package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.OptionalInt; import org.codefx.libfx.collection.tree.navigate.TreeNavigator; /** * Utility class to easily create {@link TreePath}s for recurring situations. */ class TreePathFactory { /** * @param <E> * the type of elements contained in the tree * @param node * the only node of the returned path * @return a tree path containing the node */ public static <E> TreePath<TreeNode<E>> createWithSingleNode(E node) { Objects.requireNonNull(node, "The argument 'node' must not be null."); return new StackTreePath<>(Collections.singletonList(SimpleTreeNode.root(node))); } /** * @param <E> * the type of elements contained in the tree * @param navigator * the navigator used to navigate the tree * @param pathAsList * the path as a list where the path' first node is the first element in the list * @return a tree path containing the nodes for the elements in the list */ public static <E> TreePath<TreeNode<E>> createFromElementList(TreeNavigator<E> navigator, List<E> pathAsList) { Objects.requireNonNull(navigator, "The argument 'navigator' must not be null."); Objects.requireNonNull(pathAsList, "The argument 'pathAsList' must not be null."); TreePath<TreeNode<E>> path = new StackTreePath<>(); pathAsList.forEach(element -> { OptionalInt childIndex = navigator.getChildIndex(element); TreeNode<E> node = SimpleTreeNode.node(element, childIndex); path.append(node); }); return path; } /** * @param <E> * the type of elements contained in the tree * @param navigator * the navigator used to navigate the tree * @param node * a node in the tree * @param descendant * a descendant of the specified node * @return a tree path leading from the node to the descendant * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the node is no ancestor of the descendant */ public static <E> TreePath<TreeNode<E>> createFromNodeToDescendant( TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node, E descendant) throws IllegalArgumentException { Objects.requireNonNull(navigator, "The argument 'navigator' must not be null."); Objects.requireNonNull(node, "The argument 'node' must not be null."); Objects.requireNonNull(descendant, "The argument 'descendant' must not be null."); if (node == descendant) return createWithSingleNode(node); List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromDescendantBackToNode = createPathFromDescendantBackToNode(navigator, node, descendant); return createPathByInverting(pathFromDescendantBackToNode); } private static <E> List<TreeNode<E>> createPathFromDescendantBackToNode( TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node, E descendant) { List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromDescendantToNode = createPathWithSingleNode(navigator, descendant); Optional<E> parent = addAllAncestorsToPathUntilReachingNode( navigator, node, descendant, pathFromDescendantToNode); addNodeToPathOrThrowException(navigator, node, parent, descendant, pathFromDescendantToNode); return pathFromDescendantToNode; } private static <E> List<TreeNode<E>> createPathWithSingleNode(TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E descendant) { List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromStartBackToNode = new ArrayList<>(); TreeNode<E> descendantNode = SimpleTreeNode.node(descendant, navigator.getChildIndex(descendant)); pathFromStartBackToNode.add(descendantNode); return pathFromStartBackToNode; } private static <E> Optional<E> addAllAncestorsToPathUntilReachingNode( TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node, E descendant, List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromStartBackToNode) { Optional<E> parent = navigator.getParent(descendant); while (parent.isPresent() && parent.get() != node) { TreeNode<E> parentNode = SimpleTreeNode.node(parent.get(), navigator.getChildIndex(parent.get())); pathFromStartBackToNode.add(parentNode); parent = navigator.getParent(parent.get()); } return parent; } private static <E> void addNodeToPathOrThrowException( TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node, Optional<E> parent, E descendant, List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromStartBackToNode) { if (!parent.isPresent() || parent.get() != node) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The specified node '" + node + "' is no ancestor of the specified descendant '" + descendant + "'."); else { TreeNode<E> startNode = SimpleTreeNode.node(node, navigator.getChildIndex(node)); pathFromStartBackToNode.add(startNode); } } private static <E> TreePath<TreeNode<E>> createPathByInverting(List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromDescendantBackToNode) { StackTreePath<TreeNode<E>> treePath = new StackTreePath<TreeNode<E>>(); for (int i = pathFromDescendantBackToNode.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) treePath.append(pathFromDescendantBackToNode.get(i)); return treePath; } /** * @param <E> * the type of elements contained in the tree * @param navigator * the navigator used to navigate the tree * @param node * a node in the tree * @return a tree path leading from the root to the node */ public static <E> TreePath<TreeNode<E>> createFromRootToNode(TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node) { Objects.requireNonNull(navigator, "The argument 'navigator' must not be null."); Objects.requireNonNull(node, "The argument 'node' must not be null."); List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromDescendantBackToNode = createPathFromNodeBackToRoot(navigator, node); return createPathByInverting(pathFromDescendantBackToNode); } private static <E> List<TreeNode<E>> createPathFromNodeBackToRoot( TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node) { List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromNodeToRoot = createPathWithSingleNode(navigator, node); addAllAncestorNodesToPath(navigator, node, pathFromNodeToRoot); return pathFromNodeToRoot; } private static <E> void addAllAncestorNodesToPath( TreeNavigator<E> navigator, E node, List<TreeNode<E>> pathFromStartBackToNode) { Optional<E> parent = navigator.getParent(node); while (parent.isPresent()) { TreeNode<E> parentNode = SimpleTreeNode.node(parent.get(), navigator.getChildIndex(parent.get())); pathFromStartBackToNode.add(parentNode); parent = navigator.getParent(parent.get()); } } }