/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.sanselan.formats.jpeg.iptc; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.sanselan.ImageReadException; import org.apache.sanselan.ImageWriteException; import org.apache.sanselan.SanselanConstants; import org.apache.sanselan.common.BinaryFileParser; import org.apache.sanselan.common.BinaryInputStream; import org.apache.sanselan.common.BinaryOutputStream; import org.apache.sanselan.util.Debug; import org.apache.sanselan.util.ParamMap; public class IPTCParser extends BinaryFileParser implements IPTCConstants { private static final int APP13_BYTE_ORDER = BYTE_ORDER_NETWORK; public IPTCParser() { setByteOrder(BYTE_ORDER_NETWORK); } public boolean isPhotoshopJpegSegment(byte segmentData[]) { if (!compareByteArrays(segmentData, 0, PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING, 0, PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING.length)) return false; int index = PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING.length; if (index + CONST_8BIM.length > segmentData.length) return false; if (!compareByteArrays(segmentData, index, CONST_8BIM, 0, CONST_8BIM.length)) return false; return true; } /* * In practice, App13 segments are only used for Photoshop/IPTC metadata. * However, we should not treat App13 signatures without Photoshop's * signature as Photoshop/IPTC segments. * * A Photoshop/IPTC App13 segment begins with the Photoshop Identification * string. * * There follows 0-N blocks (Photoshop calls them "Image Resource Blocks"). * * Each block has the following structure: * * 1. 4-byte type. This is always "8BIM" for blocks in a Photoshop App13 * segment. 2. 2-byte id. IPTC data is stored in blocks with id 0x0404, aka. * IPTC_NAA_RECORD_IMAGE_RESOURCE_ID 3. Block name as a Pascal String. This * is padded to have an even length. 4. 4-byte size (in bytes). 5. Block * data. This is also padded to have an even length. * * The block data consists of a 0-N records. A record has the following * structure: * * 1. 2-byte prefix. The value is always 0x1C02 2. 1-byte record type. The * record types are documented by the IPTC. See IPTCConstants. 3. 2-byte * record size (in bytes). 4. Record data, "record size" bytes long. * * Record data (unlike block data) is NOT padded to have an even length. * * Record data, for IPTC record, should always be ISO-8859-1. * * The exception is the first record in the block, which must always be a * record version record, whose value is a two-byte number; the value is * 0x02. * * Some IPTC blocks are missing this first "record version" record, so we * don't require it. */ public PhotoshopApp13Data parsePhotoshopSegment(byte bytes[], Map params) throws ImageReadException, IOException { boolean strict = ParamMap.getParamBoolean(params, SanselanConstants.PARAM_KEY_STRICT, false); boolean verbose = ParamMap.getParamBoolean(params, SanselanConstants.PARAM_KEY_VERBOSE, false); return parsePhotoshopSegment(bytes, verbose, strict); } public PhotoshopApp13Data parsePhotoshopSegment(byte bytes[], boolean verbose, boolean strict) throws ImageReadException, IOException { ArrayList records = new ArrayList(); List allBlocks = parseAllBlocks(bytes, verbose, strict); for (int i = 0; i < allBlocks.size(); i++) { IPTCBlock block = (IPTCBlock) allBlocks.get(i); // Ignore everything but IPTC data. if (!block.isIPTCBlock()) continue; records.addAll(parseIPTCBlock(block.blockData, verbose)); } return new PhotoshopApp13Data(records, allBlocks); } protected List parseIPTCBlock(byte bytes[], boolean verbose) throws ImageReadException, IOException { ArrayList elements = new ArrayList(); int index = 0; // Integer recordVersion = null; while (index + 1 < bytes.length) { int tagMarker = 0xff & bytes[index++]; if (verbose) Debug.debug("tagMarker", tagMarker + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(tagMarker) + ")"); if (tagMarker != IPTC_RECORD_TAG_MARKER) { if (verbose) System.out .println("Unexpected record tag marker in IPTC data."); return elements; } int recordNumber = 0xff & bytes[index++]; if (verbose) Debug.debug("recordNumber", recordNumber + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(recordNumber) + ")"); if (recordNumber != IPTC_APPLICATION_2_RECORD_NUMBER) continue; // int recordPrefix = convertByteArrayToShort("recordPrefix", index, // bytes); // if (verbose) // Debug.debug("recordPrefix", recordPrefix + " (0x" // + Integer.toHexString(recordPrefix) + ")"); // index += 2; // // if (recordPrefix != IPTC_RECORD_PREFIX) // { // if (verbose) // System.out // .println("Unexpected record prefix in IPTC data!"); // return elements; // } // throw new ImageReadException( // "Unexpected record prefix in IPTC data."); int recordType = 0xff & bytes[index]; if (verbose) Debug.debug("recordType", recordType + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(recordType) + ")"); index++; int recordSize = convertByteArrayToShort("recordSize", index, bytes); index += 2; boolean extendedDataset = recordSize > IPTC_NON_EXTENDED_RECORD_MAXIMUM_SIZE; int dataFieldCountLength = recordSize & 0x7fff; if (extendedDataset && verbose) Debug.debug("extendedDataset. dataFieldCountLength: " + dataFieldCountLength); if (extendedDataset) // ignore extended dataset and everything // after. return elements; byte recordData[] = readBytearray("recordData", bytes, index, recordSize); index += recordSize; // Debug.debug("recordSize", recordSize + " (0x" // + Integer.toHexString(recordSize) + ")"); if (recordType == 0) { if (verbose) System.out.println("ignore record version record! " + elements.size()); // ignore "record version" record; continue; } // if (recordVersion == null) // { // // The first record in a JPEG/Photoshop IPTC block must be // // the record version. // if (recordType != 0) // throw new ImageReadException("Missing record version: " // + recordType); // recordVersion = new Integer(convertByteArrayToShort( // "recordNumber", recordData)); // // if (recordSize != 2) // throw new ImageReadException( // "Invalid record version record size: " + recordSize); // // // JPEG/Photoshop IPTC metadata is always in Record version // // 2 // if (recordVersion.intValue() != 2) // throw new ImageReadException( // "Invalid IPTC record version: " + recordVersion); // // // Debug.debug("recordVersion", recordVersion); // continue; // } String value = new String(recordData, "ISO-8859-1"); IPTCType iptcType = IPTCTypeLookup.getIptcType(recordType); // Debug.debug("iptcType", iptcType); // debugByteArray("iptcData", iptcData); // Debug.debug(); // if (recordType == IPTC_TYPE_CREDIT.type // || recordType == IPTC_TYPE_OBJECT_NAME.type) // { // this.debugByteArray("recordData", recordData); // Debug.debug("index", IPTC_TYPE_CREDIT.name); // } IPTCRecord element = new IPTCRecord(iptcType, value); elements.add(element); } return elements; } protected List parseAllBlocks(byte bytes[], boolean verbose, boolean strict) throws ImageReadException, IOException { List blocks = new ArrayList(); BinaryInputStream bis = new BinaryInputStream(bytes, APP13_BYTE_ORDER); // Note that these are unsigned quantities. Name is always an even // number of bytes (including the 1st byte, which is the size.) byte[] idString = bis.readByteArray( PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING.length, "App13 Segment missing identification string"); if (!compareByteArrays(idString, PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING)) throw new ImageReadException("Not a Photoshop App13 Segment"); // int index = PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING.length; while (true) { byte[] imageResourceBlockSignature = bis .readByteArray(CONST_8BIM.length, "App13 Segment missing identification string", false, false); if (null == imageResourceBlockSignature) break; if (!compareByteArrays(imageResourceBlockSignature, CONST_8BIM)) throw new ImageReadException( "Invalid Image Resource Block Signature"); int blockType = bis .read2ByteInteger("Image Resource Block missing type"); if (verbose) Debug.debug("blockType", blockType + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(blockType) + ")"); int blockNameLength = bis .read1ByteInteger("Image Resource