/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.command.dml; import java.text.Collator; import org.h2.api.ErrorCode; import org.h2.command.CommandInterface; import org.h2.command.Prepared; import org.h2.compress.Compressor; import org.h2.engine.Constants; import org.h2.engine.Database; import org.h2.engine.Mode; import org.h2.engine.Session; import org.h2.engine.Setting; import org.h2.expression.Expression; import org.h2.expression.ValueExpression; import org.h2.message.DbException; import org.h2.result.ResultInterface; import org.h2.schema.Schema; import org.h2.table.Table; import org.h2.tools.CompressTool; import org.h2.util.StringUtils; import org.h2.value.CompareMode; import org.h2.value.ValueInt; /** * This class represents the statement * SET */ public class Set extends Prepared { private final int type; private Expression expression; private String stringValue; private String[] stringValueList; public Set(Session session, int type) { super(session); this.type = type; } public void setString(String v) { this.stringValue = v; } @Override public boolean isTransactional() { switch (type) { case SetTypes.CLUSTER: case SetTypes.VARIABLE: case SetTypes.QUERY_TIMEOUT: case SetTypes.LOCK_TIMEOUT: case SetTypes.TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT: case SetTypes.TRACE_LEVEL_FILE: case SetTypes.THROTTLE: case SetTypes.SCHEMA: case SetTypes.SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH: case SetTypes.RETENTION_TIME: return true; default: } return false; } @Override public int update() { Database database = session.getDatabase(); String name = SetTypes.getTypeName(type); switch (type) { case SetTypes.ALLOW_LITERALS: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int value = getIntValue(); if (value < 0 || value > 2) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("ALLOW_LITERALS", getIntValue()); } database.setAllowLiterals(value); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, value); break; } case SetTypes.CACHE_SIZE: if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("CACHE_SIZE", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setCacheSize(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.CLUSTER: { if (Constants.CLUSTERING_ENABLED.equals(stringValue)) { // this value is used when connecting // ignore, as the cluster setting is checked later break; } String value = StringUtils.quoteStringSQL(stringValue); if (!value.equals(database.getCluster())) { if (!value.equals(Constants.CLUSTERING_DISABLED)) { // anybody can disable the cluster // (if he can't access a cluster node) session.getUser().checkAdmin(); } database.setCluster(value); // use the system session so that the current transaction // (if any) is not committed Session sysSession = database.getSystemSession(); synchronized (sysSession) { synchronized (database) { addOrUpdateSetting(sysSession, name, value, 0); sysSession.commit(true); } } } break; } case SetTypes.COLLATION: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); final boolean binaryUnsigned = database. getCompareMode().isBinaryUnsigned(); CompareMode compareMode; StringBuilder buff = new StringBuilder(stringValue); if (stringValue.equals(CompareMode.OFF)) { compareMode = CompareMode.getInstance(null, 0, binaryUnsigned); } else { int strength = getIntValue(); buff.append(" STRENGTH "); if (strength == Collator.IDENTICAL) { buff.append("IDENTICAL"); } else if (strength == Collator.PRIMARY) { buff.append("PRIMARY"); } else if (strength == Collator.SECONDARY) { buff.append("SECONDARY"); } else if (strength == Collator.TERTIARY) { buff.append("TERTIARY"); } compareMode = CompareMode.getInstance(stringValue, strength, binaryUnsigned); } CompareMode old = database.getCompareMode(); if (old.equals(compareMode)) { break; } Table table = database.getFirstUserTable(); if (table != null) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.COLLATION_CHANGE_WITH_DATA_TABLE_1, table.getSQL()); } addOrUpdateSetting(name, buff.toString(), 0); database.setCompareMode(compareMode); break; } case SetTypes.BINARY_COLLATION: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); Table table = database.getFirstUserTable(); if (table != null) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.COLLATION_CHANGE_WITH_DATA_TABLE_1, table.getSQL()); } CompareMode currentMode = database.getCompareMode(); CompareMode newMode; if (stringValue.equals(CompareMode.SIGNED)) { newMode = CompareMode.getInstance(currentMode.getName(), currentMode.getStrength(), false); } else if (stringValue.equals(CompareMode.UNSIGNED)) { newMode = CompareMode.getInstance(currentMode.getName(), currentMode.getStrength(), true); } else { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("BINARY_COLLATION", stringValue); } addOrUpdateSetting(name, stringValue, 0); database.setCompareMode(newMode); break; } case SetTypes.COMPRESS_LOB: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int algo = CompressTool.getCompressAlgorithm(stringValue); database.setLobCompressionAlgorithm(algo == Compressor.NO ? null : stringValue); addOrUpdateSetting(name, stringValue, 0); break; } case SetTypes.CREATE_BUILD: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); if (database.isStarting()) { // just ignore the command if not starting // this avoids problems when running recovery scripts int value = getIntValue(); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, value); } break; } case SetTypes.DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setEventListenerClass(stringValue); break; } case SetTypes.DB_CLOSE_DELAY: { int x = getIntValue(); if (x == -1) { // -1 is a special value for in-memory databases, // which means "keep the DB alive and use the same // DB for all connections" } else if (x < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("DB_CLOSE_DELAY", x); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setCloseDelay(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT: if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "DEFAULT_LOCK_TIMEOUT", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.DEFAULT_TABLE_TYPE: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setDefaultTableType(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.EXCLUSIVE: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int value = getIntValue(); switch (value) { case 0: database.setExclusiveSession(null, false); break; case 1: database.setExclusiveSession(session, false); break; case 2: database.setExclusiveSession(session, true); break; default: throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("EXCLUSIVE", value); } break; } case SetTypes.JAVA_OBJECT_SERIALIZER: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); Table table = database.getFirstUserTable(); if (table != null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode. JAVA_OBJECT_SERIALIZER_CHANGE_WITH_DATA_TABLE, table.getSQL()); } database.setJavaObjectSerializerName(stringValue); addOrUpdateSetting(name, stringValue, 0); break; } case SetTypes.IGNORECASE: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setIgnoreCase(getIntValue() == 1); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.LOCK_MODE: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setLockMode(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.LOCK_TIMEOUT: if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("LOCK_TIMEOUT", getIntValue()); } session.setLockTimeout(getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.LOG: { int value = getIntValue(); if (database.isPersistent() && value != database.getLogMode()) { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setLogMode(value); } break; } case SetTypes.MAX_LENGTH_INPLACE_LOB: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "MAX_LENGTH_INPLACE_LOB", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setMaxLengthInplaceLob(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.MAX_LOG_SIZE: if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("MAX_LOG_SIZE", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setMaxLogSize((long) getIntValue() * 1024 * 1024); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; case SetTypes.MAX_MEMORY_ROWS: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("MAX_MEMORY_ROWS", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setMaxMemoryRows(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.MAX_MEMORY_UNDO: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("MAX_MEMORY_UNDO", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setMaxMemoryUndo(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.MAX_OPERATION_MEMORY: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "MAX_OPERATION_MEMORY", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int value = getIntValue(); database.setMaxOperationMemory(value); break; } case SetTypes.MODE: Mode mode = Mode.getInstance(stringValue); if (mode == null) { throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_MODE_1, stringValue); } if (database.getMode() != mode) { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setMode(mode); } break; case SetTypes.MULTI_THREADED: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setMultiThreaded(getIntValue() == 1); break; } case SetTypes.MVCC: { if (database.isMultiVersion() != (getIntValue() == 1)) { throw DbException.get( ErrorCode.CANNOT_CHANGE_SETTING_WHEN_OPEN_1, "MVCC"); } break; } case SetTypes.OPTIMIZE_REUSE_RESULTS: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setOptimizeReuseResults(getIntValue() != 