package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import husacct.analyse.domain.IModelQueryService; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.AnalyseReconstructConstants; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.ReconstructArchitecture; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.algorithms.GraphOfSuClusters; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.algorithms.Algorithm_SuperClass; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.dto.ReconstructArchitectureDTO; import husacct.analyse.task.reconstruct.parameters.ReconstructArchitectureParameterDTO; import husacct.common.dto.ModuleDTO; import husacct.common.dto.SoftwareUnitDTO; import husacct.common.enums.ModuleTypes; public class Layers_HUSACCT_Algorithm_SelectedModule extends Algorithm_SuperClass{ private ModuleDTO selectedModule; private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ReconstructArchitecture.class); private ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm = new ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>(); private HashMap<String, SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnitsToExclude = new HashMap<String, SoftwareUnitDTO>(); private GraphOfSuClusters graphOfSuClusters; // Each node in the graph represents 1-n SoftwareUnits. If *, it is a cohesive cluster of SUs. private TreeMap<Integer, Set<Integer>> layersWithNodesMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Set<Integer>>(); private int backCallThreshold; public Layers_HUSACCT_Algorithm_SelectedModule (IModelQueryService queryService) { super(queryService); graphOfSuClusters = new GraphOfSuClusters(this); } @Override public void executeAlgorithm(ReconstructArchitectureDTO dto, IModelQueryService queryService) { try { backCallThreshold = dto.getThreshold(); selectedModule = dto.getSelectedModule(); // If the selectedModule is of type Facade or ExternalLibrary, nothing is done. if ((selectedModule == null) || selectedModule.type.equals(ModuleTypes.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY.toString()) || selectedModule.type.equals(ModuleTypes.FACADE.toString())) { return; } else if (selectedModule.logicalPath.equals("")) { selectedModule.logicalPath= "**"; // Root of intended software architecture selectedModule.type = "Root"; // Root of intended software architecture } /* Test code if ("validate")) { boolean breakpoint = true; } */ // Select the set of SUs to be used, and activate the component-identifying algorithm if (selectedModule.logicalPath.equals("**")) { SoftwareUnitDTO[] softwareUnitsInRoot = queryService.getSoftwareUnitsInRoot(); for (SoftwareUnitDTO rootUnit : softwareUnitsInRoot) { if (!rootUnit.uniqueName.equals("xLibraries")) { softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm.add(rootUnit); } } if (softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm.size() == 1) { SoftwareUnitDTO selectedSU = softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm.get(0); softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm = getSetOfChildSoftwareUnits(selectedSU); } } else { softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm = getRelevantSoftwareUnits(); } graphOfSuClusters.initializeGraph(softwareUnitsToIncludeInAlgorithm, dto); Set<Integer> allNodes = graphOfSuClusters.getNodes(); identifyLayers(allNodes); if (layersWithNodesMap.size() >= 2) { addIdentifiedLayersToIntendedArchitecture(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(" Exception: " + e ); } } private void identifyLayers(Set<Integer> allNodes) { // 1) Assign all internalRootPackages to bottom layer int layerId = 1; layersWithNodesMap.put(layerId, allNodes); // 2) Split the original bottom layer in a top layer and a (reduced) bottom layer, if appropriate. identifyTopLayerBasedOnUnitsInBottomLayer(layerId); // 3) Look iteratively for a new layer of nodes on top of the bottom layer, etc. while (layersWithNodesMap.lastKey() > layerId) { layerId++; identifyTopLayerBasedOnUnitsInBottomLayer(layerId); } } /** * Logic: Move a software unit su1 from the current bottom layer to a new top layer * if the software unit is using another software unit su2 in the current bottom layer. * Complication: If su2 is using su1 as well and the backCallPercentage ((su2-->su1 / su1-->su2) x 100) is bigger than * the callBackThreshold percentage, than su1 and su2 need to stay in the bottom layer (or both be moved to the top layer in case * su1 and/or su2 is using another software unit