Block missing name length"); if (verbose && blockNameLength > 0) Debug.debug("blockNameLength", blockNameLength + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(blockNameLength) + ")"); byte[] blockNameBytes; if (blockNameLength == 0) { bis.read1ByteInteger("Image Resource Block has invalid name"); blockNameBytes = new byte[0]; } else { blockNameBytes = bis.readByteArray(blockNameLength, "Invalid Image Resource Block name", verbose, strict); if (null == blockNameBytes) break; if (blockNameLength % 2 == 0) bis .read1ByteInteger("Image Resource Block missing padding byte"); } int blockSize = bis .read4ByteInteger("Image Resource Block missing size"); if (verbose) Debug.debug("blockSize", blockSize + " (0x" + Integer.toHexString(blockSize) + ")"); byte[] blockData = bis.readByteArray(blockSize, "Invalid Image Resource Block data", verbose, strict); if (null == blockData) break; blocks.add(new IPTCBlock(blockType, blockNameBytes, blockData)); if ((blockSize % 2) != 0) bis .read1ByteInteger("Image Resource Block missing padding byte"); } return blocks; } // private void writeIPTCRecord(BinaryOutputStream bos, ) public byte[] writePhotoshopApp13Segment(PhotoshopApp13Data data) throws IOException, ImageWriteException { ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryOutputStream bos = new BinaryOutputStream(os); bos.write(PHOTOSHOP_IDENTIFICATION_STRING); List blocks = data.getRawBlocks(); for (int i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++) { IPTCBlock block = (IPTCBlock) blocks.get(i); bos.write(CONST_8BIM); if (block.blockType < 0 || block.blockType > 0xffff) throw new ImageWriteException("Invalid IPTC block type."); bos.write2ByteInteger(block.blockType); if (block.blockNameBytes.length > 255) throw new ImageWriteException("IPTC block name is too long: " + block.blockNameBytes.length); bos.write(block.blockNameBytes.length); bos.write(block.blockNameBytes); if (block.blockNameBytes.length % 2 == 0) bos.write(0); // pad to even size, including length byte. if (block.blockData.length > IPTC_NON_EXTENDED_RECORD_MAXIMUM_SIZE) throw new ImageWriteException("IPTC block data is too long: " + block.blockData.length); bos.write4ByteInteger(block.blockData.length); bos.write(block.blockData); if (block.blockData.length % 2 == 1) bos.write(0); // pad to even size } bos.flush(); return os.toByteArray(); } public byte[] writeIPTCBlock(List elements) throws ImageWriteException, IOException { byte blockData[]; { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryOutputStream bos = new BinaryOutputStream(baos, getByteOrder()); // first, right record version record bos.write(IPTC_RECORD_TAG_MARKER); bos.write(IPTC_APPLICATION_2_RECORD_NUMBER); bos.write(IPTC_TYPE_RECORD_VERSION.type); // record version record // type. bos.write2Bytes(2); // record version record size bos.write2Bytes(2); // record version value // make a copy of the list. elements = new ArrayList(elements); // sort the list. Records must be in numerical order. Comparator comparator = new Comparator() { public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { IPTCRecord e1 = (IPTCRecord) o1; IPTCRecord e2 = (IPTCRecord) o2; return e2.iptcType.type - e1.iptcType.type; } }; Collections.sort(elements, comparator); // TODO: make sure order right // write the list. for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { IPTCRecord element = (IPTCRecord) elements.get(i); if (element.iptcType.type == IPTC_TYPE_RECORD_VERSION.type) continue; // ignore bos.write(IPTC_RECORD_TAG_MARKER); bos.write(IPTC_APPLICATION_2_RECORD_NUMBER); if (element.iptcType.type < 0 || element.iptcType.type > 0xff) throw new ImageWriteException("Invalid record type: " + element.iptcType.type); bos.write(element.iptcType.type); byte recordData[] = element.value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); if (!new String(recordData, "ISO-8859-1").equals(element.value)) throw new ImageWriteException( "Invalid record value, not ISO-8859-1"); bos.write2Bytes(recordData.length); bos.write(recordData); } blockData = baos.toByteArray(); } return blockData; } }