0); break; } case SetTypes.QUERY_TIMEOUT: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("QUERY_TIMEOUT", getIntValue()); } int value = getIntValue(); session.setQueryTimeout(value); break; } case SetTypes.REDO_LOG_BINARY: { int value = getIntValue(); session.setRedoLogBinary(value == 1); break; } case SetTypes.REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int value = getIntValue(); if (value < 0 || value > 1) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "REFERENTIAL_INTEGRITY", getIntValue()); } database.setReferentialIntegrity(value == 1); break; } case SetTypes.QUERY_STATISTICS: { session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int value = getIntValue(); if (value < 0 || value > 1) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("QUERY_STATISTICS", getIntValue()); } database.setQueryStatistics(value == 1); break; } case SetTypes.SCHEMA: { Schema schema = database.getSchema(stringValue); session.setCurrentSchema(schema); break; } case SetTypes.SCHEMA_SEARCH_PATH: { session.setSchemaSearchPath(stringValueList); break; } case SetTypes.TRACE_LEVEL_FILE: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); if (getCurrentObjectId() == 0) { // don't set the property when opening the database // this is for compatibility with older versions, because // this setting was persistent database.getTraceSystem().setLevelFile(getIntValue()); } break; case SetTypes.TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT: session.getUser().checkAdmin(); if (getCurrentObjectId() == 0) { // don't set the property when opening the database // this is for compatibility with older versions, because // this setting was persistent database.getTraceSystem().setLevelSystemOut(getIntValue()); } break; case SetTypes.TRACE_MAX_FILE_SIZE: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException( "TRACE_MAX_FILE_SIZE", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); int size = getIntValue() * 1024 * 1024; database.getTraceSystem().setMaxFileSize(size); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.THROTTLE: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("THROTTLE", getIntValue()); } session.setThrottle(getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.UNDO_LOG: { int value = getIntValue(); if (value < 0 || value > 1) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("UNDO_LOG", getIntValue()); } session.setUndoLogEnabled(value == 1); break; } case SetTypes.VARIABLE: { Expression expr = expression.optimize(session); session.setVariable(stringValue, expr.getValue(session)); break; } case SetTypes.WRITE_DELAY: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("WRITE_DELAY", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setWriteDelay(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } case SetTypes.RETENTION_TIME: { if (getIntValue() < 0) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("RETENTION_TIME", getIntValue()); } session.getUser().checkAdmin(); database.setRetentionTime(getIntValue()); addOrUpdateSetting(name, null, getIntValue()); break; } default: DbException.throwInternalError("type="+type); } // the meta data information has changed database.getNextModificationDataId(); // query caches might be affected as well, for example // when changing the compatibility mode database.getNextModificationMetaId(); return 0; } private int getIntValue() { expression = expression.optimize(session); return expression.getValue(session).getInt(); } public void setInt(int value) { this.expression = ValueExpression.get(ValueInt.get(value)); } public void setExpression(Expression expression) { this.expression = expression; } private void addOrUpdateSetting(String name, String s, int v) { addOrUpdateSetting(session, name, s, v); } private void addOrUpdateSetting(Session session, String name, String s, int v) { Database database = session.getDatabase(); if (database.isReadOnly()) { return; } Setting setting = database.findSetting(name); boolean addNew = false; if (setting == null) { addNew = true; int id = getObjectId(); setting = new Setting(database, id, name); } if (s != null) { if (!addNew && setting.getStringValue().equals(s)) { return; } setting.setStringValue(s); } else { if (!addNew && setting.getIntValue() == v) { return; } setting.setIntValue(v); } if (addNew) { database.addDatabaseObject(session, setting); } else { database.updateMeta(session, setting); } } @Override public boolean needRecompile() { return false; } @Override public ResultInterface queryMeta() { return null; } public void setStringArray(String[] list) { this.stringValueList = list; } @Override public int getType() { return CommandInterface.SET; } }