package org.apache.hadoop.corona; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Daemon; import org.apache.hadoop.util.StringUtils; import; import org.apache.thrift.*; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.*; import org.apache.thrift.transport.*; import org.apache.thrift.server.TServer; import org.apache.thrift.server.TThreadPoolServer; /** * Handles sessions from client to cluster manager. */ public class SessionDriver { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SessionDriver.class); final CoronaConf conf; final SessionDriverService.Iface iface; String sessionId = ""; SessionInfo sessionInfo; ServerSocket serverSocket; TServer server; Thread serverThread; CMNotifierThread cmNotifier; IOException failException = null; public SessionDriver(Configuration conf, SessionDriverService.Iface iface) throws IOException { this(new CoronaConf(conf), iface); } private static UnixUserGroupInformation getUGI(Configuration conf) throws IOException { UnixUserGroupInformation ugi = null; try { ugi = UnixUserGroupInformation.login(conf, true); } catch (LoginException e) { throw (IOException)(new IOException( "Failed to get the current user's information.").initCause(e)); } return ugi; } public SessionDriver(CoronaConf conf, SessionDriverService.Iface iface) throws IOException { this.conf = conf; this.iface = iface; serverSocket = initializeServer(conf); org.apache.hadoop.corona.InetAddress myAddress = new org.apache.hadoop.corona.InetAddress(); myAddress.setHost(serverSocket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress()); myAddress.setPort(serverSocket.getLocalPort());"My serverSocketPort " + serverSocket.getLocalPort());"My Address " + myAddress.getHost() + ":" + myAddress.getPort()); UnixUserGroupInformation ugi = getUGI(conf); String userName = ugi.getUserName(); String sessionName = userName + "-" + new java.util.Date().toString(); this.sessionInfo = new SessionInfo(); this.sessionInfo.setAddress(myAddress); this.sessionInfo.setName(sessionName); this.sessionInfo.setUserId(userName); this.sessionInfo.setPoolId(conf.getPoolName()); // TODO - set session priority. this.sessionInfo.setPriority(SessionPriority.NORMAL); this.sessionInfo.setNoPreempt(false); this.serverThread = new Daemon(new Thread() { public void run() { server.serve(); } }); this.serverThread.start(); cmNotifier = new CMNotifierThread(conf, sessionInfo, this); cmNotifier.setDaemon(true); cmNotifier.start(); sessionId = cmNotifier.getSessionRegistrationData().handle; } static getLocalAddress() throws IOException { try { return; } catch ( e) { throw new IOException(e); } } private ServerSocket initializeServer(CoronaConf conf) throws IOException { // Choose any free port. ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(0, 0, getLocalAddress()); TServerSocket tServerSocket = new TServerSocket(serverSocket, conf.getCMSoTimeout()); TFactoryBasedThreadPoolServer.Args args = new TFactoryBasedThreadPoolServer.Args(tServerSocket); args.processor(new SessionDriverService.Processor(iface)); args.transportFactory(new TTransportFactory()); args.protocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocol.Factory(true, true)); args.stopTimeoutVal = 0; server = new TFactoryBasedThreadPoolServer( args, new TFactoryBasedThreadPoolServer.DaemonThreadFactory()); return serverSocket; } public IOException getFailed() { return failException; } public void setFailed(IOException e) { failException = e; } public String getSessionId() { return sessionId; } public SessionInfo getSessionInfo() { return sessionInfo; } public void setName(String name) throws IOException { if (failException != null) { throw failException; } if (name == null || name.length() == 0) { return; } = name; SessionInfo newInfo = new SessionInfo(sessionInfo); cmNotifier.addCall( new ClusterManagerService.sessionUpdateInfo_args(sessionId, newInfo)); } public void setUrl(String url) throws IOException { if (failException != null) { throw failException; } sessionInfo.url = url; SessionInfo newInfo = new SessionInfo(sessionInfo); cmNotifier.addCall( new ClusterManagerService.sessionUpdateInfo_args(sessionId, newInfo)); } /** * For test purposes. Abort a sessiondriver without sending a sessionEnd() * call to the CM. This allows testing for abnormal session termination */ public void abort() {"Aborting session driver"); cmNotifier.clearCalls(); cmNotifier.doShutdown(); server.stop(); } public void stop(SessionStatus status) {"Stopping session driver"); // clear all calls from the notifier and append a last call // to send the sessionEnd cmNotifier.clearCalls(); cmNotifier.addCall(new ClusterManagerService.sessionEnd_args(sessionId, status)); cmNotifier.doShutdown(); server.stop(); } public void join() throws InterruptedException { serverThread.join(); cmNotifier.join(); } public void requestResources(List<ResourceRequest> wanted) throws IOException { if (failException != null) throw failException; cmNotifier.addCall(new ClusterManagerService.requestResource_args(sessionId, wanted)); } public void releaseResources(List<ResourceRequest> released) throws IOException { if (failException != null) throw failException; List<Integer> releasedIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (ResourceRequest req: released) { releasedIds.add(req.getId()); } cmNotifier.addCall(new ClusterManagerService.releaseResource_args(sessionId, releasedIds)); } public static class CMNotifierThread extends Thread { final List<TBase> pendingCalls = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<TBase> ()); /** * starting