package ca.uwaterloo.ece.qhanam.jrsrepair.mutation; import ca.uwaterloo.ece.qhanam.jrsrepair.SourceStatement; import ca.uwaterloo.ece.qhanam.jrsrepair.DocumentASTRewrite; import java.util.HashMap; public class NullMutation extends Mutation { public NullMutation(HashMap<String, DocumentASTRewrite> sourceFileContents, SourceStatement faulty, SourceStatement seed){ super(sourceFileContents, faulty, seed); } /** * Replaces the faulty statement with the seed statement. */ @Override public void concreteMutate() throws Exception {/* Don't do anything. */ } /** * Replace the seed statement with the faulty statement. */ @Override public void concreteUndo() throws Exception{ /* Don't do anything. */ } @Override public String toString(){ return "Null " + super.toString(); } }