package; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import; import edu.umd.rhsmith.diads.meater.modules.tweater.queries.QueryItem; import edu.umd.rhsmith.diads.meater.util.ControlException; /** * This class persists statuses to a local CSV file. * * @author dmonner */ public class CsvStatusEater extends StatusEater { /** * The handle on the output file */ private PrintWriter outfile; public CsvStatusEater(CsvStatusEaterInitializer init) throws MEaterConfigurationException { super(init); try { this.outfile = new PrintWriter(init.getFilename()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new MEaterConfigurationException(this.messageString( MSG_ERR_OUTFILE_FMT, e)); } } @Override public void persist(final List<QueryItem> matches, final UserStatusData status) { // get sentiment information final double sentiment = status.getSentiment(); // get location information final double lat = status.getStatusLatitude(); final double lon = status.getStatusLongitude(); final String locStr = status.getUserLocation() == null ? "" : scrub(status.getUserLocation()); final String lang = status.getUserLanguage() == null ? "" : scrub(status.getUserLanguage()); // get retweet information final boolean rt = status.isStatusRetweet(); final long rtct = rt ? status.getStatusRetweetCount() : 0; final long rtid = rt ? status.getStatusRetweetedStatusId() : -1; // get match information final String matchString = matches.isEmpty() ? "" : scrub(matches .get(0).toString()); synchronized (outfile) { this.outfile.println(status.getUserId() + ",\"" + // status.getUserScreenName() + "\",\"" + // locStr + "\"," + // status.getUserFollowersCount() + "," + // status.getUserFriendsCount() + "," + // status.getUserId() + "," + // status.getUserCreatedAt() + ",\"" + // scrub(status.getStatusText()) + "\"," + // sentiment + "," + // rt + "," + // rtid + "," + // rtct + "," + // lat + "," + // lon + "," + // status.getUserCreatedAt() + "," + // status.getUserStatusesCount() + "," + // status.getUserListedCount() + "," + // status.isUserVerified() + ",\"" + // lang + "\"," + // status.getUserUtcOffset() / 3600 + ",\"" + // matchString + "\","); this.outfile.flush(); } } /* * -------------------------------- * Control methods * -------------------------------- */ @Override protected void doInitRoutine() throws MEaterConfigurationException { // print the column headers to the output file this.outfile.println("user_id, " + // "user_name," + // "user_location," + // "user_followers," + // "user_friends," + // "status_id," + // "status_date," + // "status_text," + // "status_sentiment," + // "status_is_retweet," + // "status_retweet_of," + // "status_retweet_count," + // "status_latitude," + // "status_longitude," + // "user_join_date," + // "user_status_count," + // "user_listed," + // "user_verified," + // "user_lang," + // "user_utc_offset," + // "matched"); } @Override protected void doStartupRoutine() throws ControlException { } @Override protected void doShutdownRoutine() { } /* * -------------------------------- * Misc. utilities * -------------------------------- */ /** * Sanitize the input string for use in a single field in a CSV file by * converting newlines to * spaces and replacing double quotes with single quotes. * * @param in * @return The input string, sanitized for a CSV file. */ public static String scrub(final String in) { return in.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("\"", "'"); } /* * -------------------------------- * Messages * -------------------------------- */ private static final String MSG_ERR_OUTFILE_FMT = "Unable to create output writer: %s"; }