/* * AlsaBaseDataLine.java * * This file is part of Tritonus: http://www.tritonus.org/ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1999 - 2001 by Matthias Pfisterer * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * */ /* |<--- this code is formatted to fit into 80 columns --->| */ package org.tritonus.sampled.mixer.alsa; import java.util.Collection; import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat; import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine; import javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl; import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException; import org.tritonus.share.TDebug; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.Alsa; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.AlsaPcm; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.AlsaPcmHWParams; import org.tritonus.lowlevel.alsa.AlsaPcmSWParams; import org.tritonus.share.sampled.mixer.TBaseDataLine; public abstract class AlsaBaseDataLine extends TBaseDataLine { // private static final Class[] CONTROL_CLASSES = {GainControl.class}; private AlsaPcm m_alsaPcm; private boolean m_bSwapBytes; /* * Only used if m_bSwapBytes is true. */ private int m_nBytesPerSample; public AlsaBaseDataLine(AlsaDataLineMixer mixer, DataLine.Info info) throws LineUnavailableException { super(mixer, info); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.<init>(): begin"); } if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.<init>(): end"); } } public AlsaBaseDataLine(AlsaDataLineMixer mixer, DataLine.Info info, Collection controls) throws LineUnavailableException { super(mixer, info); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.<init>(): begin"); } if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.<init>(): end"); } } protected AlsaDataLineMixer getAlsaDataLineMixer() { return (AlsaDataLineMixer) getMixer(); } protected AlsaPcm getAlsaPcm() { return m_alsaPcm; } /** Returns the ALSA stream type of this line. Subclasses must implement this method to return either AlsaPcm.SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK or AlsaPcm.SND_PCM_STREAM_CAPTURE. The return value is used by this class to decide if it has to deal with a source (PLAYBACK) or target (CAPTURE) data line. */ protected abstract int getAlsaStreamType(); protected boolean getSwapBytes() { return m_bSwapBytes; } protected int getBytesPerSample() { return m_nBytesPerSample; } protected void openImpl() throws LineUnavailableException { if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): begin"); } /* * Checks that a format is set. * Sets the buffer size to a default value if not * already set. */ checkOpen(); AudioFormat format = getFormat(); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): input format: " + format); } // hack, only true for pmac boolean bHWBigEndian = false; AudioFormat.Encoding encoding = format.getEncoding(); boolean bBigEndian = format.isBigEndian(); m_bSwapBytes = false; if (format.getSampleSizeInBits() == 16 && bBigEndian != bHWBigEndian) { m_bSwapBytes = true; bBigEndian = bHWBigEndian; } else if (format.getSampleSizeInBits() == 8 && encoding.equals(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED)) { m_bSwapBytes = true; encoding = AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_UNSIGNED; } if (getSwapBytes()) { format = new AudioFormat(encoding, format.getSampleRate(), format.getSampleSizeInBits(), format.getChannels(), format.getFrameSize(), format.getFrameRate(), bBigEndian); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): output format: " + format); } m_nBytesPerSample = format.getFrameSize() / format.getChannels(); } int nAlsaOutFormat = AlsaUtils.getAlsaFormat(format); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): ALSA output format: " + nAlsaOutFormat); } if (nAlsaOutFormat == AlsaPcm.SND_PCM_FORMAT_UNKNOWN) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported format"); } try { m_alsaPcm = new AlsaPcm( getAlsaDataLineMixer().getPcmName(), getAlsaStreamType(), 0); // no special mode } catch (Exception e) { if (TDebug.TraceAllExceptions) { TDebug.out(e); } throw new LineUnavailableException(); } int nReturn; AlsaPcmHWParams hwParams = new AlsaPcmHWParams(); nReturn = m_alsaPcm.getAnyHWParams(hwParams); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): getAnyHWParams(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParamsAccess(hwParams, AlsaPcm.SND_PCM_ACCESS_RW_INTERLEAVED); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParamsFormat(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParamsFormat(hwParams, nAlsaOutFormat); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParamsFormat(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParamsChannels(hwParams, format.getChannels()); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParamsChannels(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParamsRateNear(hwParams, (int) format.getSampleRate()); // int nRate = nReturn; if (nReturn < 