package org.holoeverywhere; import android.os.Build.VERSION; import android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES; public class HoloEverywhere { public static enum PreferenceImpl { JSON, XML } /** * When you call new activity it will be has parent activity theme */ public static boolean ALWAYS_USE_PARENT_THEME; /** * Print some debug lines in Log */ public static boolean DEBUG; /** * Disable any overscroll effects for views */ public static boolean DISABLE_OVERSCROLL_EFFECT; /** * Since 1.5 to preferences can be assigned id instead of key. But for * saving values in SharedPreferences using key, and it has next format: * * <pre> * preference_0x7fABCDEF * </pre> * * If it options true - key for the preference will be name of id row: * * <pre> * <Preference holo:id="@+id/myCoolPreference" /> * * Key for SharedPreferences: myCoolPreference * </pre> */ public static boolean NAMED_PREFERENCES; /** * Main package of HoloEverywhere */ public static final String PACKAGE; /** * Preference implementation using by default */ public static PreferenceImpl PREFERENCE_IMPL; /** * Wrap any context menu calls by native classes. Like it do ABS on Android * 4.0+ with options menu */ public static boolean WRAP_TO_NATIVE_CONTEXT_MENU; static { PACKAGE = HoloEverywhere.class.getPackage().getName(); DEBUG = false; ALWAYS_USE_PARENT_THEME = false; NAMED_PREFERENCES = true; DISABLE_OVERSCROLL_EFFECT = VERSION.SDK_INT < VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB; WRAP_TO_NATIVE_CONTEXT_MENU = VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB; PREFERENCE_IMPL = PreferenceImpl.XML; } private HoloEverywhere() { } }