su3 in the current bottom layer). * @param bottomLayerId */ private void identifyTopLayerBasedOnUnitsInBottomLayer(int bottomLayerId) { /* Test code if ("graphics")) { boolean breakpoint = true; } */ HashSet<Integer> assignedNodesNewBottomLayer = new HashSet<Integer>(); HashSet<Integer> assignedNodesNewTopLayer = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int fromNodeId : layersWithNodesMap.get(bottomLayerId)) { boolean fromNodeUsesAnotherNode = false; HashSet<Integer> clone = new HashSet<Integer>(layersWithNodesMap.get(bottomLayerId)); for (int toNodeId : clone) { if (fromNodeId != toNodeId) { int nrOfDependenciesFromTo = graphOfSuClusters.getNumberOfDependencies(fromNodeId, toNodeId); int nrOfDependenciesToFrom = graphOfSuClusters.getNumberOfDependencies(toNodeId, fromNodeId); if (nrOfDependenciesFromTo > 0) { if (nrOfDependenciesFromTo > nrOfDependenciesToFrom) { int backCallPercentage = ((nrOfDependenciesToFrom * 100) / nrOfDependenciesFromTo); if (backCallPercentage <= backCallThreshold) { fromNodeUsesAnotherNode = true; } else { // The fromNode and toNode are highly coupled, so leave them in the same layer. } } } } } if (fromNodeUsesAnotherNode) { assignedNodesNewTopLayer.add(fromNodeId); } else { // Leave unit in the lower layer assignedNodesNewBottomLayer.add(fromNodeId); } } // Create a new top layer only if both new bottom layer and top layer contain at least one node. if (!assignedNodesNewTopLayer.isEmpty() && !assignedNodesNewBottomLayer.isEmpty()) { layersWithNodesMap.remove(bottomLayerId); layersWithNodesMap.put(bottomLayerId, assignedNodesNewBottomLayer); int newTopLayerId = bottomLayerId + 1; layersWithNodesMap.put(newTopLayerId, assignedNodesNewTopLayer); } } private void addIdentifiedLayersToIntendedArchitecture() { int highestLevelLayer = layersWithNodesMap.size(); // Determine the hierarchicalLevels of the layers. The hierarchicalLevel of a layer within Define // is as follows: the highest level layer has hierarchicalLevel = 1; the one below 2, etc. int hierarchicalLevel = highestLevelLayer; TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>> layersWithSoftwareUnitsMap = new TreeMap<Integer, ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>>(); for (int levelInName : layersWithNodesMap.keySet()) { Set<Integer> nodesOfLayer = layersWithNodesMap.get(levelInName); ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> unitsOfLayer = new ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>(); for (int nodeId : nodesOfLayer) { unitsOfLayer.addAll(graphOfSuClusters.getSoftwareUnitsOfNode(nodeId)); } layersWithSoftwareUnitsMap.put(hierarchicalLevel, unitsOfLayer); hierarchicalLevel --; } // Determine the names of the layers. The layer-level in the layer name is reversed to the hierarchicalLevel within Define. // The lowest level layer has levelInName = 1; the one above 2, etc. int numberOfAddedLayers = 0; int levelInName = highestLevelLayer; for (int hierarchyLevel : layersWithSoftwareUnitsMap.keySet()) { ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> unitsOfLayer = layersWithSoftwareUnitsMap.get(hierarchyLevel); String nameOfLayer = "Layer" + levelInName + determineLayerNameExtension(unitsOfLayer); ModuleDTO newModule = createModule_andAddItToReverseList(nameOfLayer, selectedModule.logicalPath, "Layer", hierarchyLevel, unitsOfLayer); if (!newModule.logicalPath.equals("")) { numberOfAddedLayers ++; levelInName --; } }" Number of added Layers: " + numberOfAddedLayers); } // If only one software unit is assigned, the name of this unit is returned. // If several units are assigned, the name of the latgest unit is returned plus + "_etc". private String determineLayerNameExtension(ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> unitsOfLayer) { String nameExtension = ""; if (unitsOfLayer.size() == 1) { SoftwareUnitDTO unit = unitsOfLayer.get(0); if (!"")) { if ( > 12) { nameExtension = "_" +, 11); } else { nameExtension = "_" +; } } } else { String nameLargestUnit = ""; int highestLinesOfCode = 0; for (SoftwareUnitDTO unit : unitsOfLayer) { int linesOfCode = queryService.getAnalysisStatistics(unit).selectionNrOfLinesOfCode; if (linesOfCode > highestLinesOfCode) { highestLinesOfCode = linesOfCode; nameLargestUnit =; } } if (!nameLargestUnit.equals("")) { if (nameLargestUnit.length() > 12) { nameLargestUnit = nameLargestUnit.substring(0, 11); } nameExtension = "_" + nameLargestUnit + "_etc"; } } return nameExtension; } // Returns the SUs assigned to