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParamsRateNear(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParamsBufferTimeNear(hwParams, 500000); int nBufferTime = nReturn; if (nReturn < 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParamsBufferTimeNear(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParamsPeriodTimeNear(hwParams, nBufferTime / 4); // int nPeriodTime = nReturn; if (nReturn < 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParamsPeriodTimeNear(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setHWParams(hwParams); if (nReturn < 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setHWParams(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } int nChunkSize = hwParams.getPeriodSize(null); int nBufferSize = hwParams.getBufferSize(); if (nChunkSize == nBufferSize) { throw new LineUnavailableException("period size is equal to buffer size"); } AlsaPcmSWParams swParams = new AlsaPcmSWParams(); nReturn = m_alsaPcm.getSWParams(swParams); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): getSWParams(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setSWParamsSleepMin(swParams, 0); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setSWParamsSleepMin(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setSWParamsXrunMode(swParams, AlsaPcm.SND_PCM_XRUN_NONE); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setSWParamsXrunMode(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setSWParamsAvailMin(swParams, nChunkSize); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setSWParamsAvailMin(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } long lStartThreshold = (long) ((double) format.getFrameRate() * 1 / 1000000); nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setSWParamsStartThreshold(swParams, (int) lStartThreshold); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setSWParamsStartThreshold(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } long lStopThreshold = (long) (nBufferSize + (double) format.getFrameRate() * 0 / 1000000); nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setSWParamsStopThreshold(swParams, (int) lStopThreshold); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setSWParamsStopThreshold(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } // omitted: xfer_align nReturn = m_alsaPcm.setSWParams(swParams); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): setSWParams(): " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); throw new LineUnavailableException(Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.openImpl(): end"); } } protected void closeImpl() { if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.closeImpl(): begin"); } m_alsaPcm.close(); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.closeImpl(): end"); } } /* public void start() { setStarted(true); setActive(true); if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.start(): channel started."); } } */ protected void stopImpl() { if (TDebug.TraceSourceDataLine) { TDebug.out("AlsaBaseDataLine.stopImpl(): called"); } int nReturn = 0; // int nReturn = m_alsaPcm.flushChannel(AlsaPcm.SND_PCM_CHANNEL_PLAYBACK); if (nReturn != 0) { TDebug.out("flushChannel: " + Alsa.getStringError(nReturn)); } // setStarted(false); } public int available() { // TODO: return -1; } public void drain() { // TODO: } public void flush() { // TODO: } /** * dGain is logarithmic!! */ protected void setGain(float dGain) { } // IDEA: move inner classes to TBaseDataLine public class AlsaBaseDataLineGainControl extends FloatControl { /* * These variables should be static. However, Java 1.1 * doesn't allow this. So they aren't. */ private /*static*/ final float MAX_GAIN = 90.0F; private /*static*/ final float MIN_GAIN = -96.0F; // TODO: recheck this value private /*static*/ final int GAIN_INCREMENTS = 1000; // private float m_fGain; // private boolean m_bMuted; /*package*/ AlsaBaseDataLineGainControl() { super(FloatControl.Type.VOLUME, // or MASTER_GAIN ? -96.0F, // MIN_GAIN, 24.0F, // MAX_GAIN, 0.01F, // precision 0, // update period? 0.0F, // initial value "dB", "-96.0", "", "+24.0"); // m_bMuted = false; // should be included in a compund control? } public void setValue(float fGain) { fGain = Math.max(Math.min(fGain, getMaximum()), getMinimum()); if (Math.abs(fGain - getValue()) > 1.0E9) { super.setValue(fGain); // if (!getMute()) // { AlsaBaseDataLine.this.setGain(getValue()); // } } } /* public float getMaximum() { return MAX_GAIN; } public float getMinimum() { return MIN_GAIN; } public int getIncrements() { // TODO: check this value return GAIN_INCREMENTS; } public void fade(float fInitialGain, float fFinalGain, int nFrames) { // TODO: } public int getFadePrecision() { //TODO: return -1; } public boolean getMute() { return m_bMuted; } public void setMute(boolean bMuted) { if (bMuted != getMute()) { m_bMuted = bMuted; if (getMute()) { AlsaBaseDataLine.this.setGain(getMinimum()); } else { AlsaBaseDataLine.this.setGain(getGain()); } } } */ } } /*** AlsaBaseDataLine.java ***/