package com.onemore.karungguniapp; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.onemore.karungguniapp.listview.ImageLoader; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. * User: gemengqin * Date: 10/14/13 * Time: 2:47 AM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class AdDetailActivity extends Activity { private KGApp app = new KGApp(); // private LocationManager locationMgr; // private GpsListener gpsListener; // private Handler handler; //private ProgressBar progressBar; //private ProgressBar progressBar2; private TextView tv_category; private TextView tv_title ; private TextView tv_dist ; private TextView tv_status ; private TextView tv_photo_url ; private TextView tv_description ; private TextView tv_owner ; //private TextView tv_timing ; private TextView tv_timing_s; private ImageView photo; private TextView tv_addr; private Button btn_gmap; private double latitude,longitude; private String testAddr; public String parseAddress(String addr) { return addr.replace(" ","+"); } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.ad_detail); getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); tv_category = (TextView)findViewById(; tv_title =(TextView)findViewById(; //tv_id =(TextView)findViewById( //tv_status =(TextView)findViewById( photo =(ImageView)findViewById( ; tv_description=(TextView)findViewById(; tv_owner =(TextView)findViewById(; tv_timing_s =(TextView)findViewById( ; tv_addr =(TextView)findViewById(; app = (KGApp) getApplication(); // if(latitude !=-1 && longitude != -1 &&latitude !=0 && longitude != 0 ) // { // double[] seller_location = GeoUtil.getLatLongFromAddress(); // testAddr =String.valueOf(seller_location[0] )+" "+ String.valueOf(seller_location[1]); // } // else // testAddr = "274a jurong west ave 3 #07-61, 641274\n"; String category; String title ; String id ; String status ; String photo_url; String description ; String owner ; String addr = null; String displayName = null; Long startTime; Long endTime; Bundle extras = savedInstanceState == null ? getIntent().getExtras() : savedInstanceState; if (extras == null) { category = null; title = null; id = null; status = null; photo_url = null; description = null; owner = null; startTime = null; endTime = null; addr = null; displayName = null; } else { category = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_CATEGORY); title = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_TITLE); id = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements._ID); status = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_STATUS); photo_url = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_PHOTO); description = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_DESCRIPTION); owner = extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_OWNER); Cursor mCursor = getContentResolver().query(AppData.Sellers.CONTENT_ID_URI_BASE, null, "EMAIL = ?", new String[] { owner }, null); if (mCursor != null && mCursor.getCount() == 1) { mCursor.moveToFirst(); addr = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(AppData.Sellers.COLUMN_NAME_ADDRESS)); displayName = mCursor.getString(mCursor.getColumnIndex(AppData.Sellers.COLUMN_NAME_DISPLAY_NAME)); } startTime = (long) Float.parseFloat(extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_TIMING_START)); endTime = (long) Float.parseFloat(extras.getString(AppData.Advertisements.COLUMN_NAME_TIMING_END)); } //progressBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(; //progressBar2 = (ProgressBar) findViewById( ; //progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); tv_category.setText(category); tv_description.setText(description); tv_owner.setText(displayName); //tv_timing.setText(startTime.toString() + endTime.toString()); // TODO parse start and end times and show separately SimpleDateFormat date_format_s = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE HH:mm"); Date date = new Date((long) startTime * 1000); String time1 = date_format_s.format(date); SimpleDateFormat date_format_e = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE HH:mm"); Date date2 = new Date((long) endTime * 1000); String time2 = date_format_e.format(date2); tv_timing_s.setText(time1 + " - " + time2); // tv_timing_e.setText(endTime.toString()); tv_title.setText(title); // tv_addr.setText(testAddr); tv_addr.setText(addr, TextView.BufferType.SPANNABLE); ImageLoader imageLoader=new ImageLoader(this.getApplicationContext()); imageLoader.DisplayImage(photo_url, photo); tv_addr.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){ public void onClick(View v){ if (latitude !=-1&& longitude!=-1){ // latitude = 1.351909; // longitude = 103.703675; // int zoom=16; String uri = ""+parseAddress(tv_addr.getText().toString()); Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uri)); startActivity(i); }else{ Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Location Not Available", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); startActivity(intent); } } }); } }