package com.carson.loadpic; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.qingmu.jianzhidaren.R; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.GestureDetector; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewParent; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.FrameLayout; public class SwipeLayout extends FrameLayout { private ViewDragHelper mDragHelper; private int mDragDistance = 0; private DragEdge mDragEdge; private ShowMode mShowMode; private List<SwipeListener> mSwipeListeners = new ArrayList<SwipeListener>(); private List<SwipeDenier> mSwipeDeniers = new ArrayList<SwipeDenier>(); private Map<View, ArrayList<OnRevealListener>> mRevealListeners = new HashMap<View, ArrayList<OnRevealListener>>(); private Map<View, Boolean> mShowEntirely = new HashMap<View, Boolean>(); public static enum DragEdge { Left, Right, Top, Bottom; }; public static enum ShowMode { LayDown, PullOut } public SwipeLayout(Context context) { this(context, null); } public SwipeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, 0); } public SwipeLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); mDragHelper = ViewDragHelper.create(this, mDragHelperCallback); TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.SwipeLayout); int ordinal = a.getInt(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_drag_edge, DragEdge.Right.ordinal()); mDragEdge = DragEdge.values()[ordinal]; ordinal = a.getInt(R.styleable.SwipeLayout_show_mode, ShowMode.PullOut.ordinal()); mShowMode = ShowMode.values()[ordinal]; } public interface SwipeListener { public void onClose(SwipeLayout layout); public void onUpdate(SwipeLayout layout, int leftOffset, int topOffset); public void onOpen(SwipeLayout layout); public void onHandRelease(SwipeLayout layout, float xvel, float yvel); } public void addSwipeListener(SwipeListener l) { mSwipeListeners.add(l); } public void removeSwipeListener(SwipeListener l) { mSwipeListeners.remove(l); } public static interface SwipeDenier { /* * Called in onInterceptTouchEvent Determines if this swipe event should * be denied Implement this interface if you are using views with swipe * gestures As a child of SwipeLayout * * @return true deny false allow */ public boolean shouldDenySwipe(MotionEvent ev); } public void addSwipeDenier(SwipeDenier denier) { mSwipeDeniers.add(denier); } public void removeSwipeDenier(SwipeDenier denier) { mSwipeDeniers.remove(denier); } public void removeAllSwipeDeniers() { mSwipeDeniers.clear(); } public interface OnRevealListener { public void onReveal(View child, DragEdge edge, float fraction, int distance); } /** * bind a view with a specific * {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.OnRevealListener} * * @param childId * the view id. * @param l * the target * {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.OnRevealListener} */ public void addRevealListener(int childId, OnRevealListener l) { View child = findViewById(childId); if (child == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Child does not belong to SwipeListener."); } if (mShowEntirely.containsKey(child) == false) { mShowEntirely.put(child, false); } if (mRevealListeners.get(child) == null) mRevealListeners.put(child, new ArrayList<OnRevealListener>()); mRevealListeners.get(child).add(l); } /** * bind multiple views with an * {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.OnRevealListener}. * * @param childIds * the view id. * @param l * the {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.OnRevealListener} */ public void addRevealListener(int[] childIds, OnRevealListener l) { for (int i : childIds) addRevealListener(i, l); } public void removeRevealListener(int childId, OnRevealListener l) { View child = findViewById(childId); if (child == null) return; mShowEntirely.remove(child); if (mRevealListeners.containsKey(child)) mRevealListeners.get(child).remove(l); } public void removeAllRevealListeners(int childId) { View child = findViewById(childId); if (child != null) { mRevealListeners.remove(child); mShowEntirely.remove(child); } } private ViewDragHelper.Callback mDragHelperCallback = new ViewDragHelper.Callback() { @Override public int clampViewPositionHorizontal(View child, int left, int dx) { if (child == getSurfaceView()) { switch (mDragEdge) { case Top: case Bottom: return getPaddingLeft(); case Left: if (left < getPaddingLeft()) return getPaddingLeft(); if (left > getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance) return getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance; break; case Right: if (left > getPaddingLeft()) return getPaddingLeft(); if (left < getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance) return getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance; break; } } else if (child == getBottomView()) { switch (mDragEdge) { case Top: case Bottom: return getPaddingLeft(); case Left: if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) { if (left > getPaddingLeft()) return getPaddingLeft(); } break; case Right: if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) { if (left < getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance) { return getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance; } } break; } } return left; } @Override public int clampViewPositionVertical(View child, int top, int dy) { if (child == getSurfaceView()) { switch (mDragEdge) { case Left: case Right: return getPaddingTop(); case Top: if (top < getPaddingTop()) return getPaddingTop(); if (top > getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance) return getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance; break; case Bottom: if (top < getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance) { return getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance; } if (top > getPaddingTop()) { return getPaddingTop(); } } } else { switch (mDragEdge) { case Left: case Right: return getPaddingTop(); case Top: if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) { if (top > getPaddingTop()) return getPaddingTop(); } else { if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy < getPaddingTop()) return getPaddingTop(); if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy > getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance) return getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance; } break; case Bottom: if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) { if (top < getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance) return getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance; } else { if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy >= getPaddingTop()) return getPaddingTop(); if (getSurfaceView().getTop() + dy <= getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance) return getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance; } } } return top; } @Override public boolean tryCaptureView(View child, int pointerId) { return child == getSurfaceView() || child == getBottomView(); } @Override public int getViewHorizontalDragRange(View child) { return mDragDistance; } @Override public int getViewVerticalDragRange(View child) { return mDragDistance; } @Override public void onViewReleased(View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) { super.onViewReleased(releasedChild, xvel, yvel); for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) l.onHandRelease(SwipeLayout.this, xvel, yvel); if (releasedChild == getSurfaceView()) { processSurfaceRelease(xvel, yvel); } else if (releasedChild == getBottomView()) { if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) { processBottomPullOutRelease(xvel, yvel); } else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) { processBottomLayDownMode(xvel, yvel); } } invalidate(); } @Override public void onViewPositionChanged(View changedView, int left, int top, int dx, int dy) { int evLeft = getSurfaceView().getLeft(), evRight = getSurfaceView() .getRight(), evTop = getSurfaceView().getTop(), evBottom = getSurfaceView() .getBottom(); if (changedView == getSurfaceView()) { if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) getBottomView().offsetLeftAndRight(dx); else getBottomView().offsetTopAndBottom(dy); } } else if (changedView == getBottomView()) { if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) { getSurfaceView().offsetLeftAndRight(dx); getSurfaceView().offsetTopAndBottom(dy); } else { Rect rect = computeBottomLayDown(mDragEdge); getBottomView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); int newLeft = getSurfaceView().getLeft() + dx, newTop = getSurfaceView() .getTop() + dy; if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left && newLeft < getPaddingLeft()) newLeft = getPaddingLeft(); else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right && newLeft > getPaddingLeft()) newLeft = getPaddingLeft(); else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top && newTop < getPaddingTop()) newTop = getPaddingTop(); else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom && newTop > getPaddingTop()) newTop = getPaddingTop(); getSurfaceView().layout(newLeft, newTop, newLeft + getMeasuredWidth(), newTop + getMeasuredHeight()); } } dispatchRevealEvent(evLeft, evTop, evRight, evBottom); dispatchSwipeEvent(evLeft, evTop); invalidate(); } }; /** * the dispatchRevealEvent method may not always get accurate position, it * makes the view may not always get the event when the view is totally * show( fraction = 1), so , we need to calculate every time. * * @param child * @param relativePosition * @param edge * @param surfaceLeft * @param surfaceTop * @param surfaceRight * @param surfaceBottom * @return */ protected boolean isViewTotallyFirstShowed(View child, Rect relativePosition, DragEdge edge, int surfaceLeft, int surfaceTop, int surfaceRight, int surfaceBottom) { if (mShowEntirely.get(child)) return false; int childLeft = relativePosition.left; int childRight = relativePosition.right; int childTop =; int childBottom = relativePosition.bottom; boolean r = false; if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) { if ((edge == DragEdge.Right && surfaceRight <= childLeft) || (edge == DragEdge.Left && surfaceLeft >= childRight) || (edge == DragEdge.Top && surfaceTop >= childBottom) || (edge == DragEdge.Bottom && surfaceBottom <= childTop)) r = true; } else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) { if ((edge == DragEdge.Right && childRight <= getWidth()) || (edge == DragEdge.Left && childLeft >= getPaddingLeft()) || (edge == DragEdge.Top && childTop >= getPaddingTop()) || (edge == DragEdge.Bottom && childBottom <= getHeight())) r = true; } return r; } protected boolean isViewShowing(View child, Rect relativePosition, DragEdge availableEdge, int surfaceLeft, int surfaceTop, int surfaceRight, int surfaceBottom) { int childLeft = relativePosition.left; int childRight = relativePosition.right; int childTop =; int childBottom = relativePosition.bottom; if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) { switch (availableEdge) { case Right: if (surfaceRight > childLeft && surfaceRight <= childRight) { return true; } break; case Left: if (surfaceLeft < childRight && surfaceLeft >= childLeft) { return true; } break; case Top: if (surfaceTop >= childTop && surfaceTop < childBottom) { return true; } break; case Bottom: if (surfaceBottom > childTop && surfaceBottom <= childBottom) { return true; } break; } } else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) { switch (availableEdge) { case Right: if (childLeft <= getWidth() && childRight > getWidth()) return true; break; case Left: if (childRight >= getPaddingLeft() && childLeft < getPaddingLeft()) return true; break; case Top: if (childTop < getPaddingTop() && childBottom >= getPaddingTop()) return true; break; case Bottom: if (childTop < getHeight() && childTop >= getPaddingTop()) return true; break; } } return false; } protected Rect getRelativePosition(View child) { View t = child; Rect r = new Rect(t.getLeft(), t.getTop(), 0, 0); while (t.getParent() != null && t != getRootView()) { t = (View) t.getParent(); if (t == this) break; r.left += t.getLeft(); += t.getTop(); } r.right = r.left + child.getMeasuredWidth(); r.bottom = + child.getMeasuredHeight(); return r; } /** * dispatch swipe event. * * @param surfaceLeft * @param surfaceTop */ protected void dispatchSwipeEvent(int surfaceLeft, int surfaceTop) { safeBottomView(); if (mSwipeListeners.isEmpty() == false) { for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) { l.onUpdate(SwipeLayout.this, surfaceLeft - getPaddingLeft(), surfaceTop - getPaddingTop()); } if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Close) { for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) l.onClose(SwipeLayout.this); } if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Open) { getBottomView().setEnabled(true); for (SwipeListener l : mSwipeListeners) l.onOpen(SwipeLayout.this); } } } /** * prevent bottom view get any touch event. Especially in LayDown mode. */ private void safeBottomView() { Status status = getOpenStatus(); ViewGroup bottom = getBottomView(); if (status == Status.Close) { if (bottom.getVisibility() != INVISIBLE) bottom.setVisibility(INVISIBLE); } else { if (bottom.getVisibility() != VISIBLE) bottom.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } } protected void dispatchRevealEvent(final int surfaceLeft, final int surfaceTop, final int surfaceRight, final int surfaceBottom) { if (mRevealListeners.isEmpty()) return; for (Map.Entry<View, ArrayList<OnRevealListener>> entry : mRevealListeners .entrySet()) { View child = entry.getKey(); Rect rect = getRelativePosition(child); if (isViewShowing(child, rect, mDragEdge, surfaceLeft, surfaceTop, surfaceRight, surfaceBottom)) { mShowEntirely.put(child, false); int distance = 0; float fraction = 0f; if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.LayDown) { switch (mDragEdge) { case Left: distance = rect.left - surfaceLeft; fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth(); break; case Right: distance = rect.right - surfaceRight; fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth(); break; case Top: distance = - surfaceTop; fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight(); break; case Bottom: distance = rect.bottom - surfaceBottom; fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight(); break; } } else if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) { switch (mDragEdge) { case Left: distance = rect.right - getPaddingLeft(); fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth(); break; case Right: distance = rect.left - getWidth(); fraction = distance / (float) child.getWidth(); break; case Top: distance = rect.bottom - getPaddingTop(); fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight(); break; case Bottom: distance = - getHeight(); fraction = distance / (float) child.getHeight(); break; } } for (OnRevealListener l : entry.getValue()) { l.onReveal(child, mDragEdge, Math.abs(fraction), distance); if (Math.abs(fraction) == 1) { mShowEntirely.put(child, true); } } } if (isViewTotallyFirstShowed(child, rect, mDragEdge, surfaceLeft, surfaceTop, surfaceRight, surfaceBottom)) { mShowEntirely.put(child, true); for (OnRevealListener l : entry.getValue()) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) l.onReveal(child, mDragEdge, 1, child.getWidth()); else l.onReveal(child, mDragEdge, 