOfObject9 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject9[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("Pre-Charge Battery Heating - %s", arrayOfObject9)); break label218; } if ("topoff")) { Object[] arrayOfObject8 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject8[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("Topping Off - %s", arrayOfObject8)); break label218; } if ("stopped")) { Object[] arrayOfObject7 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject7[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("Charge Interrupted - %s", arrayOfObject7)); break label218; } if (!"done")) break label218; Object[] arrayOfObject2 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject2[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("Charge Completed - %s", arrayOfObject2)); break label218; label1045: localSeekBar.setProgress(100); localImageView1.setVisibility(8); Object[] arrayOfObject3 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject3[0] = Integer.valueOf(; localTextView3.setText(String.format("%sA MAX", arrayOfObject3)); break label323; label1097: j = 0; break label476; label1103: k = 8; break label513; if (m < 7) { localImageView4.setImageResource(2130837609); break label562; } if (m < 14) { localImageView4.setImageResource(2130837610); break label562; } if (m < 21) { localImageView4.setImageResource(2130837611); break label562; } if (m < 28) { localImageView4.setImageResource(2130837612); break label562; } localImageView4.setImageResource(2130837613); break label562; label1190: StringBuilder localStringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder("** File Not Found: ").append(TabInfo.this.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath()); Object[] arrayOfObject5 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject5[0] =; Log.d("OVMS", String.format("/%s.png", arrayOfObject5)); if ((! && ((TabInfo.this.lastUpdatedDialog == null) || (!TabInfo.this.lastUpdatedDialog.isShowing()))) { = true; AlertDialog.Builder localBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(TabInfo.this); localBuilder.setMessage("Would you like to download a set of high resolution car images specifically drawn for your car?\n\nThe download is approx. 300KB.\n\nNote: a manual download button is available in the car commands and settings tab.").setTitle("Download Graphics").setCancelable(true).setPositiveButton("Download Now", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface paramAnonymous2DialogInterface, int paramAnonymous2Int) { TabInfo.this.downloadLayout(); paramAnonymous2DialogInterface.dismiss(); } }).setNegativeButton("Later", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface paramAnonymous2DialogInterface, int paramAnonymous2Int) { paramAnonymous2DialogInterface.dismiss(); } }); TabInfo.this.lastUpdatedDialog = localBuilder.create();; } } } catch (Exception localException) { break label562; } } } }; private boolean isLoggedIn; private Runnable lastUpdateTimer = new Runnable() { public void run() { TabInfo.this.updateLastUpdatedView(); TabInfo.this.lastUpdateTimerHandler.postDelayed(TabInfo.this.lastUpdateTimer, 5000L); } }; private Handler lastUpdateTimerHandler = new Handler(); private AlertDialog lastUpdatedDialog; private Handler orientationChangedHandler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(Message paramAnonymousMessage) { TabInfo.this.setContentView(2130903054); TabInfo.this.CurrentScreenOrientation = TabInfo.this.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; TabInfo.this.initUI(); } }; private AlertDialog softwareInformation; private void downloadLayout() { this.downloadProgress = new ProgressDialog(this); this.downloadProgress.setMessage("Downloading Hi-Res Graphics"); this.downloadProgress.setIndeterminate(true); this.downloadProgress.setMax(100); this.downloadProgress.setCancelable(true); this.downloadProgress.setProgressStyle(1);; this.downloadProgress.