package ca.uwaterloo.ece.qhanam.jrsrepair; import; /** * AntTestExecutor compiles and runs the JUnit tests for the program under repair using * Apache Ant and a build.xml build file. * * @author qhanam */ public class AntTestExecutor extends AbstractTestExecutor { private File baseDirectory; private String antPath; private String antTestTarget; public AntTestExecutor(File baseDirectory, String antPath, String antTestTarget){ this.baseDirectory = baseDirectory; this.antPath = antPath; this.antTestTarget = antTestTarget; } /** * Run the script (e.g., ant) to run the JUnit test cases. * @return NOT_COMPILED = failed to compile, TESTS_FAILED = failed one or more test cases, TESTS_PASSED = passed all test cases * @throws Exception */ public Status runTests() throws Exception{ /* The program has successfully compiled, so run the JUnit tests. */ ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(this.antPath, this.antTestTarget);; builder.redirectErrorStream(true); Process process = builder.start(); /* Handle the output. */ StreamReaderThread streamReaderThread = new StreamReaderThread(process.getInputStream()); streamReaderThread.start(); /* Wait for the process to finish or timeout. */ ProcessWithTimeout processWithTimeout = new ProcessWithTimeout(process); int exitCode = processWithTimeout.waitForProcess(10000); /* Handle the result. */ if (exitCode == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return Status.FAILED; } else { streamReaderThread.join(100); String output = streamReaderThread.getOutput(); /* If the script output contains "BUILD SUCCESSFUL", then the program has passed all the test cases (if failonerror is on). */ if(output.indexOf("BUILD SUCCESSFUL") >= 0) return Status.PASSED; if(output.indexOf("BUILD FAILED") >= 0) return Status.FAILED; } /* The program compiled, but failed one or more test cases. */ return Status.ERROR; } }