package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.configuration.HierarchicalConfiguration; import; import; import; import; import edu.umd.rhsmith.diads.meater.core.config.components.ComponentConfig; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public final class MediaPathConfig extends ComponentConfig { public static final String CKEY_SOURCE = "source"; public static final String CKEY_PROCESSOR = "processor"; public static final String CKEY_MEDIA_CLASS = "mediaClass"; public static final String CKEY_REJECTABLE = "rejectable"; public static final String CKEY_DESCR = "description"; private Class<?> mediaClass; private final Collection<String> sources; private final List<String> processors; public boolean rejectable; private String description; MediaPathConfig() { super(); this.sources = new HashSet<String>(); this.processors = new ArrayList<String>(); this.setMediaClass(null); this.setDescription(""); // manipulate processors this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathProcessorAddOperation(this)); this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathProcessorRemoveOperation( this)); this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathProcessorListOperation(this)); // manipulate sources this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathSourceAddOperation(this)); this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathSourceRemoveOperation(this)); this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathSourceListOperation(this)); // media types this.setCreationSetupConsoleOperation(new PathSetMediaOperation(this)); this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(this .getCreationSetupConsoleOperation()); // misc this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathRejectableOperation(this)); this.registerSetupConsoleOperation(new PathDescriptionOperation(this)); } @Override public MediaPath<?> instantiateComponent() throws MEaterConfigurationException { // use these intermediate steps to maintain type safety - parameter M is // inferred from generic wildcard of current media class if (this.mediaClass != null) { return this.createTypeSafe(this.mediaClass); } else { throw new MEaterConfigurationException(String.format( MSG_ERR_NO_CLASS, this.getInstanceName())); } } private <M> MediaPath<M> createTypeSafe(Class<M> mediaClass) throws MEaterConfigurationException { return new MediaPath<M>( Initializer<M>(mediaClass)); } private class Initializer<M> implements MediaPathInitializer<M> { private Class<M> mediaClass; public Initializer(Class<M> mediaClass) { this.mediaClass = mediaClass; } @Override public String getInstanceName() { return MediaPathConfig.this.getInstanceName(); } @Override public Class<M> getMediaClass() { return mediaClass; } @Override public Collection<String> getSourceNames() { return MediaPathConfig.this.getSources(); } @Override public Collection<String> getProcessorNames() { return MediaPathConfig.this.getProcessors(); } @Override public boolean isRejectable() { return MediaPathConfig.this.rejectable; } } /* * -------------------------------- * General getters & setters * -------------------------------- */ public Class<?> getMediaClass() { return mediaClass; } public void setMediaClass(Class<?> mediaClass) { this.mediaClass = mediaClass; if (mediaClass != null) { this.registerMediaProcessorName("", mediaClass); } else { this.unregisterMediaProcessorName(""); } } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) throws NullPointerException { if (description == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } this.description = description; } public boolean isRejectable() { return rejectable; } public void setRejectable(boolean rejectable) { this.rejectable = rejectable; } /* * -------------------------------- * Handlers & sources * -------------------------------- */ public boolean addProcessor(String name) { return this.processors.add(name); } public void addProcessor(int index, String name) { this.processors.add(index, name); } public boolean removeProcessor(String name) { return this.processors.remove(name); } public List<String> getProcessors() { return new ArrayList<String>(this.processors); } public int getNumProcessors() { return this.processors.size(); } public boolean addSource(String name) { return this.sources.add(name); } public boolean removeSource(String name) { return this.sources.remove(name); } public List<String> getSources() { return new ArrayList<String>(this.sources); } public int getNumSources() { return this.sources.size(); } /* * -------------------------------- * UI * -------------------------------- */ @Override public String getUiName() { if (this.mediaClass != null) { return String.format(MSG_OPERATES_ON_FMT, super.getUiName(), this.mediaClass.getName()); } else { return String.format(MSG_OPERATES_ON_NONE_FMT, super.getUiName()); } } @Override public String getUiDescription() { return this.getDescription(); } /* * -------------------------------- * Config operations * -------------------------------- */ @Override public void resetInternalConfiguration() { this.sources.clear(); this.processors.clear(); this.rejectable = false; this.description = ""; } @Override protected void loadInternalConfigurationFrom( HierarchicalConfiguration config) throws MEaterConfigurationException { super.loadInternalConfigurationFrom(config); this.description = config.getString(CKEY_DESCR, this.description); this.rejectable = config.getBoolean(CKEY_REJECTABLE, this.rejectable); for (String s : config.getStringArray(CKEY_SOURCE)) { this.sources.add(s); } for (String s : config.getStringArray(CKEY_PROCESSOR)) { this.processors.add(s); } loadMediaClass(config); } @Override protected void saveInternalConfigurationTo(HierarchicalConfiguration config) throws MEaterConfigurationException { super.saveInternalConfigurationTo(config); config.setProperty(CKEY_REJECTABLE, this.rejectable); config.setProperty(CKEY_DESCR, this.description); for (String s : this.sources) { config.addProperty(CKEY_SOURCE, s); } for (String s : this.processors) { config.addProperty(CKEY_PROCESSOR, s); } saveMediaClass(config); } private void loadMediaClass(HierarchicalConfiguration config) throws MediaClassNotFoundException { String className = config.getString(CKEY_MEDIA_CLASS); if (className != null) { try { Class<?> mediaClass = Class.forName(className); this.setMediaClass(mediaClass); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new MediaClassNotFoundException(className); } } } private void saveMediaClass(HierarchicalConfiguration config) { if (this.mediaClass != null) { config.addProperty(CKEY_MEDIA_CLASS, this.mediaClass .getCanonicalName()); } } /* * -------------------------------- * Config type registration * -------------------------------- */ public static final String TNAME = "MediaPath"; public static final String TDESC = "Define a mapping of media source inputs to media processors"; /* * -------------------------------- * Messages * -------------------------------- */ private static final String MSG_ERR_NO_CLASS = "Media path %s has no assigned media class, cannot instantiate."; private static final String MSG_OPERATES_ON_FMT = "%s (operates on %s)"; private static final String MSG_OPERATES_ON_NONE_FMT = "%s (no media class set)"; }