/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.test.db; import java.io.Reader; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.UUID; import org.h2.fulltext.FullText; import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils; import org.h2.test.TestBase; import org.h2.util.Task; /** * Fulltext search tests. */ public class TestFullText extends TestBase { /** * The words used in this test. */ static final String[] KNOWN_WORDS = { "skiing", "balance", "storage", "water", "train" }; private static final String LUCENE_FULLTEXT_CLASS_NAME = "org.h2.fulltext.FullTextLucene"; /** * Run just this test. * * @param a ignored */ public static void main(String... a) throws Exception { TestBase.createCaller().init().test(); } @Override public void test() throws Exception { testUuidPrimaryKey(false); testAutoAnalyze(); testNativeFeatures(); testTransaction(false); testCreateDropNative(); testStreamLob(); test(false, "VARCHAR"); test(false, "CLOB"); testPerformance(false); testReopen(false); testDropIndex(false); if (!config.reopen) { try { Class.forName(LUCENE_FULLTEXT_CLASS_NAME); testCreateDropLucene(); testUuidPrimaryKey(true); testMultiThreaded(true); testMultiThreaded(false); testTransaction(true); test(true, "VARCHAR"); test(true, "CLOB"); testPerformance(true); testReopen(true); testDropIndex(true); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { println("Class not found, not tested: " + LUCENE_FULLTEXT_CLASS_NAME); // ok } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { println("Class not found, not tested: " + LUCENE_FULLTEXT_CLASS_NAME); // ok } FullText.closeAll(); } deleteDb("fullText"); deleteDb("fullTextReopen"); } private static void close(Collection<Connection> list) throws SQLException { for (Connection conn : list) { conn.close(); } } private Connection getConnection(String name, Collection<Connection> list) throws SQLException { Connection conn = getConnection(name); list.add(conn); return conn; } private void testAutoAnalyze() throws SQLException { deleteDb("fullTextNative"); Connection conn; Statement stat; ArrayList<Connection> connList = new ArrayList<Connection>(); conn = getConnection("fullTextNative", connList); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create alias if not exists ft_init " + "for \"org.h2.fulltext.FullText.init\""); stat.execute("call ft_init()"); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key, name varchar)"); stat.execute("call ft_create_index('PUBLIC', 'TEST', 'NAME')"); if (!config.memory) { conn.close(); } conn = getConnection("fullTextNative", connList); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("insert into test select x, 'x' from system_range(1, 3000)"); close(connList); } private void testNativeFeatures() throws SQLException { deleteDb("fullTextNative"); ArrayList<Connection> connList = new ArrayList<Connection>(); Connection conn = getConnection("fullTextNative", connList); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS FT_INIT " + "FOR \"org.h2.fulltext.FullText.init\""); stat.execute("CALL FT_INIT()"); FullText.setIgnoreList(conn, "to,this"); FullText.setWhitespaceChars(conn, " ,.-"); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1, 'Welcome to this world, One_Word')"); stat.execute("CALL FT_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', NULL)"); ResultSet rs; rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH('Welcome', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals("QUERY", rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(1)); assertEquals("SCORE", rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(2)); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=1", rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("1.0", rs.getString(2)); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH_DATA('One', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH_DATA('One_Word', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH_DATA('Welcome', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); assertEquals("SCHEMA", rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(1)); assertEquals("TABLE", rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(2)); assertEquals("COLUMNS", rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(3)); assertEquals("KEYS", rs.getMetaData().getColumnLabel(4)); assertEquals("PUBLIC", rs.getString(1)); assertEquals("TEST", rs.getString(2)); assertEquals("(ID)", rs.getString(3)); assertEquals("(1)", rs.getString(4)); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH('this', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); if (!config.memory) { conn.close(); } conn = getConnection("fullTextNative", connList); stat = conn.createStatement(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH_DATA('Welcome', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); stat.execute("delete from test"); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH_DATA('Welcome', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); conn.rollback(); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH_DATA('Welcome', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); conn.setAutoCommit(true); close(connList); } private void testUuidPrimaryKey(boolean lucene) throws SQLException { deleteDb("fullText"); Connection conn = getConnection("fullText"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; initFullText(stat, lucene); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID UUID PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES('" + id + "', 'Hello World')"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', 'NAME')"); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME=NULL WHERE ID='" + id + "'"); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME='Good Bye' WHERE ID='" + id + "'"); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('bye', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); FullText.dropAll(conn); conn.close(); deleteDb("fullText"); } private void testTransaction(boolean lucene) throws SQLException { String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; deleteDb("fullTextTransaction"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullTextTransaction", false); ArrayList<Connection> connList = new ArrayList<Connection>(); Connection conn = getConnection("fullTextTransaction", connList); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); initFullText(stat, lucene); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1, 'Hello World')"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', NULL)"); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME=NULL WHERE ID=1"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME='Hello