/* * Copyright 2015 Hippo Seven * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.hippo.nimingban; import android.content.Context; import com.hippo.yorozuya.AssertUtils; public final class Emoji { public static final int COUNT = 93; public static final int INDEX_IDEOGRAPHIC_SPACE = 92; public static final String[] EMOJI_NAME = { "|∀゚", "(´゚Д゚`)", "(;´Д`)", "(`・ω・)", "(=゚ω゚)=", "| ω・´)", "|-` )", "|д` )", "|ー` )", "|∀` )", "(つд⊂)", "(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)", "(^o^)ノ", "(|||゚Д゚)", "( ゚∀゚)", "( ´∀`)", "(*´∀`)", "(*゚∇゚)", "(*゚ー゚)", "( ゚ 3゚)", "( ´ー`)", "( ・_ゝ・)", "( ´_ゝ`)", "(*´д`)", "(・ー・)", "(・∀・)", "(ゝ∀・)", "(〃∀〃)", "( ゚∀。)", "( `д´)", // 30 "(`ε´ )", "(`ヮ´ )", "σ`∀´)", " ゚∀゚)σ", "゚ ∀゚)ノ", "(╬゚д゚)", "(|||゚д゚)", "( ゚д゚)", "Σ( ゚д゚)", "( ;゚д゚)", "( ;´д`)", "( д ) ゚ ゚", "( ☉д⊙)", "((( ゚д゚)))", "( ` ・´)", "( ´д`)", "( -д-)", "(>д<)", "・゚( ノд`゚)", "( TдT)", "( ̄∇ ̄)", "( ̄3 ̄)", "( ̄ー ̄)", "( ̄ .  ̄)", "( ̄皿 ̄)", "( ̄艸 ̄)", "( ̄︿ ̄)", "( ̄︶ ̄)", "ヾ(´ω゚`)", "(*´ω`*)", // 60 "(・ω・)", "( ´・ω)", "(`・ω)", "(´・ω・`)", "(`・ω・´)", "( `_っ´)", "( `ー´)", "( ´_っ`)", "( ´ρ`)", "( ゚ω゚)", "(o゚ω゚o)", "( ^ω^)", "(。◕∀◕。)", "/( ◕‿‿◕ )\\", "ヾ(´ε`ヾ)", "(ノ゚∀゚)ノ", "(σ゚д゚)σ", "(σ゚∀゚)σ", "|д゚ )", "┃電柱┃", "゚(つд`゚)", "゚Å゚ ) ", "⊂彡☆))д`)", "⊂彡☆))д´)", "⊂彡☆))∀`)", "(´∀((☆ミつ", "(<ゝω・)☆", "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", "☎110", "⚧", // 90 "☕", "(`ε´ (つ*⊂)", "ideographic_space" }; public static final String[] EMOJI_VALUE = { "|∀゚", "(´゚Д゚`)", "(;´Д`)", "(`・ω・)", "(=゚ω゚)=", "| ω・´)", "|-` )", "|д` )", "|ー` )", "|∀` )", "(つд⊂)", "(゚Д゚≡゚Д゚)", "(^o^)ノ", "(|||゚Д゚)", "( ゚∀゚)", "( ´∀`)", "(*´∀`)", "(*゚∇゚)", "(*゚ー゚)", "( ゚ 3゚)", "( ´ー`)", "( ・_ゝ・)", "( ´_ゝ`)", "(*´д`)", "(・ー・)", "(・∀・)", "(ゝ∀・)", "(〃∀〃)", "( ゚∀。)", "( `д´)", // 30 "(`ε´ )", "(`ヮ´ )", "σ`∀´)", " ゚∀゚)σ", "゚ ∀゚)ノ", "(╬゚д゚)", "(|||゚д゚)", "( ゚д゚)", "Σ( ゚д゚)", "( ;゚д゚)", "( ;´д`)", "( д ) ゚ ゚", "( ☉д⊙)", "((( ゚д゚)))", "( ` ・´)", "( ´д`)", "( -д-)", "(>д<)", "・゚( ノд`゚)", "( TдT)", "( ̄∇ ̄)", "( ̄3 ̄)", "( ̄ー ̄)", "( ̄ .  ̄)", "( ̄皿 ̄)", "( ̄艸 ̄)", "( ̄︿ ̄)", "( ̄︶ ̄)", "ヾ(´ω゚`)", "(*´ω`*)", // 60 "(・ω・)", "( ´・ω)", "(`・ω)", "(´・ω・`)", "(`・ω・´)", "( `_っ´)", "( `ー´)", "( ´_っ`)", "( ´ρ`)", "( ゚ω゚)", "(o゚ω゚o)", "( ^ω^)", "(。◕∀◕。)", "/( ◕‿‿◕ )\\", "ヾ(´ε`ヾ)", "(ノ゚∀゚)ノ", "(σ゚д゚)σ", "(σ゚∀゚)σ", "|д゚ )", "┃電柱┃", "゚(つд`゚)", "゚Å゚ ) ", "⊂彡☆))д`)", "⊂彡☆))д´)", "⊂彡☆))∀`)", "(´∀((☆ミつ", "(<ゝω・)☆", "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯", "☎110", "⚧", // 90 "☕", "(`ε´ (つ*⊂)", "\u3000" }; static { AssertUtils.assertEquals("EMOJI_NAME.length should be COUNT", COUNT, EMOJI_NAME.length); AssertUtils.assertEquals("EMOJI_VALUE.length should be COUNT", COUNT, EMOJI_VALUE.length); } public static void initialize(Context context) { EMOJI_NAME[INDEX_IDEOGRAPHIC_SPACE] = context.getString(R.string.ideographic_space); } }