package com.blazingfrog.misc; import java.awt.Color; import; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class Resources { private static final String APP_NAME = "LatiPics"; private static final String WORKING_DIR = getWorkingDirectory().toString() + "/"; private static final String RESOURCE_DIR = getResourcesDirectory().toString() + "/"; private static final String LOG_URL = "file:" + RESOURCE_DIR + "consoleFile.html"; private static final String LOG_FILE_PATH = RESOURCE_DIR + "consoleFile.html"; private static final File IPHOTO_TMP_DIR = new File(WORKING_DIR + "iPhoto Library"); private static final String LP_PREF_LOGO = "/resources/LatipicsLogoAlphaMed2Blur.png"; private static final String LP_ICON_64 = "/resources/LatiPicsIcon64.png"; private static final String LP_LOGO_128 = "/resources/LatipicsLogoAlpha128.png"; private static final String BF_MAIN_FROG_MAC = "/resources/frog-more-transp.jpg"; private static final String BF_MAIN_FROG_WIN = "/resources/frog-more-transpWindows.jpg"; private static final String LP_NOT_FOUND_LOGO = "/resources/LatipicsLogoAlphaSmallGray.png"; private static final String IPHOTO_CROSSHAIR = "/resources/crosshairAplha.png"; private static final String LP_CUST_ATTN_ICON = "/resources/CustAttnIcon60.png"; private static final Color WIN_THEME_COLOR = new Color(252,253,255); //238,238,238); private static final String MAC_PREFERRED_LOOK_AND_FEEL = "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"; private static final String WIN_PREFERRED_LOOK_AND_FEEL = UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName(); private static String OS_NAME; private static File userDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.home", ".")); // default public static File getiPhotoTmpDir() { return IPHOTO_TMP_DIR; } public static String getLookAndFeel(){ if (Resources.getOSName().equals("mac")) return MAC_PREFERRED_LOOK_AND_FEEL; else return WIN_PREFERRED_LOOK_AND_FEEL; } public static String getOSName(){ return OS_NAME; } public static Color getWinThemeColor(){ return WIN_THEME_COLOR; } public static ImageIcon getCustAttnIcon() { return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(LP_CUST_ATTN_ICON)); } public static ImageIcon getIPhotoCrosshair() { return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(IPHOTO_CROSSHAIR)); } public static ImageIcon getLpIcon() { return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(LP_ICON_64)); } public static ImageIcon getLpLogo128() { return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(LP_LOGO_128)); } public static String getLogFilePath() { return LOG_FILE_PATH; } public static ImageIcon getLpNotFoundLogo() { return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(LP_NOT_FOUND_LOGO)); } public static String getResourceDir() { return RESOURCE_DIR; } public static ImageIcon getLpPrefLogo() { return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(LP_PREF_LOGO)); } public static ImageIcon getBfMainFrog() { if (Resources.getOSName().equals("mac")) return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(BF_MAIN_FROG_MAC)); else return new ImageIcon(Resources.class.getResource(BF_MAIN_FROG_WIN)); } public static String getLogUrl() { return LOG_URL; } public static File getLogFile() { return new File(LOG_FILE_PATH); } public static File getUserDirectory() { return userDirectory; } public static void setUserDirectory(File userDirectory) { Resources.userDirectory = userDirectory; } /** * Returns the appropriate working directory for storing application data. The result of this method is platform * dependant: On linux, it will return ~/applicationName, on windows, the working directory will be located in the * user's application data folder. For Mac OS systems, the working directory will be placed in the proper location * in "Library/Application Support". * <p/> * This method will also make sure that the working directory exists. When invoked, the directory and all required * subfolders will be created. * * @param applicationName Name of the application, used to determine the working directory. * @return the appropriate working directory for storing application data. */ public static File getWorkingDirectory() { final String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home", "."); File workingDirectory = null; final String sysName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (sysName.contains("windows")){ final String applicationData = System.getenv("APPDATA"); OS_NAME = "windows"; if (applicationData != null) workingDirectory = new File(applicationData, "." + APP_NAME + "/"); else workingDirectory = new File(userHome, '.' + APP_NAME + "/"); } else if (sysName.contains("mac")){ OS_NAME = "mac"; workingDirectory = new File(userHome, "Library/Application Support/" + APP_NAME); } if (!workingDirectory.exists()) if (!workingDirectory.mkdirs()) throw new RuntimeException("The working directory could not be created: " + workingDirectory); return workingDirectory; } public static File getResourcesDirectory() { final String userHome = System.getProperty("user.home", "."); File resourcesDirectory = null; final String sysName = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); if (sysName.contains("windows")){ final String applicationData = System.getenv("APPDATA"); if (applicationData != null) resourcesDirectory = new File(applicationData, "." + APP_NAME + "/Resources/"); else resourcesDirectory = new File(userHome, '.' + APP_NAME + "/Resources/"); } else if (sysName.contains("mac")){ resourcesDirectory = new File(userHome, "Library/Application Support/" + APP_NAME + "/Resources"); } if (!resourcesDirectory.exists()) if (!resourcesDirectory.mkdirs()) throw new RuntimeException("The Resources directory could not be created: " + resourcesDirectory); return resourcesDirectory; } }