1, child.getHeight()); } } } } @Override public void computeScroll() { super.computeScroll(); if (mDragHelper.continueSettling(true)) { ViewCompat.postInvalidateOnAnimation(this); } } /** * {@link android.view.View.OnLayoutChangeListener} added in API 11. I need * to support it from API 8. */ public interface OnLayout { public void onLayout(SwipeLayout v); } private List<OnLayout> mOnLayoutListeners; public void addOnLayoutListener(OnLayout l) { if (mOnLayoutListeners == null) mOnLayoutListeners = new ArrayList<OnLayout>(); mOnLayoutListeners.add(l); } public void removeOnLayoutListener(OnLayout l) { if (mOnLayoutListeners != null) mOnLayoutListeners.remove(l); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { int childCount = getChildCount(); if (childCount != 2) { throw new IllegalStateException("You need 2 views in SwipeLayout"); } if (!(getChildAt(0) instanceof ViewGroup) || !(getChildAt(1) instanceof ViewGroup)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The 2 children in SwipeLayout must be an instance of ViewGroup"); } if (mShowMode == ShowMode.PullOut) layoutPullOut(); else if (mShowMode == ShowMode.LayDown) layoutLayDown(); safeBottomView(); if (mOnLayoutListeners != null) for (int i = 0; i < mOnLayoutListeners.size(); i++) { mOnLayoutListeners.get(i).onLayout(this); } } void layoutPullOut() { Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false); getSurfaceView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); rect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode.PullOut, rect); getBottomView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); bringChildToFront(getSurfaceView()); } void layoutLayDown() { Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false); getSurfaceView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); rect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode.LayDown, rect); getBottomView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); bringChildToFront(getSurfaceView()); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) mDragDistance = getBottomView().getMeasuredWidth(); else mDragDistance = getBottomView().getMeasuredHeight(); } private boolean mTouchConsumedByChild = false; @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { for (SwipeDenier denier : mSwipeDeniers) { if (denier != null && denier.shouldDenySwipe(ev)) { return false; } } // // if a child wants to handle the touch event, // then let it do it. // int action = ev.getActionMasked(); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: Status status = getOpenStatus(); if (status == Status.Close) { mTouchConsumedByChild = childNeedHandleTouchEvent( getSurfaceView(), ev) != null; } else if (status == Status.Open) { mTouchConsumedByChild = childNeedHandleTouchEvent( getBottomView(), ev) != null; } else { break; } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: mTouchConsumedByChild = false; } if (mTouchConsumedByChild) return false; return mDragHelper.shouldInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } /** * if the ViewGroup children want to handle this event. * * @param v * @param event * @return */ private View childNeedHandleTouchEvent(ViewGroup v, MotionEvent event) { if (v == null) return null; if (v.onTouchEvent(event)) return v; int childCount = v.getChildCount(); for (int i = childCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { View child = v.getChildAt(i); if (child instanceof ViewGroup) { View grandChild = childNeedHandleTouchEvent((ViewGroup) child, event); if (grandChild != null) return grandChild; } else { if (childNeedHandleTouchEvent(v.getChildAt(i), event)) return v.getChildAt(i); } } return null; } /** * if the view (v) wants to handle this event. * * @param v * @param event * @return */ private boolean childNeedHandleTouchEvent(View v, MotionEvent event) { if (v == null) return false; int[] loc = new int[2]; v.getLocationOnScreen(loc); int left = loc[0], top = loc[1]; if (event.getRawX() > left && event.getRawX() < left + v.getWidth() && event.getRawY() > top && event.getRawY() < top + v.getHeight()) { return v.onTouchEvent(event); } return false; } private float sX = -1, sY = -1; @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { int action = event.getActionMasked(); ViewParent parent = getParent(); gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(event); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event); parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); sX = event.getRawX(); sY = event.getRawY(); return true; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { if (sX == -1 || sY == -1) { // Trick: // When in nested mode, we need to send a constructed // ACTION_DOWN MotionEvent to mDragHelper, to help // it initialize itself. event.