/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 EaseMob Technologies. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.easemob.applib.controller; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.content.Context; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.util.Log; import com.easemob.EMCallBack; import com.easemob.EMConnectionListener; import com.easemob.EMError; import com.easemob.applib.model.DefaultHXSDKModel; import com.easemob.applib.model.HXSDKModel; import com.easemob.chat.EMChat; import com.easemob.chat.EMChatConfig.EMEnvMode; import com.easemob.chat.EMChatManager; import com.easemob.chat.EMChatOptions; import com.easemob.chat.OnMessageNotifyListener; import com.easemob.chat.OnNotificationClickListener; /** * The developer can derive from this class to talk with HuanXinRequest SDK * All the Huan Xin related initialization and global listener are implemented in this class which will * help developer to speed up the SDK integration。 * this is a global instance class which can be obtained in any codes through getInstance() * * 开发人员可以选择继承这个环信SDK帮助类去加快初始化集成速度。此类会初始化环信SDK,并设置初始化参数和初始化相应的监听器 * 不过继承类需要根据要求求提供相应的函数,尤其是提供一个{@link HXSDKModel}. 所以请实现abstract protected HXSDKModel createModel(); * 全局仅有一个此类的实例存在,所以可以在任意地方通过getInstance()函数获取此全局实例 * * @author easemob * */ public abstract class HXSDKHelper { private static final String TAG = "HXSDKHelper"; /** * application context */ protected Context appContext = null; /** * HuanXinRequest mode helper, which will manage the user data and user preferences */ protected HXSDKModel hxModel = null; /** * MyConnectionListener */ protected EMConnectionListener connectionListener = null; /** * HuanXinRequest ID in cache */ protected String hxId = null; /** * password in cache */ protected String password = null; /** * init flag: test if the sdk has been inited before, we don't need to init again */ private boolean sdkInited = false; /** * the global HXSDKHelper instance */ private static HXSDKHelper me = null; public HXSDKHelper(){ me = this; } /** * this function will initialize the HuanXinRequest SDK * * @return boolean true if caller can continue to call HuanXinRequest related APIs after calling onInit, otherwise false. * * 环信初始化SDK帮助函数 * 返回true如果正确初始化,否则false,如果返回为false,请在后续的调用中不要调用任何和环信相关的代码 * * for example: * 例子: * * public class DemoHXSDKHelper extends HXSDKHelper * * HXHelper = new DemoHXSDKHelper(); * if(HXHelper.onInit(context)){ * // do HuanXinRequest related work * } */ public synchronized boolean onInit(Context context){ if(sdkInited){ return true; } appContext = context; // create HX SDK model hxModel = createModel(); // create a defalut HX SDK model in case subclass did not provide the model if(hxModel == null){ hxModel = new DefaultHXSDKModel(appContext); } int pid = android.os.Process.myPid(); String processAppName = getAppName(pid); Log.d(TAG, "process app name : " + processAppName); // 如果app启用了远程的service,此application:onCreate会被调用2次 // 为了防止环信SDK被初始化2次,加此判断会保证SDK被初始化1次 // 默认的app会在以包名为默认的process name下运行,如果查到的process name不是app的process name就立即返回 // 如果使用到百度地图或者类似启动remote service的第三方库,这个if判断不能少 if (processAppName == null || processAppName.equals("")) { Log.e(TAG, "enter the service process!"); // workaround for baidu location sdk // 百度定位sdk,定位服务运行在一个单独的进程,每次定位服务启动的时候,都会调用application::onCreate // 创建新的进程。 // 但环信的sdk只需要在主进程中初始化一次。 这个特殊处理是,如果从pid 找不到对应的processInfo // processName, // 则此application::onCreate 是被service 调用的,直接返回 return false; } // create HX SDK model hxModel = createModel(); // create a defalut HX SDK model in case subclass did not provide the model if(hxModel == null){ hxModel = new DefaultHXSDKModel(appContext); } // 初始化环信SDK,一定要先调用init() EMChat.getInstance().init(context); // 设置sandbox测试环境 // 建议开发者开发时设置此模式 if(hxModel.isSandboxMode()){ EMChat.getInstance().setEnv(EMEnvMode.EMSandboxMode); } if(hxModel.isDebugMode()){ // set debug mode in development process EMChat.getInstance().setDebugMode(true); } Log.d(TAG, "initialize EMChat SDK"); initHXOptions(); initListener(); sdkInited = true; return true; } /** * get global instance * @return */ public static HXSDKHelper getInstance(){ return me; } public HXSDKModel getModel(){ return hxModel; } public String getHXId(){ if(hxId == null){ hxId = hxModel.getHXId(); } return hxId; } public String getPassword(){ if(password == null){ password = hxModel.getPwd(); } return password; } public void setHXId(String hxId){ if (hxId != null) { if(hxModel.saveHXId(hxId)){ this.hxId = hxId; } } } public void