package com.allinpay.its.boss.system.parseenum.model; public class EnumModel { /** * 大类代码 */ private String cvalue; /** * 获取小类字典集合枚举类对应方法名 */ private String method; /** * 包含过滤,表示只返回include中key的Select数据 * 格式为:"key1,key2,key3" */ private String include; /** * 剔除过滤,标识exclude中的key不包含在Select数据中 * 格式为:"key1,key2,key3" */ private String exclude; private String isSelect; public String getCvalue() { return cvalue; } public String getInclude() { return include; } public String getExclude() { return exclude; } public void setCvalue(String cvalue) { this.cvalue = cvalue; } public String getMethod() { return method; } public void setMethod(String method) { this.method = method; } public String getIsSelect() { return isSelect; } public void setIsSelect(String isSelect) { this.isSelect = isSelect; } /** * @param include the include to set */ public void setInclude(String include) { this.include = include; } /** * @param exclude the exclude to set */ public void setExclude(String exclude) { this.exclude = exclude; } }