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { public void onDismiss(DialogInterface paramAnonymousDialogInterface) { StringBuilder localStringBuilder = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(TabInfo.this.getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath())); Object[] arrayOfObject = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject[0] =; Bitmap localBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(String.format("/%s.png", arrayOfObject)); if (localBitmap != null) { ((ImageView)TabInfo.this.findViewById(2131296325)).setImageBitmap(localBitmap); Toast.makeText(TabInfo.this, "Graphics Downloaded", 0).show(); } while (true) { return; Toast.makeText(TabInfo.this, "Download Failed", 0).show(); } } }); this.downloadTask = new ServerCommands.CarLayoutDownloader(this.downloadProgress); ServerCommands.CarLayoutDownloader localCarLayoutDownloader = this.downloadTask; String[] arrayOfString = new String[2]; arrayOfString[0] =; arrayOfString[1] = getCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(); localCarLayoutDownloader.execute(arrayOfString); } private void initUI() { ((TextView)findViewById(2131296323)).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView) { if ( != null) { String str = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, K:mm:ss a").format(; AlertDialog.Builder localBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(TabInfo.this); localBuilder.setMessage("Last update: " + str).setCancelable(true).setPositiveButton("Close", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface paramAnonymous2DialogInterface, int paramAnonymous2Int) { paramAnonymous2DialogInterface.dismiss(); } }).setTitle(; TabInfo.this.lastUpdatedDialog = localBuilder.create();; } } }); ((TextView)findViewById(2131296320)).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView) { if ( != null) { String str = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d, K:mm:ss a").format(; AlertDialog.Builder localBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(TabInfo.this); localBuilder.setMessage("Parked since: " + str).setCancelable(true).setPositiveButton("Close", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(DialogInterface paramAnonymous2DialogInterface, int paramAnonymous2Int) { paramAnonymous2DialogInterface.dismiss(); } }).setTitle(; TabInfo.this.lastUpdatedDialog = localBuilder.create();; } } }); ((TextView)findViewById(2131296329)).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView) { ServerCommands.SetChargeMode(TabInfo.this, (OVMSActivity)TabInfo.this.getParent(), null); } }); ((TextView)findViewById(2131296334)).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { public void onClick(View paramAnonymousView) { ServerCommands.SetChargeCurrent(TabInfo.this, (OVMSActivity)TabInfo.this.getParent(), null,; } }); ((SeekBar)findViewById(2131296330)).setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() { public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar paramAnonymousSeekBar, int paramAnonymousInt, boolean paramAnonymousBoolean) { paramAnonymousSeekBar.setProgress(paramAnonymousInt); } public void onStartTrackingTouch(SeekBar paramAnonymousSeekBar) { } public void onStopTrackingTouch(final SeekBar paramAnonymousSeekBar) { int i = 0; if (paramAnonymousSeekBar.getProgress() < 25) { paramAnonymousSeekBar.setProgress(0); if ( Toast.makeText(TabInfo.this, "Already charging...", 0).show(); } while (true) { return; ServerCommands.StartCharge(TabInfo.this, (OVMSActivity)TabInfo.this.getParent(), null).setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface paramAnonymous2DialogInterface) { paramAnonymousSeekBar.setProgress(paramAnonymousSeekBar.getMax()); } }); continue; if (paramAnonymousSeekBar.getProgress() <= -25 + paramAnonymousSeekBar.getMax()) break; paramAnonymousSeekBar.setProgress(paramAnonymousSeekBar.getMax()); if (! Toast.makeText(TabInfo.this, "Already stopped...", 0).show(); else ServerCommands.StopCharge(TabInfo.this, (OVMSActivity)TabInfo.this.getParent(), null).setOnCancelListener(new DialogInterface.OnCancelListener() { public void onCancel(DialogInterface paramAnonymous2DialogInterface) { paramAnonymousSeekBar.setProgress(0); } }); } if (; while (true) { paramAnonymousSeekBar.setProgress(i); break; i = 100; } } }); } private void updateLastUpdatedView() { if (( == null) || ( == null)); while (true) { return; TextView localTextView1 = (TextView)findViewById(2131296323); long l1 = (new Date().getTime() - / 1000L; label68: TextView localTextView2; LinearLayout