setPassword(String password){ if(hxModel.savePassword(password)){ this.password = password; } } /** * the subclass must override this class to provide its own model or directly use {@link DefaultHXSDKModel} * @return */ abstract protected HXSDKModel createModel(); /** * please make sure you have to get EMChatOptions by following method and set related options * EMChatOptions options = EMChatManager.getInstance().getChatOptions(); */ protected void initHXOptions(){ Log.d(TAG, "init HuanXinRequest Options"); // 获取到EMChatOptions对象 EMChatOptions options = EMChatManager.getInstance().getChatOptions(); // 默认添加好友时,是不需要验证的,改成需要验证 options.setAcceptInvitationAlways(hxModel.getAcceptInvitationAlways()); // 默认环信是不维护好友关系列表的,如果app依赖环信的好友关系,把这个属性设置为true options.setUseRoster(hxModel.getUseHXRoster()); // 设置收到消息是否有新消息通知(声音和震动提示),默认为true options.setNotifyBySoundAndVibrate(hxModel.getSettingMsgNotification()); // 设置收到消息是否有声音提示,默认为true options.setNoticeBySound(hxModel.getSettingMsgSound()); // 设置收到消息是否震动 默认为true options.setNoticedByVibrate(hxModel.getSettingMsgVibrate()); // 设置语音消息播放是否设置为扬声器播放 默认为true options.setUseSpeaker(hxModel.getSettingMsgSpeaker()); // 设置是否需要已读回执 options.setRequireAck(hxModel.getRequireReadAck()); // 设置是否需要已送达回执 options.setRequireDeliveryAck(hxModel.getRequireDeliveryAck()); // 设置notification消息点击时,跳转的intent为自定义的intent options.setOnNotificationClickListener(getNotificationClickListener()); options.setNotifyText(getMessageNotifyListener()); } /** * logout HuanXinRequest SDK */ public void logout(final EMCallBack callback){ EMChatManager.getInstance().logout(new EMCallBack(){ @Override public void onSuccess() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub setPassword(null); if(callback != null){ callback.onSuccess(); } } @Override public void onError(int code, String message) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onProgress(int progress, String status) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub if(callback != null){ callback.onProgress(progress, status); } } }); } /** * 检查是否已经登录过 * @return */ public boolean isLogined(){ if(hxModel.getHXId() != null && hxModel.getPwd() != null){ return true; } return false; } /** * get the message notify listener * @return */ protected OnMessageNotifyListener getMessageNotifyListener(){ return null; } /** *get notification click listener */ protected OnNotificationClickListener getNotificationClickListener(){ return null; } /** * init HuanXinRequest listeners */ protected void initListener(){ Log.d(TAG, "init listener"); // create the global connection listener connectionListener = new EMConnectionListener() { @Override public void onDisconnected(int error) { if (error == EMError.USER_REMOVED) { onCurrentAccountRemoved(); }else if (error == EMError.CONNECTION_CONFLICT) { onConnectionConflict(); }else{ onConnectionDisconnected(error); } } @Override public void onConnected() { onConnectionConnected(); } }; EMChatManager.getInstance().addConnectionListener(connectionListener); } /** * the developer can override this function to handle connection conflict error */ protected void onConnectionConflict(){} /** * the developer can override this function to handle user is removed error */ protected void onCurrentAccountRemoved(){} /** * handle the connection connected */ protected void onConnectionConnected(){} /** * handle the connection disconnect * @param error see {@link EMError} */ protected void onConnectionDisconnected(int error){} /** * check the application process name if process name is not qualified, then we think it is a service process and we will not init SDK * @param pID * @return */ private String getAppName(int pID) { String processName = null; ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) appContext.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); List l = am.getRunningAppProcesses(); Iterator i = l.iterator(); PackageManager pm = appContext.getPackageManager(); while (i.hasNext()) { ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo info = (ActivityManager.RunningAppProcessInfo) (i.next()); try { if (info.pid == pID) { CharSequence c = pm.getApplicationLabel(pm.getApplicationInfo(info.processName, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA)); // Log.d("Process", "Id: "+ info.pid +" ProcessName: "+ // info.processName +" Label: "+c.toString()); // processName = c.toString(); processName = info.processName; return processName; } } catch (Exception e) { // Log.d("Process", "Error>> :"+ e.toString()); } } return processName; } }