selectedModule or, if only one SU is assigned, the children of this SU. // In case the selectedModule is a Component, the SUs assigned to the interface should not be returned. private ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> getRelevantSoftwareUnits() { ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> softwareUnitsToReturn = new ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>(); addSoftwareUnitsAssignedToComponentInterface_To_softwareUnitsToExcludeMap(); int numberOfAssignedSoftwareUnits = defineService.getAssignedSoftwareUnitsOfModule(selectedModule.logicalPath).size(); if (numberOfAssignedSoftwareUnits > 1) { for(String logicalSoftwarePathSelectedModule : defineService.getAssignedSoftwareUnitsOfModule(selectedModule.logicalPath)){ SoftwareUnitDTO suDTO = queryService.getSoftwareUnitByUniqueName(logicalSoftwarePathSelectedModule); if (!softwareUnitsToExclude.containsKey(suDTO.uniqueName)) { softwareUnitsToReturn.add(suDTO); } } } else if (numberOfAssignedSoftwareUnits == 1){ SoftwareUnitDTO assignedSU = new SoftwareUnitDTO("", "", "", ""); for(String uniqueNameAssignedSU : defineService.getAssignedSoftwareUnitsOfModule(selectedModule.logicalPath)){ assignedSU = queryService.getSoftwareUnitByUniqueName(uniqueNameAssignedSU); } for (SoftwareUnitDTO subModule : getSetOfChildSoftwareUnits(assignedSU)){ if (!softwareUnitsToExclude.containsKey(subModule.uniqueName)) { softwareUnitsToReturn.add(subModule); } } } return softwareUnitsToReturn; } private void addSoftwareUnitsAssignedToComponentInterface_To_softwareUnitsToExcludeMap() { if (selectedModule.type.equals(ModuleTypes.COMPONENT.toString())) { for (ModuleDTO subModule : defineService.getModule_TheChildrenOfTheModule(selectedModule.logicalPath)) { if (subModule.type.equals(ModuleTypes.FACADE.toString())) { defineService.getAssignedSoftwareUnitsOfModule(subModule.logicalPath); for (String assignedUnitUniqueName : defineService.getAssignedSoftwareUnitsOfModule(subModule.logicalPath)) { SoftwareUnitDTO assignedUnit = queryService.getSoftwareUnitByUniqueName(assignedUnitUniqueName); if (! { softwareUnitsToExclude.put(assignedUnit.uniqueName, assignedUnit); } } } } } } /** Returns the first set of children (number of children >= 2) in the decomposition hierarchy of the parent SoftwareUnit * @param parentSoftwareUnit (of a SoftwareUnit) * @return ArrayList<String> with unique names of children, or an empty list, if no child SoftwareUnits are existing. */ private ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> getSetOfChildSoftwareUnits(SoftwareUnitDTO parentSoftwareUnit) { ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO> childSoftwareUnits = new ArrayList<SoftwareUnitDTO>(); SoftwareUnitDTO softwareUnit = parentSoftwareUnit; while (childSoftwareUnits.size() < 2) { SoftwareUnitDTO[] childUnits = (queryService.getChildUnitsOfSoftwareUnit(softwareUnit.uniqueName)); if (childUnits.length == 0) { if (!softwareUnit.equals(parentSoftwareUnit)) { childSoftwareUnits.add(softwareUnit); } break; } else if ((childUnits.length == 1)) { softwareUnit = childUnits[0]; } else if ((childUnits.length >= 2)) { for (SoftwareUnitDTO childUnit : childUnits) { childSoftwareUnits.add(childUnit); } } } return childSoftwareUnits; } @Override public ReconstructArchitectureDTO getAlgorithmParameterSettings() { ReconstructArchitectureDTO reconstructArchitecture = new ReconstructArchitectureDTO(); reconstructArchitecture.approachId = AnalyseReconstructConstants.Algorithms.Layers_HUSACCT_SelectedModule; reconstructArchitecture.threshold = 10; reconstructArchitecture.relationType = AnalyseReconstructConstants.RelationTypes.allDependencies; reconstructArchitecture.granularity = AnalyseReconstructConstants.Granularities.PackagesAndClasses; reconstructArchitecture.parameterDTOs = createParameterPanels(); return reconstructArchitecture; } private ArrayList<ReconstructArchitectureParameterDTO> createParameterPanels(){ ArrayList<ReconstructArchitectureParameterDTO> parameterDTOs = new ArrayList<>(); parameterDTOs.add(ReconstructArchitectureParameterDTO.DefaultParameterDTOs.createThresholdParameter(10)); parameterDTOs.add(ReconstructArchitectureParameterDTO.DefaultParameterDTOs.createRelationTypeParameter(AnalyseReconstructConstants.RelationTypes.allDependencies)); parameterDTOs.add(ReconstructArchitectureParameterDTO.DefaultParameterDTOs.createGranularityPanel(AnalyseReconstructConstants.Granularities.PackagesAndClasses)); return parameterDTOs; } }