localLinearLayout; long l2; if (l1 < 60L) { localTextView1.setText("live"); localTextView2 = (TextView)findViewById(2131296320); localLinearLayout = (LinearLayout)findViewById(2131296318); if (( || ( == 0.0D)) break label811; l2 = l1 + (); = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000L * l2); if (l2 >= 60L) break label438; localTextView2.setText("just now"); } while (true) { localLinearLayout.setVisibility(0); break; if (l1 < 3600L) { int i3 = (int)Math.ceil(l1 / 60L); Object[] arrayOfObject8 = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject8[0] = Integer.valueOf(i3); if (i3 > 1); for (String str9 = "s"; ; str9 = "") { arrayOfObject8[1] = str9; localTextView1.setText(String.format("Updated: %d min%s ago", arrayOfObject8)); break; } } if (l1 < 86400L) { int i2 = (int)Math.ceil(l1 / 3600L); Object[] arrayOfObject7 = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject7[0] = Integer.valueOf(i2); if (i2 > 1); for (String str8 = "s"; ; str8 = "") { arrayOfObject7[1] = str8; localTextView1.setText(String.format("Updated: %d hr%s ago", arrayOfObject7)); break; } } if (l1 < 864000L) { int i1 = (int)Math.ceil(l1 / 86400L); Object[] arrayOfObject6 = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject6[0] = Integer.valueOf(i1); if (i1 > 1); for (String str7 = "s"; ; str7 = "") { arrayOfObject6[1] = str7; localTextView1.setText(String.format("Updated: %d day%s ago", arrayOfObject6)); break; } } String str1 = getString(2131099651); Object[] arrayOfObject1 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject1[0] =; localTextView1.setText(String.format(str1, arrayOfObject1)); break label68; label438: if (l2 < 3600L) { int n = (int)Math.ceil(l2 / 60L); Object[] arrayOfObject5 = new Object[2]; arrayOfObject5[0] = Integer.valueOf(n); if (n > 1); for (String str6 = "s"; ; str6 = "") { arrayOfObject5[1] = str6; localTextView2.setText(String.format("%d min%s", arrayOfObject5)); break; } } if (l2 < 86400L) { int k = (int)Math.floor(l2 / 3600L); int m = (int)Math.ceil(Math.abs((l2 - k * 3600) / 60L)); Object[] arrayOfObject4 = new Object[4]; arrayOfObject4[0] = Integer.valueOf(k); String str4; if (k > 1) { str4 = "s"; label585: arrayOfObject4[1] = str4; arrayOfObject4[2] = Integer.valueOf(m); if (m <= 1) break label639; } label639: for (String str5 = "s"; ; str5 = "") { arrayOfObject4[3] = str5; localTextView2.setText(String.format("%d hr%s %d min%s", arrayOfObject4)); break; str4 = ""; break label585; } } if (l2 < 864000L) { int i = (int)Math.floor(l2 / 86400L); int j = (int)Math.ceil(Math.abs((l2 - 86400 * i) / 3600L)); Object[] arrayOfObject3 = new Object[4]; arrayOfObject3[0] = Integer.valueOf(i); String str2; if (i > 1) { str2 = "s"; label717: arrayOfObject3[1] = str2; arrayOfObject3[2] = Integer.valueOf(j); if (j <= 1) break label771; } label771: for (String str3 = "s"; ; str3 = "") { arrayOfObject3[3] = str3; localTextView2.setText(String.format("%d day%s %d hr%s", arrayOfObject3)); break; str2 = ""; break label717; } } Object[] arrayOfObject2 = new Object[1]; arrayOfObject2[0] =; localTextView2.setText(String.format("%1$tD %1$tT", arrayOfObject2)); } label811: localLinearLayout.setVisibility(8); } } public void OrientationChanged() { this.orientationChangedHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } public void Refresh(CarData paramCarData, boolean paramBoolean) { = paramCarData; this.isLoggedIn = paramBoolean; this.handler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } public void onCreate(Bundle paramBundle) { super.onCreate(paramBundle); setContentView(2130903054); initUI(); } protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); try { if ((this.softwareInformation != null) && (this.softwareInformation.isShowing())) this.softwareInformation.dismiss(); try { label28: if ((this.lastUpdatedDialog != null) && (this.lastUpdatedDialog.isShowing())) this.lastUpdatedDialog.dismiss(); label52: this.lastUpdateTimerHandler.removeCallbacks(this.lastUpdateTimer); return; } catch (Exception localException2) { break label52; } } catch (Exception localException1) { break label28; } } protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); this.lastUpdateTimerHandler.postDelayed(this.lastUpdateTimer, 5000L); } }