package; import android.database.DataSetObservable; import android.database.DataSetObserver; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; public abstract class PagerAdapter { private final DataSetObservable mObservable = new DataSetObservable(); public static final int POSITION_UNCHANGED = -1; public static final int POSITION_NONE = -2; /** * Return the number of views available. */ public abstract int getCount(); /** * Called when a change in the shown pages is going to start being made. * @param container The containing View which is displaying this adapter's * page views. */ public void startUpdate(ViewGroup container) { } /** * Create the page for the given position. The adapter is responsible * for adding the view to the container given here, although it only * must ensure this is done by the time it returns from * {@link #finishUpdate(ViewGroup)}. * * @param container The containing View in which the page will be shown. * @param position The page position to be instantiated. * @return Returns an Object representing the new page. This does not * need to be a View, but can be some other container of the page. */ public abstract Object instantiateItem(ViewGroup container, int position); /** * Remove a page for the given position. The adapter is responsible * for removing the view from its container, although it only must ensure * this is done by the time it returns from {@link #finishUpdate(ViewGroup)}. * * @param container The containing View from which the page will be removed. * @param position The page position to be removed. * @param object The same object that was returned by * {@link #instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int)}. */ public abstract void destroyItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object); /** * Called to inform the adapter of which item is currently considered to * be the "primary", that is the one show to the user as the current page. * * @param container The containing View from which the page will be removed. * @param position The page position that is now the primary. * @param object The same object that was returned by * {@link #instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int)}. */ public void setPrimaryItem(ViewGroup container, int position, Object object) { } /** * Called when the a change in the shown pages has been completed. At this * point you must ensure that all of the pages have actually been added or * removed from the container as appropriate. * @param container The containing View which is displaying this adapter's * page views. */ public void finishUpdate(ViewGroup container) { } /** * Determines whether a page View is associated with a specific key object * as returned by {@link #instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int)}. This method is * required for a PagerAdapter to function properly. * * @param view Page View to check for association with <code>object</code> * @param object Object to check for association with <code>view</code> * @return true if <code>view</code> is associated with the key object <code>object</code> */ public abstract boolean isViewFromObject(View view, Object object); /** * This method will be invoked when a new page becomes selected. Animation is not * necessarily complete. * * @param position Position index of the new selected page. */ public void onPageSelected(int position) { } /** * Save any instance state associated with this adapter and its pages that should be * restored if the current UI state needs to be reconstructed. * * @return Saved state for this adapter */ public Parcelable saveState() { return null; } /** * Restore any instance state associated with this adapter and its pages * that was previously saved by {@link #saveState()}. * * @param state State previously saved by a call to {@link #saveState()} * @param loader A ClassLoader that should be used to instantiate any restored objects */ public void restoreState(Parcelable state, ClassLoader loader) { } /** * Called when the host view is attempting to determine if an item's position * has changed. Returns {@link #POSITION_UNCHANGED} if the position of the given * item has not changed or {@link #POSITION_NONE} if the item is no longer present * in the adapter. * * <p>The default implementation assumes that items will never * change position and always returns {@link #POSITION_UNCHANGED}. * * @param object Object representing an item, previously returned by a call to * {@link #instantiateItem(ViewGroup, int)}. * @return object's new position index from [0, {@link #getCount()}), * {@link #POSITION_UNCHANGED} if the object's position has not changed, * or {@link #POSITION_NONE} if the item is no longer present. */ public int getItemPosition(Object object) { return POSITION_UNCHANGED; } /** * This method should be called by the application if the data backing this adapter has changed * and associated views should update. */ public void notifyDataSetChanged() { mObservable.notifyChanged(); } void registerDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) { mObservable.registerObserver(observer); } void unregisterDataSetObserver(DataSetObserver observer) { mObservable.unregisterObserver(observer); } /** * This method may be called by the ViewPager to obtain a title string * to describe the specified page. This method may return null * indicating no title for this page. The default implementation returns * null. * * @param position The position of the title requested * @return A title for the requested page */ public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) { return null; } }