package; import org.intellimate.izou.addon.AddOnModel; import org.intellimate.izou.main.Main; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * The FilePermissionModule is used to check the access to files * @author LeanderK * @version 1.0 */ public class FilePermissionModule extends PermissionModule { private final List<String> forbiddenReadFiles; private final List<File> allowedWriteDirectories; private final List<File> forbiddenWriteDirectories; private final List<String> forbiddenWriteFilesNames; /** * Creates a new PermissionModule * * @param main the instance of main */ FilePermissionModule(Main main, SecurityManager securityManager) { super(main, securityManager); forbiddenReadFiles = new ArrayList<>(); forbiddenWriteDirectories = new ArrayList<>(); forbiddenWriteFilesNames = new ArrayList<>(); forbiddenWriteFilesNames.add(""); allowedWriteDirectories = new ArrayList<>(); allowedWriteDirectories.add(main.getFileSystemManager().getResourceLocation()); allowedWriteDirectories.add(main.getFileSystemManager().getLogsLocation()); allowedWriteDirectories.add(main.getFileSystemManager().getPropertiesLocation()); allowedWriteDirectories.add(main.getFileSystemManager().getResourceLocation()); allowedWriteDirectories.add(main.getFileSystemManager().getLibLocation()); if (getMain().getFileSystemManager().getIzouJarLocation().isDirectory()) { allowedWriteDirectories.add(new File(getMain().getFileSystemManager().getIzouJarLocation() + File.separator + "META-INF" + File.separator + "services")); } else { URL metaInfo = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("META-INF/services"); if (metaInfo != null) allowedWriteDirectories.add(new File(metaInfo.getFile())); } if (Boolean.getBoolean("debug")) { allowedWriteDirectories.add(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + ".m2")); allowedWriteDirectories.add(main.getFileSystemManager().getIzouJarLocation()); allowedWriteDirectories.add(new File(System.getProperty("java.home"))); } } /** * returns true if able to check permissions * * @param permission the permission to check * @return true if able to, false if not */ @Override public boolean canCheckPermission(Permission permission) { return permission instanceof FilePermission; } /** * Checks if the given addOn is allowed to access the requested service and registers them if not yet registered. * * @param permission the Permission to check * @param addon the identifiable to check * @throws IzouPermissionException thrown if the addOn is not allowed to access its requested service */ @Override public void checkPermission(Permission permission, AddOnModel addon) throws IzouPermissionException { String canonicalName = permission.getName().intern().toLowerCase(); String canonicalAction = permission.getActions().intern().toLowerCase(); if (canonicalName.contains("all files") || canonicalAction.equals("execute")) { throw getException(permission.getName()); } if (canonicalAction.equals("read")) { fileReadCheck(canonicalName); } fileWriteCheck(canonicalName, addon); } /** * Determines if the file at the given file path is safe to read from in all aspects, if so returns true, else false * * @param filePath the path to the file to read from */ void fileReadCheck(String filePath) { File potentialFile = new File(filePath); String canonicalPath; try { canonicalPath = potentialFile.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { error("Error getting canonical path", e); throw getException(filePath); } if ( { throw getException(filePath); } } /** * Determines if the file at the given file path is safe to write to in all aspects, if so returns true, else false * * @param filePath the path to the file to write to * @param addOnModel the AddonModel */ void fileWriteCheck(String filePath, AddOnModel addOnModel) { File request; try { request = new File(filePath).getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { error("Error getting canonical path", e); throw getException(filePath); } isForbidden(request, addOnModel); boolean success = false; if ( .anyMatch(compare -> request.toPath().startsWith(compare.toPath()))) { success = true; } for (String name : forbiddenWriteFilesNames) { if (request.getName().equals(name)) { success = false; } } if (!success) { throw getException(filePath); } if (!getSecurityManager().getSecureAccess().checkForExistingFileOrDirectory(request.toString()) || getSecurityManager().getSecureAccess().checkForDirectory(request.toString())) { return; } } /** * throws an Exception if the * @param request the requested File * @param addOnModel the AddonModel */ private void isForbidden(File request, AddOnModel addOnModel) { if ( .anyMatch(compare -> request.toPath().startsWith(compare.toPath()))) { throw getException("file: " + request.toString() + " is forbidden. Attempt made by: " + addOnModel.getID()); } } }