package com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.lyrics; import com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.annotations.Reflection; import com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.utilities.Levenshtein; import com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.utilities.Net; import com.squareup.okhttp.MediaType; import com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient; import com.squareup.okhttp.Request; import com.squareup.okhttp.RequestBody; import com.squareup.okhttp.Response; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import static com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.lyrics.Lyrics.NEGATIVE_RESULT; import static com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.lyrics.Lyrics.NO_RESULT; import static com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.lyrics.Lyrics.POSITIVE_RESULT; import static com.sdsmdg.harjot.MusicDNA.lyrics.Lyrics.SEARCH_ITEM; public class ViewLyrics { /* * Needed data */ private static final String url = ""; //ACTUAL: //CLASSIC: private static final String clientUserAgent = "MiniLyrics4Android"; //NORMAL: MiniLyrics <version> for <player> //EXAMPLE: MiniLyrics 7.6.44 for Windows Media Player //MOBILE: MiniLyrics4Android private static final String clientTag = "client=\"ViewLyricsOpenSearcher\""; //NORMAL: MiniLyrics //MOBILE: MiniLyricsForAndroid private static final String searchQueryBase = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?><searchV1 artist=\"%s\" title=\"%s\" OnlyMatched=\"1\" %s/>"; private static final String searchQueryPage = " RequestPage='%d'"; private static final byte[] magickey = "Mlv1clt4.0".getBytes(); /* * Search function */ @Reflection public static Lyrics fromURL(String url, String artist, String title){ // TODO: support ViewLyrics URL return new Lyrics(NO_RESULT); } public static Lyrics fromMetaData(String artist, String title) throws IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException { ArrayList<Lyrics> results = search( String.format(searchQueryBase, artist, title, clientTag + String.format(searchQueryPage, 0)) // Create XMLQuery String ); if (results.size() == 0) return new Lyrics(NEGATIVE_RESULT); String url = results.get(0).getURL(); url = url.replace("minilyrics", "viewlyrics"); int artistDistance = Levenshtein.distance(results.get(0).getArtist(), artist); int titleDistance = Levenshtein.distance(results.get(0).getTrack(), title); if (url.endsWith("txt") || artistDistance > 6 || titleDistance > 6) return new Lyrics(NEGATIVE_RESULT); Lyrics result = new Lyrics(POSITIVE_RESULT); result.setTitle(title); result.setArtist(artist); result.setLRC(url.endsWith("lrc")); result.setText(Net.getUrlAsString(url).replaceAll("(\\[(?=.[a-z]).+\\]|<.+?>|www.*[\\s])", "").replaceAll("[\n\r]", " ").replaceAll("\\[", "\n\\[")); result.setSource(clientUserAgent); return result; } private static ArrayList<Lyrics> search(String searchQuery) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, NoSuchAlgorithmException { OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); client.setConnectTimeout(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS); client.setReadTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse("application/text"), assembleQuery(searchQuery.getBytes("UTF-8"))); Request request = new Request.Builder() .header("User-Agent", clientUserAgent) .post(body) .url(url) .build(); Response response = client.newCall(request).execute(); BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(response.body().byteStream(), "ISO_8859_1")); // Get full result StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); char[] buffer = new char[8192]; int read; while ((read =, 0, buffer.length)) > 0) { builder.append(buffer, 0, read); } String full = builder.toString(); // Decrypt, parse, store, and return the result list return parseResultXML(decryptResultXML(full)); } /* * Add MD5 and Encrypts Search Query */ public static byte[] assembleQuery(byte[] valueBytes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, IOException { // Create the variable POG to be used in a dirt code byte[] pog = new byte[valueBytes.length + magickey.length]; //TODO Give a better name then POG // POG = XMLQuery + Magic Key System.arraycopy(valueBytes, 0, pog, 0, valueBytes.length); System.arraycopy(magickey, 0, pog, valueBytes.length, magickey.length); // POG is hashed using MD5 byte[] pog_md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(pog); //TODO Thing about using encryption or k as 0... // Prepare encryption key int j = 0; for (byte octet : valueBytes) { j += octet; } int k = (byte) (j / valueBytes.length); // Value is encrypted for (int m = 0; m < valueBytes.length; m++) valueBytes[m] = (byte) (k ^ valueBytes[m]); // Prepare result code ByteArrayOutputStream result = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Write Header result.write(0x02); result.write(k); result.write(0x04); result.write(0x00); result.write(0x00); result.write(0x00); // Write Generated MD5 of POG problaby to be used in a search cache result.write(pog_md5); // Write encrypted value result.write(valueBytes); // Return magic encoded query return result.toByteArray(); } /* * Decrypts only the XML from the entire result */ public static String decryptResultXML(String value) { // Get Magic key value char magickey = value.charAt(1); // Prepare output ByteArrayOutputStream neomagic = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // Decrypts only the XML for (int i = 22; i < value.length(); i++) neomagic.write((byte) (value.charAt(i) ^ magickey)); // Return value return neomagic.toString(); } /* * Create the ArrayList<LyricInfo> */ private static String readStrFromAttr(Element elem, String attr, String def) { String data = elem.getAttribute(attr); try { if (data != null && data.length() > 0) return data; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return def; } public static ArrayList<Lyrics> parseResultXML(String resultXML) throws SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException { // Create array for storing the results ArrayList<Lyrics> availableLyrics = new ArrayList<>(); // Parse XML ByteArrayInputStream resultBA = new ByteArrayInputStream(resultXML.getBytes("UTF-8")); Element resultRootElem = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse(resultBA).getDocumentElement(); String server_url = readStrFromAttr(resultRootElem, "server_url", ""); NodeList resultItemList = resultRootElem.getElementsByTagName("fileinfo"); for (int i = 0; i < resultItemList.getLength(); i++) { Element itemElem = (Element) resultItemList.item(i); Lyrics item = new Lyrics(SEARCH_ITEM); item.setURL(server_url + readStrFromAttr(itemElem, "link", "")); item.setArtist(readStrFromAttr(itemElem, "artist", "")); item.setTitle(readStrFromAttr(itemElem, "title", "")); //item.setLyricsFileName(readStrFromAttr(itemElem, "filename", "")); //itemInfo.setFType(readIntFromAttr(itemElem, "file_type", 0)); //itemInfo.setMatchVal(readFloatFromAttr(itemElem, "match_value", 0.0F)); //itemInfo.setTimeLenght(readIntFromAttr(itemElem, "timelength", 0)); availableLyrics.add(item); } return availableLyrics; } }