World' WHERE ID=1"); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stat.execute("insert into test values(2, 'Hello Moon!')"); conn.rollback(); if (!config.memory) { conn.close(); } conn = getConnection("fullTextTransaction", connList); stat = conn.createStatement(); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('Moon', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); FullText.dropAll(conn); close(connList); deleteDb("fullTextTransaction"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullTextTransaction", false); } private void testMultiThreaded(boolean lucene) throws Exception { final String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; trace("Testing multithreaded " + prefix); deleteDb("fullText"); ArrayList<Connection> connList = new ArrayList<Connection>(); int len = 2; Task[] task = new Task[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { // final Connection conn = // getConnection("fullText;MULTI_THREADED=1;LOCK_TIMEOUT=10000"); final Connection conn = getConnection("fullText", connList); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); initFullText(stat, lucene); initFullText(stat, lucene); final String tableName = "TEST" + i; stat.execute("CREATE TABLE " + tableName + "(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, DATA VARCHAR)"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', '" + tableName + "', NULL)"); task[i] = new Task() { @Override public void call() throws SQLException { trace("starting thread " + Thread.currentThread()); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO " + tableName + " VALUES(?, ?)"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); Random random = new Random(); int x = 0; while (!stop) { trace("stop = " + stop + " for " + Thread.currentThread()); StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { buff.append(" ").append(random.nextInt(10000)); buff.append(" x").append(j); buff.append(" ").append(KNOWN_WORDS[j % KNOWN_WORDS.length]); } prep.setInt(1, x); prep.setString(2, buff.toString()); prep.execute(); x++; for (String knownWord : KNOWN_WORDS) { trace("searching for " + knownWord + " with " + Thread.currentThread()); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('" + knownWord + "', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); } } trace("closing connection"); if (!config.memory) { conn.close(); } trace("completed thread " + Thread.currentThread()); } }; } for (Task t : task) { t.execute(); } trace("sleeping"); Thread.sleep(1000); trace("setting stop to true"); for (Task t : task) { trace("joining " + t); t.get(); trace("done joining " + t); } close(connList); } private void testStreamLob() throws SQLException { deleteDb("fullText"); Connection conn = getConnection("fullText"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS FT_INIT " + "FOR \"org.h2.fulltext.FullText.init\""); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, DATA CLOB)"); FullText.createIndex(conn, "PUBLIC", "TEST", null); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stat.execute("insert into test values(1, 'Hello Moon!')"); conn.rollback(); conn.setAutoCommit(true); stat.execute("insert into test values(0, 'Hello World!')"); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into test values(1, ?)"); final int length = 1024 * 1024; prep.setCharacterStream(1, new Reader() { int remaining = length; @Override public void close() { // ignore } @Override public int read(char[] buff, int off, int len) { if (remaining >= len) { remaining -= len; return len; } remaining = -1; return -1; } }, length); prep.execute(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery( "SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH('World', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM FT_SEARCH('Moon', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); FullText.dropAll(conn); conn.close(); deleteDb("fullText"); } private void testCreateDropNative() throws SQLException { deleteDb("fullText"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullText", false); Connection conn = getConnection("fullText"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS FT_INIT " + "FOR \"org.h2.fulltext.FullText.init\""); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { FullText.createIndex(conn, "PUBLIC", "TEST", null); FullText.dropIndex(conn, "PUBLIC", "TEST"); } conn.close(); deleteDb("fullText"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullText", false); } private void testCreateDropLucene() throws SQLException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { deleteDb("fullText"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullText", false); Connection conn = getConnection("fullText"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); initFullText(stat, true); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); Method createIndexMethod = Class.forName( LUCENE_FULLTEXT_CLASS_NAME).getMethod("createIndex", new Class[] { java.sql.Connection.class, String.class, String.class, String.class }); Method dropIndexMethod = Class.forName( LUCENE_FULLTEXT_CLASS_NAME).getMethod("dropIndex", new Class[] { java.sql.Connection.class, String.class, String.class }); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { createIndexMethod.invoke(null, conn, "PUBLIC", "TEST", null); dropIndexMethod.invoke(null, conn, "PUBLIC", "TEST"); } conn.close(); deleteDb("fullText"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullText", false); } private void testReopen(boolean lucene) throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; deleteDb("fullTextReopen"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullTextReopen", false); Connection conn = getConnection("fullTextReopen"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); initFullText(stat, lucene); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1, 'Hello World')"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', NULL)"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME=NULL WHERE ID=1"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME='Hello World' WHERE ID=1"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection("fullTextReopen"); stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); assertTrue(rs.next()); stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH(NULL, 0, 0)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(2, NULL)"); conn.close(); FullText.closeAll(); conn = getConnection("fullTextReopen"); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(3, 'Hello')"); conn.close(); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullTextReopen", false); } private void testPerformance(boolean lucene) throws SQLException { deleteDb("fullText"); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullText", false); Connection conn = getConnection("fullText"); String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); initFullText(stat, lucene); stat.