package com.kure.musicplayer; import java.util.ArrayList; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import; import; import android.os.IBinder; import com.kure.musicplayer.model.Song; import com.kure.musicplayer.model.SongList; import; import; /** * Big class that contains the main logic behind kure Music Player. * * This class contains the shared logic between all the Activities. */ public class kMP { /** * All the songs on the device. */ public static SongList songs = new SongList(); /** * All the app's configurations/preferences/settings. */ public static Settings settings = new Settings(); public static About about = new About(); /** * Our custom service that allows the music to play * even when the app is not on focus. */ public static ServicePlayMusic musicService = null; /** * Contains the songs that are going to be shown to * the user on a particular menu. * * @note IGNORE THIS - don't mess with it. * * Every `ActivityMenu*` uses this temporary variable to * store subsections of `SongList` and set `ActivityListSongs` * to display it. */ public static ArrayList<Song> musicList = null; /** * List of the songs being currently played by the user. * * (independent of the UI) * * TODO remove this */ public static ArrayList<Song> nowPlayingList = null; /** * Flag that tells if the Main Menu has an item that * sends the user to the Now Playing Activity. * * It's here because when firstly initializing the * application, there's no Now Playing Activity. */ public static boolean mainMenuHasNowPlayingItem = false; // GENERAL PROGRAM INFO public static String applicationName = "kure Music Player"; public static String packageName = "<unknown>"; public static String versionName = "First Version 1.0"; public static int versionCode = -1; public static long firstInstalledTime = -1; public static long lastUpdatedTime = -1; /** * Creates everything. * * Must be called only once at the beginning * of the program. */ public static void initialize(Context c) { kMP.packageName = c.getPackageName(); try { // Retrieving several information PackageInfo info = c.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(kMP.packageName, 0); kMP.versionCode = info.versionCode; kMP.firstInstalledTime = info.firstInstallTime; kMP.lastUpdatedTime = info.lastUpdateTime; } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { // Couldn't get package information // // Won't do anything, since variables are // already started with default values. } } /** * Destroys everything. * * Must be called only once when the program * being destroyed. */ public static void destroy() { songs.destroy(); } /** * The actual connection to the MusicService. * We start it with an Intent. * * These callbacks will bind the MusicService to our internal * variables. * We can only know it happened through our flag, `musicBound`. */ public static ServiceConnection musicConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { MusicBinder binder = (MusicBinder)service; // Here's where we finally create the MusicService musicService = binder.getService(); musicService.setList(kMP.songs.songs); musicService.musicBound = true; }; @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { musicService.musicBound = false; } }; /** * Our will to start a new music Service. * Android requires that we start a service through an Intent. */ private static Intent musicServiceIntent = null; /** * Initializes the Music Service at Activity/Context c. * * @note Only starts the service once - does nothing when * called multiple times. */ public static void startMusicService(Context c) { if (musicServiceIntent != null) return; if (kMP.musicService != null) return; // Create an intent to bind our Music Connection to // the MusicService. musicServiceIntent = new Intent(c, ServicePlayMusic.class); c.bindService(musicServiceIntent, musicConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); c.startService(musicServiceIntent); } /** * Makes the music Service stop and clean itself at * Activity/Context c. */ public static void stopMusicService(Context c) { if (musicServiceIntent == null) return; c.stopService(musicServiceIntent); musicServiceIntent = null; kMP.musicService = null; } }