package org.apache.hadoop.corona; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import; public class CoronaConf extends Configuration { public static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(CoronaConf.class); public static final String CM_ADDRESS = "cm.server.address"; public static final String CM_HTTP_ADDRESS = "cm.server.http.address"; public static final String NODE_EXPIRY_INTERVAL = "cm.node.expiryinterval"; public static final String SESSION_EXPIRY_INTERVAL = "cm.session.expiryinterval"; public static final String NOTIFIER_POLL_INTERVAL = "cm.notifier.pollinterval"; public static final String NOTIFIER_RETRY_INTERVAL_FACTOR = "cm.notifier.retry.interval.factor"; public static final String NOTIFIER_RETRY_INTERVAL_START = "cm.notifier.retry.interval.start"; public static final String NOTIFIER_RETRY_MAX = "cm.notifier.retry.max"; public static final String CPU_TO_RESOURCE_PARTITIONING = ""; public static final String CM_SOTIMEOUT = "cm.server.sotimeout"; public static final String NODE_RESERVED_MEMORY_MB = "cm.node.reserved.memory.mb"; public static final String NODE_RESERVED_DISK_GB = ""; // these are left in the mapred.fairscheduler namespace to make sure they are // compatible with the current fairscheduler. client can be expected to send jobs // to corona and/or classic hadoop with same configuration public static final String IMPLICIT_POOL_PROPERTY = "mapred.fairscheduler.poolnameproperty"; public static final String EXPLICIT_POOL_PROPERTY = "mapred.fairscheduler.pool"; public static final String POOL_CONFIG_FILE = "corona.xml"; private Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> cachedCpuToResourcePartitioning = null; public CoronaConf(Configuration conf) { super(conf); } public int getCMSoTimeout() { return getInt(CM_SOTIMEOUT, 30*1000); } public String getClusterManagerAddress() { return get(CM_ADDRESS, "localhost:8888"); } public String getClusterManagerHttpAddress() { return get(CM_HTTP_ADDRESS, "localhost:0"); } public static String getClusterManagerAddress(Configuration conf) { return conf.get(CM_ADDRESS, "localhost:8888"); } public int getNodeExpiryInterval() { return getInt(NODE_EXPIRY_INTERVAL, 10 * 60 * 1000); } public int getSessionExpiryInterval() { int val = getInt(SESSION_EXPIRY_INTERVAL, 0); if (val != 0) return val; // if the session expiry interval is not specified then we compute // one based on the exponential backoff intervals of the session // notification retries val = getNotifierRetryIntervalStart(); int factor = getNotifierRetryIntervalFactor(); for(int i=1; i<getNotifierRetryMax(); i++) { val += val*factor; } return val; } public int getNotifierPollInterval() { return getInt(NOTIFIER_POLL_INTERVAL, 1000); } public int getNotifierRetryIntervalFactor() { return getInt(NOTIFIER_RETRY_INTERVAL_FACTOR, 4); } public int getNotifierRetryIntervalStart() { return getInt(NOTIFIER_RETRY_INTERVAL_START, 5000); } public int getNotifierRetryMax() { return getInt(NOTIFIER_RETRY_MAX, 5); } public Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> getCpuToResourcePartitioning() { if (cachedCpuToResourcePartitioning != null) return cachedCpuToResourcePartitioning; String jsonStr = get(CPU_TO_RESOURCE_PARTITIONING, ""); Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> ret = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> (); try { ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode rootNode = mapper.readValue(jsonStr, JsonNode.class); Iterator<String> iter = rootNode.getFieldNames(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String field =; Integer numCpu = Integer.parseInt(field); if ((numCpu < 0) || (numCpu > 64)) { throw new RuntimeException("Number of CPUs: " + numCpu + " is not in range 0-64"); } JsonNode val = rootNode.get(field); if (!val.isObject()) { throw new RuntimeException("Resource Partitioning: " + val.toString() + " is not a object"); } HashMap<String, Integer> resourcePartition = null; Iterator<String> valIter = val.getFieldNames(); while (valIter.hasNext()) { String resourceType =; JsonNode resourceVal = val.get(resourceType); int resourceSlots = 0; if (!resourceVal.isInt() || ((resourceSlots = resourceVal.getIntValue()) < 0) || resourceSlots > 64) { throw new RuntimeException("Resource Partition value: " + resourceVal.toString() + " is not a valid number"); } if (resourcePartition == null) { resourcePartition = new HashMap<String, Integer> (); } resourcePartition.put(resourceType, new Integer(resourceSlots)); } if (resourcePartition != null) { ret.put(numCpu, resourcePartition); } } return ret; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(jsonStr + " is not a valid value for option: " + CPU_TO_RESOURCE_PARTITIONING); throw new RuntimeException (e); } } public String getPoolName() { String poolNameProperty = get(IMPLICIT_POOL_PROPERTY, ""); return get(EXPLICIT_POOL_PROPERTY, get(poolNameProperty, "")).trim(); } public int getNodeReservedMemoryMB() { return getInt(NODE_RESERVED_MEMORY_MB, 0); } public int getNodeReservedDiskGB() { return getInt(NODE_RESERVED_DISK_GB, 0); } }