package; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.intellimate.izou.main.Main; import; import org.intellimate.izou.util.IzouModule; import; /** * The SecurityBreachHandler takes action when a security exception is thrown in the security manager to deal with the * attempted security breach. */ final class SecurityBreachHandler extends IzouModule { private final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(this.getClass()); private final String toAddress; private final SystemMail systemMail; private static boolean exists = false; /** * Creates a SecurityBreachHandler. There can only be one single SecurityBreachHandler, so calling this method twice * will cause an illegal access exception. * * @param main the main instance of izou * @param systemMail the system mail object in order to send e-mails to owner in case of emergency * @param toAddress the email address to send error reports to * @return an SecurityBreachHandler * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown if this method is called more than once */ static SecurityBreachHandler createBreachHandler(Main main, SystemMail systemMail, String toAddress) throws IllegalAccessException { if (!exists) { SecurityBreachHandler breachHandler = new SecurityBreachHandler(main, systemMail, toAddress); exists = true; return breachHandler; } throw new IllegalAccessException("Cannot create more than one instance of SecurityBreachHandler"); } /** Creates a new SecurityBreachHandler instance if and only if none has been created yet * * @param main the main instance of izou * @param systemMail the system mail object in order to send e-mails to owner in case of emergency * @param toAddress the email address to send error reports to * @throws IllegalAccessException thrown if this method is called more than once */ private SecurityBreachHandler(Main main, SystemMail systemMail, String toAddress) throws IllegalAccessException { super(main); if (exists) { throw new IllegalAccessException("Cannot create more than one instance of SecurityBreachHandler"); } this.systemMail = systemMail; this.toAddress = toAddress; } /** * Handles the potential security breach (sends out an email and does whatever else is necessary) * * @param e The exception that will be thrown * @param classesStack the current class stack */ void handleBreach(Exception e, Class[] classesStack) { String subject = "Izou Security Exception: " + e.getMessage(); sendErrorReport(subject, e, classesStack); } private void sendErrorReport(String subject, Exception e, Class[] classesStack) { String content = generateContent(e, classesStack); String logName = "org.intellimate.izou.log"; String logAttachment = getMain().getFileSystemManager().getLogsLocation() + File.separator + logName; systemMail.sendMail(toAddress, subject, content, logName, logAttachment); } private String generateContent(Exception excep, Class[] classesStack) { String intro = "An attempted security breach was discovered in Izou: \n\n\n"; String exception = "EXCEPTION: \n\n"; exception += excep.getMessage() + "\n"; StackTraceElement[] stackTraceElements = excep.getStackTrace(); for (StackTraceElement element : stackTraceElements) { exception += element.toString() + "\n"; } exception += "\n\n\n"; String classesStackString = ""; if (classesStack != null) { classesStackString = "CLASS STACK:\n\n"; for (int i = 0; i < classesStack.length; i++) { Class clazz = classesStack[i]; classesStackString += "Class " + i + ": \n"; classesStackString += clazz.toString() + "\n"; classesStackString += "Class Loader " + i + ": \n"; ClassLoader classLoader = clazz.getClassLoader(); if (classLoader == null) { classesStackString += "null\n"; } else { classesStackString += clazz.getClassLoader().toString() + "\n"; } } } return intro + exception + classesStackString; } }