package org.inferred.freebuilder.processor; import static; import; import; import; import; public enum ElementFactory { STRINGS( "String", "String", "!element.isEmpty()", "Cannot add empty string", "", "alpha", "beta", "cappa", "delta"), INTEGERS( "Integer", "int", "element >= 0", "Items must be non-negative", -4, 1, 3, 6, 10); private final String type; private final String unwrappedType; private final String validation; private final String errorMessage; private final Comparable<?> invalidExample; private final ImmutableList<Comparable<?>> examples; ElementFactory( String type, String unwrappedType, String validation, String errorMessage, Comparable<?> invalidExample, Comparable<?>... examples) { this.type = type; this.unwrappedType = unwrappedType; this.validation = validation; this.errorMessage = errorMessage; this.invalidExample = invalidExample; this.examples = ImmutableList.copyOf(examples); checkState(Ordering.natural().isOrdered(this.examples), "Examples must be in natural order (got %s)", this.examples); } public String type() { return type; } public String unwrappedType() { return unwrappedType; } public boolean canRepresentSingleNullElement() { return type.equals(unwrappedType); } public String validation() { return validation; } public String errorMessage() { return errorMessage; } public String invalidExample() { return toSource(invalidExample); } public String example(int id) { return toSource(examples.get(id)); } public String examples(int... ids) { return IntStream.of(ids).mapToObj(this::example).collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); } private static String toSource(Comparable<?> example) { if (example instanceof String) { return "\"" + example + "\""; } else { return example.toString(); } } @Override public String toString() { return type; } }