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN); mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event); parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); sX = event.getRawX(); sY = event.getRawY(); return true; } float distanceX = event.getRawX() - sX; float distanceY = event.getRawY() - sY; float angle = Math.abs(distanceY / distanceX); angle = (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(angle)); Status status = getOpenStatus(); if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) { boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceX > 0) || (status == Status.Close && distanceX < 0); suitable = suitable || (status == Status.Middle); if (angle > 30 || !suitable) { parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); return false; } } if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) { boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceX < 0) || (status == Status.Close && distanceX > 0); suitable = suitable || status == Status.Middle; if (angle > 30 || !suitable) { parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); return false; } } if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) { boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceY < 0) || (status == Status.Close && distanceY > 0); suitable = suitable || status == Status.Middle; if (angle < 60 || !suitable) { parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); return false; } } if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom) { boolean suitable = (status == Status.Open && distanceY > 0) || (status == Status.Close && distanceY < 0); suitable = suitable || status == Status.Middle; if (angle < 60 || !suitable) { parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false); return false; } } parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event); break; } case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: { sX = -1; sY = -1; } default: parent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true); mDragHelper.processTouchEvent(event); } return true; } private GestureDetector gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), new SwipeDetector()); class SwipeDetector extends GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener { @Override public boolean onDown(MotionEvent e) { return true; } /** * Simulate the touch event lifecycle. If you use SwipeLayout in * {@link android.widget.AdapterView} ({@link android.widget.ListView}, * {@link android.widget.GridView} etc.) It will manually call * {@link android.widget.AdapterView}.performItemClick, * performItemLongClick. * * @param e * @return */ @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent e) { ViewParent t = getParent(); while (t != null) { if (t instanceof AdapterView) { int p = ((AdapterView) t) .getPositionForView(SwipeLayout.this); if (p != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION && ((AdapterView) t) .performItemClick(((AdapterView) t) .getChildAt(p), p, ((AdapterView) t).getAdapter() .getItemId(p))) return true; } else { if (t instanceof View && ((View) t).performClick()) return true; } t = t.getParent(); } return false; } @Override public void onLongPress(MotionEvent e) { performLongClick(); } } public void setDragEdge(DragEdge dragEdge) { mDragEdge = dragEdge; requestLayout(); } /** * set the drag distance, it will force set the bottom view's width or * height via this value. * * @param max */ public void setDragDistance(int max) { if (max < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Drag distance can not be < 0"); mDragDistance = dp2px(max); requestLayout(); } /** * There are 2 diffirent show mode. * {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.ShowMode}.PullOut and * {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.ShowMode}.LayDown. * * @param mode */ public void setShowMode(ShowMode mode) { mShowMode = mode; requestLayout(); } public DragEdge getDragEdge() { return mDragEdge; } public int getDragDistance() { return mDragDistance; } public ShowMode getShowMode() { return mShowMode; } public ViewGroup getSurfaceView() { return (ViewGroup) getChildAt(1); } public ViewGroup getBottomView() { return (ViewGroup) getChildAt(0); } public enum Status { Middle, Open, Close } /** * get the open status. * * @return {@link com.daimajia.swipe.SwipeLayout.Status} Open , Close or * Middle. */ public Status getOpenStatus() { int surfaceLeft = getSurfaceView().getLeft(); int surfaceTop = getSurfaceView().getTop(); if (surfaceLeft == getPaddingLeft() && surfaceTop == getPaddingTop()) return Status.Close; if (surfaceLeft == (getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance) || surfaceLeft == (getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance) || surfaceTop == (getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance) || surfaceTop == (getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance)) return Status.Open; return Status.Middle; } /** * Process the surface release event. * * @param xvel * @param yvel */ private void processSurfaceRelease(float xvel, float yvel) { if (xvel == 0 && getOpenStatus() == Status.Middle) close(); if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) { if (xvel > 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) open(); else close(); } if (xvel < 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) close(); else open(); } } else { if (yvel > 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) open(); else close(); } if (yvel < 