package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotSame; import; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; /** * Abstract superclass to tests for nested property builders. * <p> * Some behavior of the builders is already tested in the property tests (e.g. the behavior when the inner observable is * missing). This test cover the rest of the functionality. * * @param <N> * the nesting hierarchy's inner type of {@link Property} * @param <P> * the type of {@link Property} which will be built */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public abstract class AbstractNestedPropertyBuilderTest<N extends Property<?>, P extends NestedProperty<?>> { // #begin TESTED INSTANCES private AbstractNestedPropertyBuilder<?, N, P, ?> builder; //#end TESTED INSTANCES @Before public void setUp() { builder = createBuilder(); } // #begin TESTS @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void setBean_nullBean_throwsException() { builder.setBean(null); } @Test public void setBean_validBean_builtPropertyBelongsToThatBean() { // set a bean on the builder and let it build the property Object bean = "Mr. Bean"; builder.setBean(bean); P nestedProperty =; assertEquals(bean, nestedProperty.getBean()); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void setName_nullName_throwsException() { builder.setName(null); } @Test public void setName_validName_builrPropertyHasThatName() { // set a name on the builder and let it build the property String name = "The Name"; builder.setName(name); P nestedProperty =; assertEquals(name, nestedProperty.getName()); } @Test public void callBuildRepeatedly_createsNewInstances() { P firstNestedProperty =; P secondNestedProperty =; assertNotSame(firstNestedProperty, secondNestedProperty); } //#end TESTS // #begin ABSTRACT METHODS /** * Creates the tested builder. Each call must return a new instance * * @return an {@link AbstractNestedPropertyBuilder} */ protected abstract AbstractNestedPropertyBuilder<?, N, P, ?> createBuilder(); //#end ABSTRACT METHODS }