package io.searchbox.cluster; import; import; import; import; import io.searchbox.client.JestResult; import io.searchbox.cluster.reroute.RerouteAllocateReplica; import io.searchbox.cluster.reroute.RerouteCancel; import io.searchbox.cluster.reroute.RerouteCommand; import io.searchbox.cluster.reroute.RerouteMove; import io.searchbox.common.AbstractIntegrationTest; import io.searchbox.core.Cat; import io.searchbox.core.CatResult; import org.elasticsearch.test.ESIntegTestCase; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set ; @ESIntegTestCase.ClusterScope(scope = ESIntegTestCase.Scope.TEST, numDataNodes = 3) public class RerouteIntegrationTest extends AbstractIntegrationTest { static final String INDEX = "reroute"; @Before public void beforeTest() throws IOException { createIndex(INDEX); ensureSearchable(INDEX); setAllocationDisabled(true); } @After public void afterTest() throws IOException { setAllocationDisabled(false); } @Test public void move() throws IOException, InterruptedException { int shardToReroute = 0; String fromNode = getNodeOfPrimaryShard(INDEX, shardToReroute); String toNode = getAvailableNodeForShard(INDEX, shardToReroute); RerouteMove rerouteMove = new RerouteMove(INDEX, shardToReroute, fromNode, toNode); JestResult result = client.execute(new Reroute.Builder(rerouteMove).build()); assertTrue(result.getErrorMessage(), result.isSucceeded()); waitUntilPrimaryShardInNode(shardToReroute, toNode); } @Test @Ignore("[allocate_replica] all copies of [reroute][0] are already assigned. Use the move allocation command instead") public void cancelAndAllocate() throws IOException, InterruptedException { int shardToReroute = 0; String fromNode = getNodeOfPrimaryShard(INDEX, shardToReroute); String toNode = getAvailableNodeForShard(INDEX, shardToReroute); List<RerouteCommand> commands = ImmutableList.of( new RerouteCancel(INDEX, shardToReroute, fromNode, true), new RerouteAllocateReplica(INDEX, shardToReroute, toNode) ); JestResult result = client.execute(new Reroute.Builder(commands).build()); assertTrue(result.getErrorMessage(), result.isSucceeded()); waitUntilPrimaryShardInNode(shardToReroute, toNode); } private void setAllocationDisabled(boolean disabled) throws IOException { String state = disabled ? "none" : "all"; String source = "{\n" + " \"transient\" : {\n" + " \"cluster.routing.allocation.enable\": \"" + state + "\" " + " }\n" + "}"; UpdateSettings updateSettings = new UpdateSettings.Builder(source).build(); JestResult result = client.execute(updateSettings); assertTrue(result.getErrorMessage(), result.isSucceeded()); } private String getAvailableNodeForShard(String index, int shard) throws IOException { Set<String> dataNodes = getAllDataNodes(); String primaryShardNode = getNodeOfPrimaryShard(index, shard); Set<String> replicaShardNodes = getNodesOfReplicaShard(index, shard); dataNodes.remove(primaryShardNode); dataNodes.removeAll(replicaShardNodes); if (dataNodes.size() < 1) { throw new RuntimeException("No Available node for shard=" + shard + " index=" + index); } return dataNodes.iterator().next(); } private Set<String> getAllDataNodes() throws IOException { CatResult result = client.execute(new Cat.NodesBuilder().build()); JsonArray nodes = result.getJsonObject().get("result").getAsJsonArray(); Set<String> nodeNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (JsonElement nodeElement : nodes) { JsonObject nodeObj = nodeElement.getAsJsonObject(); String nodeRole = nodeObj.get("node.role").getAsString(); if (nodeRole.indexOf('d') >= 0) { nodeNames.add(nodeObj.get("name").getAsString()); } } return nodeNames; } private String getNodeOfPrimaryShard(String index, int shard) throws IOException { Set<String> nodeOfShard = getNodeOfShard(index, shard, true); if (nodeOfShard.size() == 0) { return null; } return nodeOfShard.iterator().next(); } private Set<String> getNodesOfReplicaShard(String index, int shard) throws IOException { return getNodeOfShard(index, shard, false); } private Set<String> getNodeOfShard(String index, int shard, boolean isPrimary) throws IOException { char prirep = isPrimary ? 'p' : 'r'; CatResult result = client.execute(new Cat.ShardsBuilder().addIndex(index).setParameter("h", "shard,node,prirep").build()); JsonArray shards = result.getJsonObject().get("result").getAsJsonArray(); Set<String> resultSet = new HashSet<>(); for (JsonElement shardElement : shards) { JsonObject shardObj = shardElement.getAsJsonObject(); if (shardObj.get("shard").getAsInt() == shard && shardObj.get("prirep").getAsCharacter() == prirep) { resultSet.add(shardObj.get("node").getAsString()); } } return resultSet; } private void waitUntilPrimaryShardInNode(int shard, String expectedNode) throws InterruptedException, IOException { int retries = 0; int maxAttempts = 3; String currentNode = getNodeOfPrimaryShard(INDEX, shard); while (retries < 3 && currentNode != null && !currentNode.equals(expectedNode)) { retries++; currentNode = getNodeOfPrimaryShard(INDEX, shard); Thread.sleep(1000); } if (retries >= maxAttempts) { fail("Primary shard " + shard + " expected to be in node " + expectedNode + " but is in " + currentNode); } } }