retry interval */ final int retryIntervalStart; /** * multiplier between successive retry intervals */ final int retryIntervalFactor; /** * max number of retries */ final int retryCountMax; /** * period between polling for dispatches */ final int waitInterval; /** * intervals between heartbeats */ final int heartbeatInterval; final String host; final int port; final SessionInfo sinfo; final SessionRegistrationData sreg; final SessionDriver sessionDriver; /** * Time (in milliseconds) when to make the next RPC call * -1 means to make the call immediately */ long nextDispatchTime = -1; /** * Number of retries that have been made for the first call * in the list */ short numRetries = 0; /** * current retry interval */ int currentRetryInterval; /** * last time heartbeat was sent */ long lastHeartbeatTime = 0; TTransport transport = null; ClusterManagerService.Client client; volatile boolean shutdown = false; public void doShutdown() { shutdown = true; wakeupThread(); } public CMNotifierThread(CoronaConf conf, SessionInfo sinfo, SessionDriver sdriver) throws IOException { waitInterval = conf.getNotifierPollInterval(); retryIntervalFactor = conf.getNotifierRetryIntervalFactor(); retryCountMax = conf.getNotifierRetryMax(); retryIntervalStart = conf.getNotifierRetryIntervalStart(); heartbeatInterval = Math.max(conf.getSessionExpiryInterval()/8, 1); sessionDriver = sdriver; String target = conf.getClusterManagerAddress(); InetSocketAddress address = NetUtils.createSocketAddr(target); host = address.getHostName(); port = address.getPort(); this.sinfo = sinfo; try {"Connecting to cluster manager at " + host + ":" + port); init(); sreg = client.sessionStart(sinfo); close();"Established session " + sreg.handle); } catch (TException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } public SessionRegistrationData getSessionRegistrationData() { return sreg; } synchronized private void wakeupThread() { this.notify(); } public void addCall(TBase call) { pendingCalls.add(call); wakeupThread(); } public void clearCalls() { pendingCalls.clear(); } private void init () throws TException { if (transport == null) { transport = new TSocket(host, port); client = new ClusterManagerService.Client(new TBinaryProtocol(transport));; } } public void close() { if (transport != null) { transport.close(); transport = null; client = null; } } private void resetRetryState() { nextDispatchTime = -1; numRetries = 0; currentRetryInterval = retryIntervalStart; } /** * get the first pending call if it exists, else null */ private TBase getCall() { try { TBase ret = pendingCalls.get(0); return (ret); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } public void run() { while (!shutdown) { synchronized (this) { try { this.wait(waitInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } long now = ClusterManager.clock.getTime(); try { // send heartbeat if one is due // if shutdown is ordered, don't send heartbeat if (!shutdown && ((now - lastHeartbeatTime) > heartbeatInterval)) { init(); client.sessionHeartbeat(sreg.handle); resetRetryState(); lastHeartbeatTime = now; } // except in the case of shutdown, wait correct time // before trying calls again (in case of failures) // in the case of shutdown - we try to send as many pending // calls as we can before terminating if (!shutdown && (now < nextDispatchTime)) continue; // send pending requests/releases while (!pendingCalls.isEmpty()) { TBase call = getCall(); init(); dispatchCall(call); resetRetryState(); // we can only remove the first element if // it is the call we just dispatched TBase currentCall = getCall(); if (currentCall == call) pendingCalls.remove(0); } } catch (TException e) { LOG.error("Call to CM, numRetry: " + numRetries + " failed with exception: \n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(e)); // close the transport/client on any exception // will be reopened on next try close(); if (numRetries > retryCountMax) { LOG.error("All retries failed - closing CMNotifier"); sessionDriver.setFailed(new IOException(e)); break; } numRetries++; nextDispatchTime = now + currentRetryInterval; currentRetryInterval *= retryIntervalFactor; } catch (InvalidSessionHandle e) { LOG.error("InvalidSession exception - closing CMNotifier"); sessionDriver.setFailed(new IOException(e)); break; } } // while (true) } // run() private void dispatchCall(TBase call) throws TException, InvalidSessionHandle { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug ("Begin dispatching call: " + call.toString()); if (call instanceof ClusterManagerService.requestResource_args) { ClusterManagerService.requestResource_args args = (ClusterManagerService.requestResource_args)call; client.requestResource(args.handle, args.requestList); } else if (call instanceof ClusterManagerService.releaseResource_args) { ClusterManagerService.releaseResource_args args = (ClusterManagerService.releaseResource_args)call; client.releaseResource(args.handle, args.idList); } else if (call instanceof ClusterManagerService.sessionEnd_args) { ClusterManagerService.sessionEnd_args args = (ClusterManagerService.sessionEnd_args)call; client.sessionEnd(args.handle, args.status); } else if (call instanceof ClusterManagerService.sessionUpdateInfo_args) { ClusterManagerService.sessionUpdateInfo_args args = (ClusterManagerService.sessionUpdateInfo_args)call; client.sessionUpdateInfo(args.handle,; } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Class: " + call.getClass().getName()); } LOG.debug ("End dispatch call"); } } }