/* * State control for encoding. * Copyright (C) 1999 Christopher Edwards * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ package org.tritonus.lowlevel.gsm; public class Gsm_State { private short[] m_dp0; private short z1; /* preprocessing, Offset_com. */ private int L_z2; /* Offset_com. */ private int mp; /* Preemphasis */ private short[] u; /* short_term.java */ private short[][] m_LARpp; /* */ private short m_j; /* */ private short nrp; /* long_term.java, synthesis */ private short[] v; /* short_term.java, synthesis */ private short msr; /* Gsm_Decoder.java, Postprocessing */ public Gsm_State() { short Dp0[] = new short[280]; short U[] = new short[8]; short LARpp[][] = new short[2][8]; short V[] = new short[9]; this.setDp0(Dp0); this.setZ1( (short) 0); this.setL_z2(0); this.setMp(0); this.setU(U); this.setLARpp(LARpp); this.setJ( (short) 0); this.setNrp( (short) 40); this.setV(V); this.setMsr( (short) 0); } public void dump_Gsm_State() { int i, col; System.out.println("\ndp0[]: "); /*for(i = 0; i < dp0.length; ++i) { System.out.print("["+i+"] "+dp0[i]); if (i < dp0.length - 1) System.out.print(", "); }*/ System.out.println("\nz1: " + z1); System.out.println("\nL_z2: " + L_z2); System.out.println("\nmp: " + mp); System.out.println("\nu[]: "); for(i = 0; i < u.length; ++i) { System.out.print("["+i+"] "+u[i]); if (i < u.length - 1) System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print("\n"); System.out.println("\nLARpp[]: "); for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for(col = 0; col < 8; ++col) { System.out.print("["+i+"]["+col+"] " +m_LARpp[i][col]); System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print("\n"); } System.out.print("\n"); System.out.println("\nj: " + m_j); System.out.println("\nnrp: " + nrp); System.out.println("\nv[]: "); for(i = 0; i < v.length; ++i) { System.out.print("["+i+"] "+v[i]); if (i < v.length - 1) System.out.print(", "); } System.out.print("\n"); System.out.println("\nmsr: " + msr); //System.out.println("\nverbose: " + verbose); //System.out.println("\nfast: " + fast); } public String toString() { return String.valueOf(nrp); } public void setDp0(short[] lcl_arg0) { m_dp0 = lcl_arg0; } public void setDp0Indexed(int ix,short lcl_arg0) { m_dp0[ix] = lcl_arg0; } public short[] getDp0() { return m_dp0; } public short getDp0Indexed(int ix) { return m_dp0[ix]; } public void setZ1(short lcl_arg0) { z1 = lcl_arg0; } public short getZ1() { return z1; } public void setL_z2(int lcl_arg0) { L_z2 = lcl_arg0; } public int getL_z2() { return L_z2; } public void setMp(int lcl_arg0) { mp = lcl_arg0; } public int getMp() { return mp; } public void setU(short[] lcl_arg0) { u = lcl_arg0; } public void setUIndexed(int ix,short lcl_arg0) { u[ix] = lcl_arg0; } public short[] getU() { return u; } public short getUIndexed(int ix) { return u[ix]; } public void setLARpp(short[][] lcl_arg0) { m_LARpp = lcl_arg0; } public void setLARppIndexed(int ix,short[] lcl_arg0) { m_LARpp[ix] = lcl_arg0; } public short[][] getLARpp() { return m_LARpp; } public short[] getLARppIndexed(int ix) { return m_LARpp[ix]; } public void setJ(short lcl_arg0) { m_j = lcl_arg0; } public short getJ() { return m_j; } public void setNrp(short lcl_arg0) { nrp = lcl_arg0; } public short getNrp() { return nrp; } public void setV(short[] lcl_arg0) { v = lcl_arg0; } public void setVIndexed(int ix, short lcl_arg0) { v[ix] = lcl_arg0; } public short[] getV() { return v; } public short getVIndexed(int ix) { return v[ix]; } public void setMsr(short lcl_arg0) { msr = lcl_arg0; } public short getMsr() { return msr; } }