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST"); stat.execute( "CREATE TABLE TEST AS SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.HELP"); stat.execute("ALTER TABLE TEST ALTER COLUMN ID INT NOT NULL"); stat.execute("CREATE PRIMARY KEY ON TEST(ID)"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', NULL)"); println("create " + prefix + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "_SEARCH(?, 0, 0)"); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT TEXT FROM TEST"); int count = 0; while (rs.next()) { String text = rs.getString(1); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( text, " ()[].,;:-+*/!?=<>{}#@'\"~$_%&|"); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String word = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (word.length() < 10) { continue; } prep.setString(1, word); ResultSet rs2 = prep.executeQuery(); while (rs2.next()) { rs2.getString(1); count++; } } } println("search " + prefix + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + " count: " + count); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_DROP_ALL()"); conn.close(); } private void test(boolean lucene, String dataType) throws SQLException { if (lucene && getBaseDir().indexOf(':') > 0) { return; } deleteDb("fullText"); ArrayList<Connection> connList = new ArrayList<Connection>(); Connection conn = getConnection("fullText", connList); String prefix = lucene ? "FTL_" : "FT_"; Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); String className = lucene ? "FullTextLucene" : "FullText"; stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS " + prefix + "INIT FOR \"org.h2.fulltext." + className + ".init\""); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "INIT()"); stat.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST"); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME " + dataType + ")"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1, 'Hello World')"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', NULL)"); ResultSet rs; rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=1", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('Hallo', 0, 0)"); assertFalse(rs.next()); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(2, 'Hallo Welt')"); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=1", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('Hallo', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=2", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "REINDEX()"); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('Hello', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=1", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('Hallo', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=2", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(3, 'Hello World')"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(4, 'Hello World')"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(5, 'Hello World')"); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('World', 0, 0) ORDER BY QUERY"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=1", rs.getString(1)); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=3", rs.getString(1)); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=4", rs.getString(1)); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=5", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('World', 1, 0)"); rs.next(); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).startsWith("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=")); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('World', 0, 2) ORDER BY QUERY"); rs.next(); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).startsWith("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=")); rs.next(); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).startsWith("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=")); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('World', 2, 1) ORDER BY QUERY"); rs.next(); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).startsWith("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=")); rs.next(); assertTrue(rs.getString(1).startsWith("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=")); assertFalse(rs.next()); rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('1', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=1", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); if (lucene) { rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('NAME:Hallo', 0, 0)"); rs.next(); assertEquals("\"PUBLIC\".\"TEST\" WHERE \"ID\"=2", rs.getString(1)); assertFalse(rs.next()); } if (!config.memory) { conn.close(); } conn = getConnection("fullText", connList); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM " + prefix + "SEARCH('World', 0, 0)"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "DROP_ALL()"); close(connList); } private void testDropIndex(boolean lucene) throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("fullTextDropIndex"); String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullTextDropIndex", false); Connection conn = getConnection("fullTextDropIndex"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); initFullText(stat, lucene); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST" + "(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME1 VARCHAR, NAME2 VARCHAR)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES" + "(1, 'Hello World', 'Hello Again')"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', 'NAME1')"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME1=NULL WHERE ID=1"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME1='Hello World' WHERE ID=1"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_DROP_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST')"); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_CREATE_INDEX('PUBLIC', 'TEST', 'NAME1, NAME2')"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME2=NULL WHERE ID=1"); stat.execute("UPDATE TEST SET NAME2='Hello World' WHERE ID=1"); conn.close(); conn.close(); FileUtils.deleteRecursive(getBaseDir() + "/fullTextDropIndex", false); } private static void initFullText(Statement stat, boolean lucene) throws SQLException { String prefix = lucene ? "FTL" : "FT"; String className = lucene ? "FullTextLucene" : "FullText"; stat.execute("CREATE ALIAS IF NOT EXISTS " + prefix + "_INIT FOR \"org.h2.fulltext." + className + ".init\""); stat.execute("CALL " + prefix + "_INIT()"); } }