package; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * Mp4aBox ( sample (frame encoding) description box) * * At first glance appears to hold no of channels but actually always returns 2 even for mono recordings * so just need to skip over data in order to get to child atom esds * * <p>4 bytes version/flags = byte hex version + 24-bit hex flags * (current = 0) * * 6 bytes reserved = 48-bit value set to zero * 2 bytes data reference index * = short unsigned index from 'dref' box * 2 bytes QUICKTIME audio encoding version = short hex version * - default = 0 ; audio data size before decompression = 1 * 2 bytes QUICKTIME audio encoding revision level * = byte hex version * - default = 0 ; video can revise this value * 4 bytes QUICKTIME audio encoding vendor * = long ASCII text string * - default = 0 * 2 bytes audio channels = short unsigned count * (mono = 1 ; stereo = 2) * 2 bytes audio sample size = short unsigned value * (8 or 16) * 2 bytes QUICKTIME audio compression id = short integer value * - default = 0 * 2 bytes QUICKTIME audio packet size = short value set to zero * 4 bytes audio sample rate = long unsigned fixed point rate */ public class Mp4Mp4aBox extends AbstractMp4Box { public static final int RESERVED_POS = 0; public static final int REFERENCE_INDEX_POS = 6; public static final int AUDIO_ENCODING_POS = 8; public static final int AUDIO_REVISION_POS = 10; public static final int AUDIO_ENCODING_VENDOR_POS = 12; public static final int CHANNELS_POS = 16; public static final int AUDIO_SAMPLE_SIZE_POS = 18; public static final int AUDIO_COMPRESSION_ID_POS = 20; public static final int AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE_POS = 22; public static final int AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_POS = 24; public static final int RESERVED_LENGTH = 6; public static final int REFERENCE_INDEX_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_ENCODING_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_REVISION_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_ENCODING_VENDOR_LENGTH = 4; public static final int CHANNELS_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_SAMPLE_SIZE_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_COMPRESSION_ID_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE_LENGTH = 2; public static final int AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_LENGTH = 4; public static final int TOTAL_LENGTH = RESERVED_LENGTH + REFERENCE_INDEX_LENGTH + AUDIO_ENCODING_LENGTH + AUDIO_REVISION_LENGTH + AUDIO_ENCODING_VENDOR_LENGTH + CHANNELS_LENGTH + AUDIO_SAMPLE_SIZE_LENGTH + AUDIO_COMPRESSION_ID_LENGTH + AUDIO_PACKET_SIZE_LENGTH + AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE_LENGTH; /** * @param header header info * @param dataBuffer data of box (doesnt include header data) */ public Mp4Mp4aBox(Mp4BoxHeader header, ByteBuffer dataBuffer) { this.header = header; this.dataBuffer = dataBuffer; } public void processData() throws CannotReadException { dataBuffer.position(dataBuffer.position() + TOTAL_LENGTH); } }