package husacct.analyse.domain.famix; /* FamixInvocation is not used only for method calls, variable access, and references. * Based on the parser data, the specific types cannot be determined, often. * In the post processing, the type and subtype are determined accurately. */ class FamixInvocation extends FamixAssociation { public String belongsToMethod = ""; // Unique name of the method of the from-class that contains the association-causing statement. public String originalToString = ""; // Full original to-string; may be chained/composed public String statement = ""; // Part of originalToString that causes association public String remainingToString = ""; // toRemainderChainingInvocation public String usedEntity = ""; // uniqueName of used FamixStructuralEntity, FamixBehaviouralEntity, or "" (not found) @Override public String toString() { String string = ""; string += "\n\ntype: " + super.type + ", subType: " + super.subType + "\n"; string += "from: " + super.from + "\n"; string += "to: " + + "\n"; string += "usedEntity: " + usedEntity + "\n"; string += "linenumber: " + super.lineNumber + "\n"; string += "belongsToMethod: " + belongsToMethod + "\n"; string += "originalToString: " + originalToString + "\n"; string += "statement: " + statement + ", remainingToString: " + remainingToString + "\n"; string += "belongsToMethod: " + belongsToMethod + "\n"; return string; } }