package io.searchbox.core; import io.searchbox.action.AbstractMultiTypeActionBuilder; import io.searchbox.action.GenericResultAbstractAction; /** * The search shards api returns the indices and shards that a search request would be executed against. * This can give useful feedback for working out issues or planning optimizations with routing and shard preferences. * * @author cihat keser */ public class SearchShards extends GenericResultAbstractAction { protected SearchShards(Builder builder) { super(builder); setURI(buildURI()); } @Override protected String buildURI() { return super.buildURI() + "/_search_shards"; } @Override public String getRestMethodName() { return "GET"; } public static class Builder extends AbstractMultiTypeActionBuilder<SearchShards, Builder> { /** * * @param routing A comma-separated list of routing values to take into account when * determining which shards a request would be executed against. */ public Builder routing(String routing) { setParameter("routing", routing); return this; } /** * * @param preference Controls a preference of which shard replicas to execute the search request on. * By default, the operation is randomized between the shard replicas. See the * <a href="">preference documentation</a> * for a list of all acceptable values. */ public Builder preference(String preference) { setParameter("preference", preference); return this; } /** * * @param local A boolean value whether to read the cluster state locally in order to determine * where shards are allocated instead of using the Master node’s cluster state. */ public Builder local(Boolean local) { setParameter("local", local); return this; } @Override public SearchShards build() { return new SearchShards(this); } } }