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) close(); else open(); } } } /** * process bottom (PullOut mode) hand release event. * * @param xvel * @param yvel */ private void processBottomPullOutRelease(float xvel, float yvel) { if (xvel == 0 && getOpenStatus() == Status.Middle) close(); if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) { if (xvel > 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) open(); else close(); } if (xvel < 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) close(); else open(); } } else { if (yvel > 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) open(); else close(); } if (yvel < 0) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) close(); else open(); } } } /** * process bottom (LayDown mode) hand release event. * * @param xvel * @param yvel */ private void processBottomLayDownMode(float xvel, float yvel) { if (xvel == 0 && getOpenStatus() == Status.Middle) close(); int l = getPaddingLeft(), t = getPaddingTop(); if (xvel < 0 && mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) l -= mDragDistance; if (xvel > 0 && mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) l += mDragDistance; if (yvel > 0 && mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) t += mDragDistance; if (yvel < 0 && mDragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom) t -= mDragDistance; mDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), l, t); invalidate(); } /** * smoothly open surface. */ public void open() { open(true); } public void open(boolean smooth) { Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(true); if (smooth) { mDragHelper .smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), rect.left,; } else { getSurfaceView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); if (getShowMode() == ShowMode.PullOut) { Rect bRect = computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface( ShowMode.PullOut, rect); getBottomView().layout(bRect.left,, bRect.right, bRect.bottom); } dispatchRevealEvent(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left,; } invalidate(); } /** * smoothly close surface. */ public void close() { close(true); } /** * close surface * * @param smooth * smoothly or not. */ public void close(boolean smooth) { if (smooth) mDragHelper.smoothSlideViewTo(getSurfaceView(), getPaddingLeft(), getPaddingTop()); else { Rect rect = computeSurfaceLayoutArea(false); getSurfaceView().layout(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); dispatchRevealEvent(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom); dispatchSwipeEvent(rect.left,; } invalidate(); } public void toggle() { toggle(true); } public void toggle(boolean smooth) { if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Open) close(smooth); else if (getOpenStatus() == Status.Close) open(smooth); } /** * a helper function to compute the Rect area that surface will hold in. * * @param open * open status or close status. * @return */ private Rect computeSurfaceLayoutArea(boolean open) { int l = getPaddingLeft(), t = getPaddingTop(); if (open) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) l = getPaddingLeft() + mDragDistance; else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) l = getPaddingLeft() - mDragDistance; else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) t = getPaddingTop() + mDragDistance; else t = getPaddingTop() - mDragDistance; } return new Rect(l, t, l + getMeasuredWidth(), t + getMeasuredHeight()); } private Rect computeBottomLayoutAreaViaSurface(ShowMode mode, Rect surfaceArea) { Rect rect = surfaceArea; int bl = rect.left, bt =, br = rect.right, bb = rect.bottom; if (mode == ShowMode.PullOut) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) bl = rect.left - mDragDistance; else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) bl = rect.right; else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) bt = - mDragDistance; else bt = rect.bottom; if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left || mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) { bb = rect.bottom; br = bl + getBottomView().getMeasuredWidth(); } else { bb = bt + getBottomView().getMeasuredHeight(); br = rect.right; } } else if (mode == ShowMode.LayDown) { if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Left) br = bl + mDragDistance; else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Right) bl = br - mDragDistance; else if (mDragEdge == DragEdge.Top) bb = bt + mDragDistance; else bt = bb - mDragDistance; } return new Rect(bl, bt, br, bb); } private Rect computeBottomLayDown(DragEdge dragEdge) { int bl = getPaddingLeft(), bt = getPaddingTop(); int br, bb; if (dragEdge == DragEdge.Right) { bl = getMeasuredWidth() - mDragDistance; } else if (dragEdge == DragEdge.Bottom) { bt = getMeasuredHeight() - mDragDistance; } if (dragEdge == DragEdge.Left || dragEdge == DragEdge.Right) { br = bl + mDragDistance; bb = bt + getMeasuredHeight(); } else { br = bl + getMeasuredWidth(); bb = bt + mDragDistance; } return new Rect(bl, bt, br, bb); } private int dp2px(float dp) { return (int) (dp * getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density + 0.5f); } }